Chapter 64 - Attack of Hogsmeade 02.

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[Chapter Size: 2000 Words.]
Third Person POV




Hogsmeade was not having an ordinary day like every weekend when the streets filled with joyful students; the place was in chaos at this moment. This was due to the fact that, until a moment ago, everything was like any other weekend, with students roaming the streets and shops, buying some things and gossiping in their groups. Some were up to mischief with students from other houses, and others drank butterbeer while gathered at the Three Broomsticks making jokes at each other while laughing at the tavern tables.

However, the atmosphere was shattered the moment the first attack came, with a group of ninjas appearing atop brooms, sending magical blasts into the middle of the town. This quickly alerted all the citizens and students, who looked up as a group of people flew over the town and swiftly received those attacks before they could even react, causing shops and windows to explode as the street quickly became rubble with students and residents running away while many in the streets were wounded.

"Haha, let's finish them off!" One of the men flying and wearing a cloak with a hood, exclaimed in a malicious and evil tone, looking down with a smile.

"Remember, don't hurt the pure-bloods, focus only on that muggle-born trash." Another man there spoke, appearing to be the leader.

"Can we use curses?" Another woman exclaimed with a vivid tone.

"Yes, you may kill and torture, but we should capture some. Let's take them to torture them and bring them out publicly later, to show the world what happens to those who come without magic and to show what will happen to those who do not stand with our master," the other spoke.

"Let's go!" He spoke as he began to cast blasting spells, blowing up windows and chunks of building as they passed while they separated, the sky filling with dozens of dark wizards seeking to bring chaos to Hogsmeade.

"This is bad, we have to get out of here!!" muttered a Gryffindor student, as he ran out, abandoning his friends, he just wanted to survive.

However, he didn't seem to have made a good choice when he heard laughter behind him and looked up as someone hooded had targeted him. "Where do you think you're going?" the person on the broom spoke, and the boy, trembling, quickly grabbed his wand to turn around and try anything that would protect him, but before he could react, he received a blow making him leave the streets into an alley, while coughing feeling short of breath on the ground.

He saw his wand fallen and tried to reach for it, but before that, a gust of wind blew on his wand, making it fly away. He looked forward as the person who had attacked him was there now unhooded, showing a smile on a man who didn't seem to have been many years out of Hogwarts.

"Well, I'm going to start having fun with you here..." The dark wizard spoke and began to walk towards the boy, wanting to start torturing him.

"Please... no..." the student exclaimed nervously as almost no one knew what was about to happen in that alley. This was a scene that began to be common everywhere around the village.

"Someone call the teachers!" A student exclaimed on the other side of the town, before receiving a strike from an unforgivable curse, making him fall to the ground screaming while feeling the greatest pain in the world. The other students who saw were frightened and tried to flee from there, unable to even help their friend, just trying to save their own skins.

"Please, don't hurt me," a trembling boy shouted on the ground in another corner, while watching three people dismount from their brooms coming towards him calmly. He wanted to call for help from anyone before they could do that to him.

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