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Two weeks have gone by and it looks like Jimin is becoming closer to Lauren than he expected or planned, the girl just makes him feel calm and ready to get out of his comfort zone. It may seem too soon but it looks like time has other plans. Just like right now, Jimin is with Lauren in his car.

"Where are we going again?" Jimin breaks the silence "just a long drive to feel relaxed" Lauren answers "you could have gone alone" Jimin says as he looks at her "i wanted company and you are the only one i could think of" she shrugs "why is that?" Jimin asks with a hint of playfulness in his tone catching Lauren off guard, she has never witnessed him speaking in that tone though they don't know each other that well. Unconsciously, Lauren's lips form a smile as she decides to answer with a playful tone as well.

"You want to know?"

Jimin looks at her catching on what she is trying to do and a smile threatens to form on his lips but he suppresses it by biting his lip.

"I do"

"Well" Lauren's eyes land on Jimin's lip which is between his teeth and she gulps before looking away "i don't know either" Jimin lets out a chuckle "i see, you will tell me someday"

"Oh really?"

"Mhm, i just know it"

"Oh.... Ice cream, please stop, i would like to get ice cream"

"Uh, okay" Jimin pulls over and Lauren gets out of the car with an excited smile as she looks back at Jimin "what flavor do you like?" Jimin looks at her with a thinking face making her giggle because he looks like a kid "any flavor will do i guess" he shrugs making Lauren playfully roll her eyes "you are dull, i will get you what i like" with that being said, Lauren strides happily to get ice cream making Jimin smile adoringly.

"Stop smiling so much Jimin" he tells himself.

* * *

"This wine needs to be much better than the last one according to Mr. Park's orders and there should be tight security this time around" Alex informs the board members what Jimin told him and again, Jimin is not in the meeting today.

"Where is Mr. Park by the way?" One of the members asks

"He has some personal things to take care of but don't worry, we will have him soon here with us once he is free" Alex says "you can all leave, the meeting is over" he adds and soon after the meeting hall is clear but Alex stays in his chair "what is keeping you busy Jimin? You were supposed to meet that man today as well, whatever it is, it must be worth it, it needs to be worth it."


"What are you doing dear?" Mrs. Kang asks Ara who flinches due to the unexpected intrusion "uh.... Mrs. Kang, you want anything?" She says while putting her laptop aside and sitting properly on the bed with a smile on her face.

"Did i scare you that much?" Mrs. Kang asks upon seeing Ara's state but Ara shakes her head "not really, i just didn't expect you in here" Mrs. Kang smiles as she approaches the latter.

"Well, i was bored and decided to come have a chat with you, that is if you are not busy"

Ara looks at her laptop and back at Mrs. Kang before answering "i can make time for you"

"I am not invading, am i?"

"No.... Not at all"

"Okay then, lets go shopping"

"Will Jimin like that?"

"Don't think too much besides, we will be taking one of the guys to protect us, we don't want Jimin fuming now do we?" Mrs. Kang finishes with a chuckle which Ara reciprocates, just then Ara's phone goes off and she jumps off the bed with her phone in hand after seeing the caller ID "allow me to answer this" she tells Mrs. Kang who looks at her confused "who is it?" Mrs. Kang curiously questions "the person who is helping me with the job searching thingy..... Excuse me" with that being said, Ara goes to the balcony of her room.

After the phone call, Ara comes back in the room to find Mrs. Kang waiting for her "you found the job?" She inquiries to which Ara shakes her head.

"Just stop looking for a job, i will keep helping you." Mrs. Kang offers with a smile on her face, Ara looks at her with an unreadable expression as she looks down, composing herself, Ara speaks "you wanted to go shopping  right?" Mrs. Kang sighs before speaking "change of plans, we are going to the hospital."

"What hospital? You didn't tell me you are not feeling well" Ara looks at her, worry written all over her face.

"I am okay dear, we are going to see your sister"

"My...... My sister? Wh... Why?" Ara asks

" Remember you told me your sister is being treated at a certain hospital? I thought it is wise to go see her and know if she is doing better"

"Bu... But...."

"But what? If you are planning on saying no, i am not having it, get ready, i already called Josh, he is willing to go with" with that being said, Mrs. Kang leaves the room and a nervous Ara behind.

* * *

In the car Ara keeps checking her phone as if she is expecting an important phone call or text and Mrs. Kang seems to sense that something is not right with the girl sitting beside her.

"Are you okay?" She asks while gently caressing Ara's arm to make her feel better "i am" she says "you look nervous though" Mrs. Kang adds "maybe that is because i am not ready to see my sister on that hospital bed after so long" a small smile is sent to her by Mrs. Kang before she speaks "so that is the case? Ara, you don't have to worry, she is fine, maybe you will find her doing better than before so don't stress okay?" Ara smiles upon hearing that from Mrs. Kang while Josh observes Ara from the rearview mirror with a suspicious gaze. His instincts tell him something is off and he plans on finding out what it is.

Ara's phone vibrates in her hand, unlocking the phone and reading whatever has been sent, a smile makes its way to her lips which does not go unnoticed by Josh of course before typing some few words and keeping the phone aside.


Lauren makes her way to Jimin who is seated on the beach at a Park admiring the view, a bottle of water in his hold.

"I am back" she lets out before sitting next to him "well that was a long trip to the restroom" Jimin teases making her chuckle "mind your own business Park" she says jokingly "i am, but i was just curious." He shrugs

"Curiosity can kill Park" Lauren adds making Jimin  take  his eyes away from what he was looking at, to her with a smirk on his face, without even thinking or processing it, Jimin lets out making Lauren unknowingly stiffen.....

"Will my curiosity about you, kill  me?"

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