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It has been two days since Mrs. Kang met Ara and she started working in her house after accepting the offer of course and two days since Jimin received that message and Alex told him the location from where it has been sent from was not found.

This just made Jimin more frustrated and worked up, right now he just wants to see his mom, maybe she will help him relax after listening to her telling him her teen stories and taking a nap in her lap.

Reaching Mrs. Kang's house, he asks one of the guards where she is as he directs Jimin to the garden because that is where the man saw her.

Jimin guards his feet to the garden and he sees a figure watering the flowers near the dimly lit area, he takes small steps as he approaches her.

Without having a second thought, Jimin back hugs the figure and he lets out a small chuckle sensing how tense she became after being hugged.

"Why so tensed Ma, it's just me" his brows furrow after  sensing something is not right " you changed your body spray? And you look slimmer than normal" Jimin says as he moves away from the figure, that's when it hits him after observing the person.

"You are not my mom, who are you?"

"She is Ara" Mrs. Kang answers as she makes her way towards the two with a bulb in her hand. Ara turns to look at Jimin with a nervous gaze.

"Why stay silent when i hugged you?" Jimin asks, annoyance evident in his voice " just stood there like a damn tree."

"Jimin that's enough, maybe she did not find the courage to, Ara, here is the bulb"

Ara takes it from Mrs. Kang before turning to replace it with the one that stopped working after glancing in Jimin's direction.

"Lets go inside" Mrs. Kang says as she holds Jimin's hand dragging him inside the house with her. "Where is she from and why is she here?" Jimin inquires

"We met at the Park two days ago, she  needed a job and  i thought of helping"

With a raised eyebrow Jimin speaks "she is fired"

"What?" Ara questions as she makes her way towards the mother and son duo.

"I said you are fired, i cannot allow a stranger be near my mom, who knows what you might be planning, can't risk my mom's life"

"Jimin, i don't think that is a good idea and besides i have been living with her for two days, i sense nothing suspicious" Mrs. Kang says

"Well i am afraid my trust issues say otherwise"

"Maybe i should really leave ma'am, your son thinks i am a threat"

"I do, and that is the best decision you can make right now Miss Ara, leave"

"Ara don't mind him, Jimin listen, i understand your concern but please let her work here for a little while, i promise she will leave as soon as she finds a job..... And, this is the first person i have employed on my own the rest are to your liking, let her stay please, for me?" Mrs. Kang gives him a smile

Sighing, Jimin moves closer to Ara and looks at her with a burning gaze as he speaks in a sharp low voice but enough to intimidate someone "if anything and i mean anything happens to my mom because of you, trust me, you will be Joining your ancestors."

He looks back at his mom with a soft gaze " i will leave now mom, i don't think i can stay any longer"

"Is it because of her? Jimin don't be difficult"

"I have alot on my mind and i don't think she is making anything better with her presence, i don't know why but she is making my blood boil"

He looks at Ara who looks back at him unfazed, they maintain eye contact for a while before they both look away.

"I will come back some other time" he hugs Mrs. Kang before turning to leave. Ara studies him as he makes his way out.

* * *

Jimin finds himself seated in a corner table at the coffee shop, his fingers drumming an unknown tune  as he ends the phone call with Josh after the last sentence "yes, find out everything about her and give me the feedback soon."

His fingers find place in his hair as he flips it after putting the device on the table. He closes his eyes trying to relax, just then a soft voice is heard beside him "your order sir?"

Eyes still closed, he casually answers "the usual" and the soft voice speaks again "and what's the usual?"

And that was enough to make Jimin open his eyes to see whom he is talking to, he is a regular customer here, he comes to drink coffee anytime he feels like it and the employees know what he likes to drink but it looks like it is not the same case for the young lady standing in front of him with a small textbook, in apron that fits her body perfectly showing just how well built her curves are as she continues to give him a sweet mesmerizing smile making him wonder if he is dreaming but his thoughts are disturbed.

"Sir, i ask again, what is your usual?" She asks still maintaining the smile, that's when it hits Jimin, he zoned out.

"You're new here?" He asks and she nods as she says "yes, started working here days ago, your order sir?"

"I see, one cup of cappuccino"

"Coming right up, table seven, cappuccino" she says as she writes it down and gives Jimin a small bow which he returns with a small nod before she leaves to take other people's orders but Jimin finds his eyes following her figure.

He looks away after his ears catch the sound of his ringtone, taking the device in his hands and seeing the caller ID, he answers

"Yes Josh?"

"I did as you said and it turns out this Ara girl has a clean background all things she does or did don't link up to anything worrisome"

"You sure?"

"Yes boss"

"Okay" he ends the call and he looks up to the counter after one of the employees calls the young lady that took his order minutes ago.

"Lauren!! Come here for a sec please"

"Sure" the young lady called Lauren answers as she makes her way to the counter.

"Lauren" Jimin whispers to himself, for some reason his brain caught that name " Lauren" he says it again before furrowing his brows

" why am i even memorizing it?" He shakes his head wanting his mind to focus on something else.

"Enjoy your cappuccino" Lauren says as she places the cup infront of Jimin who didn't even notice her presence before, she smiles before turning back to leave.

"Thank you, Lauren" he whispers the last part and that just made him feel odd.

"Snap out of it Jimin, you have better things to do than acting all caught up in someone you have no interest in"

With that being said he proceeds to having a sip from his cup and everything goes back to normal.

Hope it ain't boring 😁

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