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Notice : I forgot to add in the last chapter that Ara gathered the evidence by hacking everyone's phone and found suspicious messages in Cheng's.

                             * * *

Jimin and Lauren sit on the couch on the terrace, enjoying the starry night in each others comfort.

Jimin keeps glancing at Lauren from time to time, his mind traveling without his permission. Lauren looks at him after feeling being stared at.

"What's wrong?" She asks after sipping the wine in her glass.

"Nothing" Jimin says

"Are you sure? Because i can feel your gaze on me, do i look that attractive tonight?" Lauren boldly says catching Jimin off guard and that makes him smile in amusement.

"Maybe extra." He lets out softly making Lauren feel hot and she looks away from him.

Silence engulfs them again but this time around, Lauren is the one glancing at Jimin, he smiles at that but it fades as soon as Lauren touches his hand absentmindedly.

Lauren snaps out of it and tries to remove her hand but Jimin holds it in his firmly before smiling at her and she smiles back. The skin ship bringing in hotness and somewhat, excitement?

"You have a beautiful smile and i mean it." Lauren says and Jimin brings his hand to caress her cheeks the action making them come closer than they already are "yours is too, smile often." Jimin tells.

Glancing at her lips, he gulps as  his heartbeat accelerates, going back to the dream he had the other night, he feels his ears burn.

Both Lauren and Jimin don't understand why they are allowing themselves have this kind of proximity, they have had skin ships before yes, but there is  something about this unexpected skip ship today under the moonlight and they both have the urge to find out what it is.

Moving closer and closer until their breaths mingle. They scream at themselves to move away but they don't bring themselves to do exactly that, instead, they moves even closer to each other until their foreheads touch and noses brush.

Stopping right there, they both close their eyes, waiting for the other to proceed, as if being controlled by the same mind, they close the gap at the same time, attaching their lips in a soft peck at first before allowing the lips to fully embrace each other.

Being on cloud nine is how they are feeling right now, Lauren moves her hands in Jimin's soft hair as he brings his hand to rest on the small of her back causing a tingling sensation run through. Nibbling on each other's lips, bodies reacting with minds of their own, they find themselves laying down on the couch with Jimin hovering over her.

Completely lost in the moment of lips dancing together, Lauren breaks the contact suddenly by pushing Jimin not in a hush way though, leaving him completely confused.

"I..... This...... This is wrong..... " Lauren breaths out.

"What do you mean?" Jimin asks softly while trying to catch his breath.

"I need to leave." With that being said, Lauren leaves, not waiting for Jimin to say anything and he just sits there, completely confused, and hurt.

"Did i do something wrong?"

* * *

"Hey" Ara looks back at her bedroom door and sees Alex standing there with a smile on his face.

"Uh, hey"

"Are you busy?" He asks while scratching the back of his neck.

"Not really, why?"

"Well..... I wanted to say thank you and good job."

Ara smiles at that "i had to do it but thanks though."


Alex lets his mind wander back to his suspension about Jimin and Ara's relation.

"I want to ask you something." He finally breaks the silence.

"Go on."

Hesitating abit, Alex heaves out a sigh before proceeding "what is your relation with Jimin?"

Ara looks at him slightly puzzled "what do you mean?"

"Uh..... I mean, are you dating?" He elaborates and Ara chuckles after sometime and loud laughter follows.

"What makes you think that?" She asks him.

"Well..... You two seemed close these past few days, something that is unlike you both...... So i was just curious." He shrugs

"If we are, what are you going to do about that?" Ara asks after her laughter dies down and is all serious now. Alex feels hurt taking over but he controls before answering "i.... I don't know."

Ara observes him and lets out "nothing is going on between us, it was all about finding out who poisoned Mrs. Kang and besides, i think i like someone else." She boldly says before smiling at him. Alex can swear his heart did a backflip.

"And who is that?"

"Are you sure you want to know?" She teasingly asks with a sly smirk on her lips.

"I am, every sure as a matter of fact."

"You will get to know but, not now...... Sooner or later."

Alex was about to say something but Mrs. Kang's sudden appearance makes him pause.

"Ara my dear." She hugs the young lady and smile at her lovingly.

"Thank you for what you have done, the threat is finally out of our lives now and it is because of your skills."

"Don't thank me, you have helped me a lot and i cannot allow harm befall you." Ara tells

"I have been wondering, how do you posses such skills? You did all of this smoothly."

Ara stays still for a while before answering "uh.... I learnt about hacking back in school, yeah."

Alex observes her abit but says nothing.

"And it paid off." Mrs. Kang exclaims "lets go out for dinner, all of us, Alex you are coming with." She adds

"Where is Josh by the way?"

* * *

"Okay......... Thank you for the information, will transfer the money to your account ......... Bye" Josh disconnects the call and puts the phone away before turning his attention back to his laptop screen.

"Hm" he hums thoughtfully at the new  information he has received. Working further to connect the dots in his findings and the new information brought to him, his eyes widened as soon as he manages to understand it all.

"So this is the truth?"

He nods his head in understanding and a laugh escapes his mouth before he stops and looks intensely at the screen.

"It is time to get read of you my friend." He smirks

* * *

Lauren lays on her bed, mind drifting off to Jimin and the kiss they shared, she feels restless, how could she allow herself get carried away like that? How? She asks and scolds herself.

"Ugh!!" She clenches her blanket in her fists.

Just then, her phone rings, and the name *JIMIN* is displayed on the screen, she fights the urge to answer the call.

After three more rings, a notification pops up indicating a message and it is from Jimin, she reads it but does not reply, guilt engulfing her. It reads........

'Talk to me Lauren, did i do something wrong?' 



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