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"What a day..." The elderly man sighs as he occupies his office chair and remove his glasses, soon after, a young man walks in and the man smiles at him.

"Welcome back boss" The young man says as he sits on the couch in the office.

"Any news on Park?" The elderly man asks

"Yes, there is a girl in his life now and i think she is more than a friend." He smirks before adding "She could be his breaking point, who knows?" The young man shrugs.

"What are you trying to say?"

"Mr. Kim, we can use her to threaten Jimin and maybe, just maybe, he will leave this business and you will be the only one with the most successful wine company and stay on top just like you have always wanted." He finishes.

"What makes you think he can sacrifice his business for her safety?" Mr. Kim asks

The young man lets out a chuckle "It is obvious he is become attached to her, falling for her even."

"Hmm....... I see, do what you think is right and don't get caught." Mr. Kim warns.

"About that......... I was almost caught." The young man chuckles nervously owning a glare from Mr. Kim.

"But don't worry, i took care of it, everything is good now." He adds

"What happened?"

"The girl i told you about, the one leaving with Mrs. Kang, she is something more that being a mere personal assistant to Mrs. Kang, i mean she managed to hack everyone's phone." Mr. Kim looks at him amused.

"But i happened to know her plan before she got to hack mine and good thing i use too phones, so she hacked the one that is well known to everyone and has no details of our conversations, i had to do a few tricks myself too, ended up hacking one of the guard's phone and all the suspicious messages were found on his phone." He sighs

"I see..... If she is posing a threat, you know what to do." Mr. Kim simply states and the young man nods.

"Anything else?"

"Not really" The young man answers and Mr. Kim leans back in his chair before letting out "Why are the Parks a pain in the neck? They should understand i am the only one allowed to be on top in this business if they want peace, first the father, now the son whom i thought was taken care of back then but the idiots didn't do their job right." He clicks his tongue in annoyance.

"I won't give up......."

* * *

Jimin parks his car outside Lauren's house before getting off and locking it afterwards, he moves closer and closer to the door with hesitation, he has not seen or spoken to her after that kiss and he does not know if she will welcome him but it is safe to try than give up without even trying, so he musters all courage and rings the doorbell.

After waiting a little, he hears the door being opened and there stands Lauren with a surprised expression on her face, of course she would be surprised, she did not expect him there.

"Can i come in?" Jimin asks to which she responds with a nod and allowing him in, closing the door after.

"What would you like to have?" She asks while trying to keep herself busy and hide her nervousness by arranging the papers scattered on the coffee table but Jimin notices anyways.

"A conversation" He simply states before moving closer to her.

"I want as to talk." He adds

"Let me... Make coffee first then." She turns to go make coffee but Jimin holds her wrist and pulls out the chair near her before sitting her down and occupying the one next to hers himself.

"That won't be necessary."

"Okay, go on." Lauren says

"Why are you avoiding me? Did some wrong that made you decide not to answer my calls or reply to my messages? Tell me Lauren." He quietly lets out, looking at her in search of an answer.

"I.... Jimin.."

"The kiss?" He interrupts "Lauren, i get if it took you by surprise, we are friends and that was something that happened......... Unplanned, i did not plan it and you did not either, maybe you feel guilty that that kiss will ruin the friendship we have been Building, it will not Lauren." Jimin says before holding her hand in his and he feels the nervousness from her.

"Do you regret it Lauren?" Lauren looks up at him and her heart skips looking at his mesmerizing eyes but before she could make up her mind on what to say Jimin speaks.

"Because i don't....."

That is all it takes for her to smile up at him, pushing all the negativity out of her mind, is she happy he did not regret that kiss? She is, and did she regret it?

"I didn't either." She says "I was just scared Jimin, scared that that act would make me grow attached to you more and more that there will be no going back, i don't want you hurt Jimin, that is why i had to fight it by staying away from you, from this emotion being birthed around us........ Whatever it is Jimin, i feel it will hurt you, hurt us.." Lauren finishes with a sigh.

"Why is that? I understand you are scared, so am i, this is new to me Lauren but i am ready to give it a try." He softly says.

"It is not that simple for me Jimin, this feels wrong........ Really wrong." Her voice comes out as a whisper at the end.

"I am not trying to rush things between you and i, i want us to not allow that kiss kill whatever bond we are forming Lauren, okay?" Jimin smiles a little at her, trying to convince her to not let her fears get the better of her no matter what is triggering them. A part of him is happy that she did not regret that kiss either.

Lauren pulls Jimin closer, hugging him tightly and inhaling his scent, she blocks off all the voices in her head telling her to keep her distance, she missed him and she is fulfilling what her heart wants and not her mind, that is to just hug him so close to herself and Jimin wastes no time as he hugs her just as tight, this feels right, she feels right.

Though he is still trying to figure out this new feeling, though he is scared himself, he can't help but hope for the best to come out of it.

"Can i stay here?" Jimin asks, not releasing her.

"You want to?"

"Yeah, very."

"Do you like cuddles? Cause i think i might be up for it."

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