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The little boy losses consciousness for he can't take or handle what he just witnessed.

"Do whatever you want with the boy,i am keeping the mother" with that being said,the man leaves

"What should we do?" One of them asks

"He is of no use, tie his legs,we will let him drown in a nearby water source"

Tying the boy's legs,they take him to the car and drive off to a nearby bridge.

Taking the boy out of the car,they scan the area to make sure no one is watching but little did they know someone is hiding and watching everything unfold.

"Do it fast, we can't afford to get caught out here"

"It is already late dude who would be out here at this hour?" One of them questions

"Still, we cannot take any chances" the first one answers

Done with their little conversation,they toss the boy into the water letting it envelope him, they leave the scene after being satisfied with what they have done.

The woman who has been hiding comes out of her hiding spot and jumps into the water to rescue the boy.

Reaching the shore with the boy in her arms, she tries waking him up

"Wake up please........... Please wake up"


"So when are we going to put this wine brand out on the market?" One of the board members asks

Everyone diverts their attention to their boss who seems to be in his own bubble

His delicate fingers caressing his jawline,his gaze fixated elsewhere,the young man sitting next to him clears his throat and speaks

"Sir,the question is directed to you"

( silence)

The young man secretly pinches his boss making him flinch and glare at him

"The hell Alex?!!"

Everyone except for alex flinch from the unexpected outburst, Alex gives his boss a knowing look making him realize what he has done.

Alex speaks " When is the wine going on the market, that is the question you are expected to answer Mr Park"

"Uh... In two days time" he says

"I believe that is a wrap for today's meeting, you can all leave"

Everyone gathers his or her belongings and exit the room leaving Alex with Mr Park

"What was on your mind Jimin?" Alex inquires

"Nothing" Jimin answers his tone dismissive and Alex knows that, is the end of the conversation, he can't ask further because he knows he won't be answered.

"Okay, you going home early today?"

Jimin sighs before he answers "No,i have things to take care of"

"Does that mean i have to stay back too? I am your bodyguard right?" He asks in his whining voice but stops as soon as a glare is sent his way from Jimin.

"Staying it is....... I am not complaining" he smiles

Jimin sighs and massages his temple before getting off the chair and heading back to his office with Alex following behind.

Park Jimin, a young successful businessman who has gone through hell since childhood but he survived it still, he has built a wall around that seems difficult to bring down, the only person he is close to,whom he can comfortably say is his friend, is Alex because Alex understands him, he understands why he does the things he does. He has a calm demeanor but will not spare you if you mess with him.

"By the way, we have competition, a new wine company has been opened in town, we only had one but now we have too companies to deal with" Alex says as he makes himself comfortable on one of the leather couches in Jimin's office.

"Are you scared?" Jimin questions

"Scared? Why would i be?"

"Alex, we had one competition but we were still on top, the coming in of this other company should make us find new strategies and improve our business in order to maintain the position, nothing to fear" Jimin says as he makes himself a glass of wine

"You are right"

"Good" he takes a sip from his glass

"Your mom called..... She said you should call her once you are free, she has been calling you but you aren't picking up"

Sighs " i will call her back"

"I will leave now" Alex leaves the office

Jimin takes out his phone and sees he really has missed calls, calling her back she answers after the second ring

"Hello Jimin"


"Why didn't you answer my calls?"

"Was in a meeting"

"That explains it"

"Why were you calling?"

"Oh.... Uh, i want you to come to my house for dinner today, i miss you"

"Does it really have to be today?"

"Yes, i understand you have been busy but please, i miss you dear"

Massages his temple "Okay, Will make myself available"

"Thank you sweetie, bye now, take care"

"You too Ma"

Putting his phone down on the table after the phone call, he continues to log in to his computer and looks at some files.

* * *

"Jimin!!" The middle aged woman exclaims as Jimin enters her house, giving him a tight hug which he reciprocate

"Okay, that's enough..... I can't breathe properly"

"Oh, sorry" she pulls away and smiles at him who smiles back but his smile does not reach his eyes.

"Are you okay?" She asks, she knows how he is, how his past continues to haunt him, she wants to take it away from him, to make him smile, the kind of smile that will reach his eyes but he makes it difficult for her with the way he continues to lock himself in his self built wall.

"I am okay Ma, are you?"

"Now that you are here to see me, i am"


She reads his features closely and Jimin seems to sense what is going on in her mind as he answers the unasked question

"The nightmares are still there, especially of him dying but the man remains a mystery only his voice, i can't make out his features properly and it is killing me......."

"Don't stress yourself please, you can't fall sick, you are my only child"

"I will find him though and he will pay for what he made me go through"

"Okay, enough talk, i prepared your favorite,lets go eat"

"I hope it is not poisoned"

"Oh shut it"

Jimin releases a chuckle making her smile as she drags him towards the dining table. She is the only one that makes him feel safe apart from Alex at times, ever since he got saved on that fateful night by her, she found a son in him and he found a mother in her. Though not biological, but the bond is there and it is unbreakable.


There you have it 💜

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