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The next day in the afternoon after work, Jimin together with Alex head to Mrs. Kang's house, Alex told Jimin he just wants to go see Mrs. Kang but that is not the full truth, he wants to see Ara too and to top it all, his curiosity about Jimin and Ara's sudden closeness getting to his head.

Getting into the house, the boys find themselves in the warm embrace of Mrs. Kang, she missed them, but Jimin the most, her ONLY son.

"You did not tell me you are coming sweetie." She smiles sweetly at Jimin as Alex looks around for Ara.

"The reason is important Ma, that's why i am here."

"You look more lively than usual, what has been going on in your life?"

Jimin finds himself smiling but he composes himself making his mother curiously smile at him but she does not say anything else because she knows Jimin won't tell anyways.

"Come sit."

"Uh, where is Ara?" Jimin asks, Alex looks up at him upon hearing the name come out of Jimin's mouth "she is upstairs, why?" Mrs. Kang questions "anything wrong?" She adds

"No, not at all" Just then Ara comes down from the stairs and her eyes lock with Jimin's, Alex feels his heart sting as he observes the two clearly communicate with just the eye contact. Ara looks at Alex and she smiles at him, he returns it with a small one.

"Jimin was just asking for you." Mrs. Kang speaks "oh...... Come with me." Ara says to Jimin without a second thought, Mrs. Kang and Alex look at the pair with brows furrowed "What is going on?" Alex finally asks "you are hiding something, that is for sure." He adds

Ara looks back at Jimin and he looks at her too "should i?" She asks him and Jimin nods, sighing, Ara begins "the thing is, i have found the person responsible for your allergic reaction Mrs. Kang, after a thorough investigation."

"You have?" Alex asks while sitting up and standing beside Jimin.

"I have." Ara informs "who is it?" Jimin asks

"Well, according to my investigation, all evidence point out to............. Cheng."

All eyes widen, they never expected the name, not at all, cheng has been working for Mrs. Kang as her bodyguard for over two years now, he is one of the guys in the good books well not until now.

"No way." Mrs. Kang speaks in disbelief "are you sure?" Alex asks making Ara roll her eyes "i cannot be lying unless i did not do my work properly which i believe is impossible."

"Where is he?" Jimin asks, just then, Josh walks in, eyes on his phone as he concentrates on whatever is on the screen, he stops in his steps after observing the people standing in front of him.

"What is going on?" He inquires while putting his phone away into his pants pocket.

"Where is Cheng?" Jimin throws the question at Josh "i saw him outside, why?"

"Call him."

"Is everything okay?"

"Just go call him." Jimin lets out, anger dripping from his tone and Josh makes his way out to go call Cheng.

After some minutes, Josh walks In together with Cheng "here he is."

"Yes Mr. Park?" Cheng Speaks, oblivious to the anger in the atmosphere at the moment, Jimin takes slow intimidating steps towards him and Cheng unconsciously moves backwards while Josh goes to stand next to Alex.

"Tell me it was not you." Jimin says in a low yet audible tone.

"Regarding?" Cheng asks

"My mom's attack, was it really you that caused her unexpected allergic reaction?"

"Wh.... What, no" Cheng says, eyes widen in shock "i could never think of that, never....... Trust me."

"But the evidence says otherwise." Ara intervenes.

"I swear...... Something is wrong somewhere, i can never do that to Mrs. Kang, she has been nothing but good to me."

"Exactly, she has been good to you and you stubbed her in the back!!" Jimin angrily lets out "i did not." Cheng says, voice sincere "You know i hate being lied to." Cheng looks Jimin in the eyes before saying "i did not."

Without warning, Jimin takes Cheng's gun from his back and points it at him, making the man tremble "Speak."

"Jimin, i don't think that is a good idea, i already called the police, don't take matters into your own hands." Ara speaks and Alex agrees, sighing in defeat, Jimin lowers the gun.

Soon the police arrives and handcuffs Cheng, looking back at Jimin, Cheng Speaks "you have the wrong person, the right one is hiding among you....... With my little observations for the fast years, i am sure that person could be working for the enemy."

Cheng finishes before obediently going with the police that is after looking behind Jimin for a while. Turning to see what Cheng was looking at, Jimin comes face to face with the two people Standing there. Alex and Josh..............


Jimin makes his way to his house after Lauren calls him telling him the guard at the gate is refusing to let her in. It slipped Jimin's mind that Lauren told him she will be coming to his place tonight on the phone call they had yesterday and he gave her his address.

Jimin informed the guards to let her in and let her wait for him in the sitting room and offer her what she would like to have. This was a surprise to the guard and his colleagues of course because Jimin has never brought a girl home and it surprised himself too, why Lauren?

After arriving home, Jimin asks where Lauren was after not finding her on the sitting room as he expected. Jimin makes his way to his room to change after being told Lauren asked for the restroom.

As he is walking down the hallway to his room, Jimin hears some noises coming from his study room 'who is in there?' He thinks.

Jimin opens the door to the study room and there stood a figure in the dimly lit room, switching the lights on, he comes face to face with a startled Lauren, book in hand.

"It's you, you scared me." She breaths out before turning back to put the book where she found it.

"Why are you in here?" Jimin questions curiously, eyes narrowed.

"Oh, i was looking for a novel to read just to pass time while waiting for you because well, you were taking forever." She shrugs with a smile.

"Well, unlucky you, i don't have any."

"I can tell after scanning these bookshelves." She pouts making Jimin chuckle.

"Come on, lets go back downstairs." He smiles at her as she smiles back.

The two leave the room after switching the lights back off.


Thank you for reading 💜

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