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Jimin runs into his mom's house and goes straight to her room upstairs, he can't help but feel scared after the phone call with Alex that she suddenly began coughing and lost consciousness. Reaching the room, Jimin finds their doctor gathering his stuff meaning his work was done.

"How is she?" He asks as he tries to gain oxygen.

"She will be fine Mr. Park, she was not seriously harmed because she did not consume much of the food and she received medical help in time." The doctor informs before bowing and taking his leave.

"Food?" Jimin asks before looking at Ara who is sitting beside Mrs. Kang, going to her, Jimin makes her stand with his hand gripping her arm in a painful way "what did you do?" The question comes out dangerously "nothing, i did nothing" Ara responds but Jimin does not release her "you are the one in charge of anything and everything she wants including the food, what. Did. You. Do?"

"I am telling you i did nothing, it was a strong allergic reaction and i know what she is allergic to so i believe i am not dumb enough to risk her life with a son like you in her life." Ara finishes and Jimin loosens his grip though he still has doubts but part of what Ara just said is convincing "then who did if you claim yourself to be innocent?" Jimin inquires, gaze still burning Ara alive but she looks in his eyes not letting them intimidate her right now.

"We are to find out" Alex intervenes

"I am not the one Jimin, i can never do that to her" Ara adds

Exhaling deeply, Jimin sits beside Mrs. Kang and takes her hand in his, he feels at ease seeing she was not badly harmed but he still feels scared for her. He needs to know who is responsible and if it turns out to be Ara, he swears to send her to her grave without blinking.

The room falls into heavy silence as Ara observes Jimin caress his mother's hair smoothly, his movements so gentle like he is not the same man that wanted to bury her alive minutes ago, she can really admit she admires this bond. Her train of thoughts is disturbed by Alex who clears his throat "you are staring too much miss" he teases and Ara look up at him "i am not."

"Lies, it is clear from my view."

"I was just thinking, nothing much"

"I see, if it is about Jimin doubting you, don't think about it too much."

"He has never liked me so, i understand, it is no big deal."

"Well......" Before Alex could finish, Jimin interrupts "there is more space for chit-chat outside this room."

"Sorry" Alex apologizes as he shares a glance with Ara.

"Where is Josh?" Jimin asks

"He went to the office, there are some files i told him to drop off at your house." Alex informs

"Right, work" he sighs "you can leave, i will stay with her" Jimin adds

Nodding, Alex together with Ara make their way out of the room leaving the son and mother duo.

* * *

Sitting on the bench in the garden, Jimin takes a sip of alcohol in his glass and closes his eyes to try and relax. Ara stands by the door that leads to the garden where Jimin is, she just stood there observing him, she can sense he is thinking hard and is stressed, she makes her way towards him "hey" she says in her soft voice and Jimin looks at her "i want to be alone" Jimin simply says.

As if what Jimin said was carried away by the wind and did not reach her ears, Ara sits beside him "i said, i want to be alone" he repeats

"I heard"

"So why are you still here?"

"Jimin look, i really did not do that to your mom."

"I heard you, you can leave."

"I want to find out who is responsible, that is if you allow me to."

Jimin looks at her and they make eye contact for sometime before they both look away "you think you can do it?" He asks mockery evident in his voice making Ara click her tongue.

"Don't underestimate me."

"Well i am underestimating you."

"Jimin, don't judge a book by its cover, you don't know what i can do."

There is silence between them as Jimin processes Ara's words that came out determined and they stay like that for a while before Jimin breaks it "okay, since you are so confident, you can go ahead and besides, you could have started without my permission." He finishes with a sip from his glass.

"It can be someone in this house, someone close to you and knows everything about your mom, what she likes and what she doesn't."

"You know everything too."

Rolling her eyes, Ara sighs before continuing "stop it, i am serious here, your mom is a good woman that is why i am determined to find that person."

"Had it been she was bad, you would have done otherwise?"

"Nope, i would have done the same."

"You have never done this before, won't you be in danger if the person finds out?"

Ara chuckles, catching Jimin off guard and annoying him further by taking the glass of alcohol from his hand and gulping the whole thing before looking straight into his eyes, their faces close before she speaks in a low serious tone "danger? I know how to take care of myself, thank you very much."

"Fine then, do you."

Ara smirks and it just caught Jimin off guard even more he has never seen this side of hers before, where is this confidence coming from? She is behaving oddly bold and he can't help but wonder what else this young woman can do that he is not aware of.

Putting distance between them Ara stands on her feet and face Jimin who is staring back at her with an unreadable expression "i will appreciate if you keep this between us" she says "i am not dumb Ara, i know what to do in these situations, you do your thing."

With that being said, Ara turns to leave but stops after seeing Alex standing by the door with an unreadable expression but composes himself after making eye contact with Ara who smiles at him "Alex." Jimin turns to Alex.

"You want anything?" Ara inquires

"Jimin.... Your mom is awake."

Upon hearing that, Jimin gets to his feet and rush to his mother's room after thanking Alex for letting him know.

"You okay Alex?" Ara asks after observing him

"Yeah" he answers dryly before making his way out of the house leaving a puzzled Ara behind.

"That is a lie Alex" she says to herself.


Please like and comment staying silent is making me feel like i am not writing a good story and it is discouraging. Thank you for reading 💜

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