24 7 11

Warning!! This chapter contains violence.

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"Why are you here Alex?" Jimin asks after seeing Alex just standing by the door saying nothing.

Snapping back to reality, Alex moves his gaze from Ara to Jimin before replying "i was looking for you, there is a problem." Jimin gives him a questioning stare "the data i had is lost."

"What data?"

"The wine recipe and ingredients."

The room falls silent as Jimin processes what Alex just said, after a moment, he strides out of the kitchen, bidding his mother farewell, he leaves together with Alex.

* * *

"How?" Jimin finally asks after reaching his house and logging in to his laptop and checking if he still has the data "someone must have known my password and even that of the vintner because his is lost too." Alex informs "it is still here" Jimin says after checking on his laptop "but we cannot guarantee that on the computer back at the office it is still in." Alex adds

"This is frustrating, someone is working for the enemy, where is Josh?" Jimin inquires

"Investigating how the vintner's data got lost, i told him to."

"We have to get to the bottom of this, they will surely release that wine and this time around we will focus on the company that releases it." Jimin says as he rubs his forehead and releases a sigh.

"You need rest it seems" Alex says

"I will pass"

"Sleep Jimin, we will handle it tomorrow"

Alex says as he moves towards Jimin's bedside table, pouring water in the cup and taking out the usual sleeping pills that Jimin uses when he wants to have a deep sleep and handing them to him.

"Here, sleep okay, don't stress"

"Fine" shutting his laptop down, Jimin gulps down the medicine before getting up to go change in his baggy pants.

"Goodnight" Alex lets out before leaving the room.

"I will get to the bottom of this" Jimin says before drifting off to sleep.

* * *

Immersed in whatever she is doing on her laptop, Lauren groans as soon as her doorbell breaks the silence "who could it be at this hour?" she leaves her room and makes it to the door, she opens the door and there stands a person in all black, mask on, big coat, hat and boots.

"How may i help you?"

The man slowly turns and Lauren's eyes widen after she realizes who it is "no" she thinks fast as she closes the door but unfortunately, the man holds it and pushes it open.

"No no, please...... Get out" she stammers, it seems the man is not listening because he continues to walk near her making her run for the kitchen and the first thing her hands land on is the knife.

"Stay....... Away from me!! I mean it...... Else, i will kill you!!"

The man forcefully takes the knife and slaps her, hard making the corner of her lips bleed before he drags her back to the sitting room.

"Let me go!! Please!! Let go...." She cries out but the man plays no mind as he continues to violently drag her.

"Sssssh" he darkly shushes her before tossing her on the sofa and hovering over her.

"No.... Please don't.... Please don't!!"

The man chokes her before leaning near her ear and whispering another "ssssh" making Lauren shudder, gathering enough strength, Lauren kicks the man off her "I said let go!!"


"Let go!!!" Lauren screams as she wakes up shaking, cheeks damped with tears forehead a river of sweat.

"The nightmare" she cries, really hard before taking her phone and calling the first person on her mind, whom she believes will make her feel better.


"This is what my enemies get....... Death"

He smirks as he pulls the trigger releasing the bullet which hits Mr Park between his eyes causing his death.



Jimin violently wakes up, breathing heavily, sweat running down his forehead, he looks around and heaves out a sigh after he realizes he is in his room on his bed. Wiping the stray tear on his face, Jimin gulps down the water he pours in his glass and tries to calm down, he takes his phone and thinks of calling Lauren, he does not know why he thought of her, maybe it is because the lady makes him comfortable and calm as he is about to dial her his phone rings and her name is displayed on the screen and his heart skips which surprises him.

"H... Hello Jimin" Lauren's voice comes out soft hitting Jimin's eardrum and somehow, it calms him down.


"I am sorry for disturbing your sleep"

"No, you did not disturb, i was not sleeping"

"Why is that?"

"I knew you would call and here we are" he playfully says to lighten the mood as he senses she may not be fine making her chuckle and Jimin chuckles with her that made her feel  better, made both of them feel better.

"The moon is beautiful right?" Lauren asks and Jimin gets off his bed and opens the door to his balcony breathing in the fresh air he lets his eyes land on the moon and it makes him smile.

"Yes, it is beautiful"

'So are you' he thinks to himself and that made him blush 'that is not appropriate Jimin' he tells himself in his head.

"Why are you up this late?" He questions while still looking at the beautiful moon.

"I had a nightmare.... And i thought of you"

Jimin feels his heart beat accelerate

"Thank you for calling me, i hope i will make you feel better."

"You are, your voice is...... Calming"

She is saying what Jimin himself would have said making him feel warm inside, there is an unspoken tension sipping through and both can feel it and they now it.

Ever since Lauren came in his life, she came in with this calming aura he cannot seem to understand why it affects him, he wants her to stay and he is willing to do anything and everything to make her stay, though the voice in his head keeps telling him the feeling can be dangerous.

Same goes for her, she never expected Jimin to be the person she would want to talk to everyday, expose her vulnerable side to but just like the calming aura she brought him, he brought to her just as much and they can feel their friendship getting stronger with no doubts attached.


Happy anniversary Army 💜 i am so happy to be in this fandom full of amazing people. Let us continue loving, supporting and praying for the Seven amazing men that brought us together through their music

 Let us continue loving, supporting and praying for the Seven amazing men that brought us together through their music

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Apobangpo 🥰💞💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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