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Mrs. Kang is in her garden with Ara engaged in a conversation and laughing anytime something laughable is said, they have grown fond of each other a little too quickly than expected maybe that is because Mrs. Kang is the type to make friends easily.

"There is no way that really happened" Ara says as her laughter dies down.

"Well it did, i really fell infront of those boys, it was so embarrassing" Mrs. Kang says facepalming herself and shaking her head making Ara laugh even more.

"Uh.... what's funny?" They both turn their heads to see who just spoke, Mrs. Kang smiles widely before standing up to hug the young man who walks towards them and hugs her back gently.

"Hello Alex" Mrs. Kang softly lets out

"Hey, how are you?"

"I am good and i hope you are fine too"

"I am" Alex lands his eyes on Ara who is watching him and Mrs. Kang with a curious gaze which Alex can't help but return "and she is?" Alex inquires.

"Oh, i forgot, Alex meet Ara my PA and Ara meet Alex, Jimin's friend"

Alex and Ara share a small acknowledging bow, Alex can't help but let his eyes linger on Ara for a while before he averts them back to Mrs. Kang

"I brought you fruits, Jimin said you need them"

"He cannot be for real, i asked for fruits a week ago, i needed him to come see me, so i made a story of wanting fruits bought by him" She sighs shaking her head in disbelief and Alex laughs.

"Always forgetful" Alex says "but you still need the fruits right?" He adds to which Mrs. Kang agrees to.

"Though we already have enough, adding won't hurt"

"So Ara, when did you start here?" Alex speaks "uh..... Days ago" she answers "you have met my boss right?" Ara looks at him with a slightly puzzled expression "i mean Jimin" Alex elaborates "oh him, yeah i have, though it was not quite a good encounter" Ara says as she rubs her nape while looking down making Mrs. Kang let out a giggle, remembering how Jimin got annoyed after realizing he was not hugging his mom that day.

"Am i missing something?" Alex questions and Mrs. Kang nods making him more curious "should i have a seat? You have to tell me all about it you know" Alex smiles as he says. Ara looks at Mrs. Kang pleading with her eyes not to tell and back at Alex who is surprisingly looking back at her with a certain interest which he himself does not realize and Ara can swear  her heart skipped.

Just then they hear  Jimin's voice from inside the house "Ma!" Jimin calls out as he makes himself comfortable on the couch "hey sweetie" Mrs. Kang sits beside him and gives Jimin a small hug, looking around, Jimin's eyes fall on Ara who is standing next to Alex and he cannot help but roll his eyes making Ara scoff and mumble "attitude" which did not go unheard by Jimin's sharp ears of course and he looks back at her " what did you just say" he questions

"Jimin don't start" Mrs. Kang says as she holds Jimin's hand

"I don't like her" Jimin says, he still has this feeling at the back of his mind telling him not to trust her and he can't help but listen to his instincts.

"I don't like you too" Ara speaks unexpectedly making everyone snap their heads in her direct, Jimin rolls his tongue inside his cheek before letting it wet his bottom lip as he lets out a dark scoff "i am not expecting you to and don't taste my patience, i can make you leave this house in seconds"

"What is wrong with you? Don't think you can intimidate me with your attitude besides, you are not my boss, she is and stop acting childish because you are suspicious of me........ Sorry Mrs. Kang but your son is so mean and i cannot tolerate it somehow"

"Then get out, leave" Jimin says

"Enough, Jimin please, i am safe with her, you cannot be like this to my employees, i understand you have trust issues but i assure you she is harmless" Mrs. Kang intervenes before one of them says anything else, this just infuriates Jimin even more, he can't help it, he knows this argument is childish because let's be for real, there is nothing serious here that can make two grown human beings get in a heated argument but their egos feel otherwise.

"She is manipulating you right?"

"Excuse you?" Ara asks

"Okay, that is enough i believe..... Jimin, lets go back to your house, yeah?" Alex says

"Don't lose your cool over this, hm?" Adds Mrs. Kang

Jimin goes back to his feet and looks in Ara's direction with a furious gaze maybe we can say the love he has for his mother is making him think irrationally but he does not care "i will go on my own Alex" he says as he makes his way out of the house. Mrs. Kang sighs, she understands his worries but she needs him to know that not everyone out there is up to no good but it looks like it will take her a little while to do that.

* * *

Jimin continues to drive, window rolled down letting the night air caress his skin as he tries to calm down, he wants to trust Ara but something keeps telling him not to "her story does not sound so convincing to me and yet again, she could be real because it can really happen to someone and her background is clean, forget it Jimin, forget it."

He suddenly steps on his brake upon seeing a person infront of his car who lets out a painful scream. Furious, Jimin step out of his car "you want to die?! Didn't you see my car co...." He pauses seeing the person crunching down on the road, hand on  leg as they apologetically say "i am sorry..... I did not mean... To"

"Lauren?" Jimin whispers but it seems the girl did not catch that, collecting himself, Jimin goes near her "let me help taking you to the hospital" Lauren looks up at him and their faces become extremely close making Jimin stand back up straight. "Tha.. Thank you" Lauren says, Jimin hesitantly holds her hand helping her to his car as she limps and soon he drives off to the nearby hospital.


"Thank you for taking me to the hospital" Lauren says while looking at Jimin who has his eyes on the road, her eyes linger on his side profile a bit, studying how his jawline is and how his skin is growing under the streetlights whenever the car reaches one, she can't help but feel her cheeks burn as she looks away.

"No need for that" Jimin Says his voice calm "where do you leave, i should drop you off" he states, eyes still on the road "keep driving, i will tell you when to turn or stop" Lauren says and Jimin just hums.

The whole ride was quiet and Lauren took that as a sign that Jimin was not the type to talk much.

"I am Lauren by the way" Jimin looks at her and their gaze meet, they both can't help but internally admire how beautiful each other's eyes are.

"Jimin, Park Jimin."

Silence engulfs them again as they don't have anything else to talk about, only turn lefts or turn rights until they reach Lauren's house.


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