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Alex makes his way to Jimin's gym which is at the back of the main house, entering the gym he finds a sweaty, shirtless Jimin doing push ups as his back muscles contract and relax with each push up.

"You missed another meeting yesterday, care to explain why?"

Without looking at Alex or stopping what he is doing, Jimin answers "i have nothing to tell" Alex scoffs "wow Park Jimin, what are you hiding?"

"Nothing Alex, relax" Jimin breaths out

"This is unlike you, we have things to do, about the new wine and the man that can possibly tell us about THAT man from your past but it looks like you are no longer interested." Alex lets out in one go making Jimin stop his workout and look up at the man standing and looking back at him with a serious gaze.

"We will go tonight, i have not forgotten, might have been a bit carried away for the past weeks but i have not forgotten and thanks." Alex rolls his eyes playfully at Jimin's words "i can stop if you want, i am just a helping hand" he shrugs earning a glare from Jimin making him chuckle "oh please don't give me that look, i care about you that is why i want to help find him for you because i know you will be at peace and i want that for you bro you deserve to be happy."

"Okay that made me cringe" Jimin tells, his expression mirroring his words "why? I am telling the truth and i want you to know it" Alex says "okay, but don't say it like that" Alex laughs a little as he decides to tease his friend.

"I know you like it" he sings with a sheepish grin on his face "but you can't say it"

"Stop that"

"Oh come on, you know, these are some of those moments were people hug after knowing someone cares for them, lets hug it out" Alex continues to speak making Jimin roll his eyes.

"Don't even think about it" Jimin warns making Alex laugh even more, he knows Jimin does not mean what he is saying and him denying it just makes it funny to him. Just then Jimin's phone which is on the bench beside Alex rings, seeing the one calling makes Alex knit his brows together.

"Now who is Lauren?" The question from Alex makes Jimin's heart skip and eyes go wide before taking his phone and disconnecting the call. Alex can't help but look at him with suspicion "who is that?" Alex questions again "a friend" Jimin says

"A friend? Since when?" Alex continues "i don't want to be interrogated, end of discussion" Jimin dismisses but it looks like Alex is not going to allow that "is she the reason why you didn't show up at the meeting yesterday?" Jimin sighs before answering "maybe."

Alex blinks twice "that's new, for how long have you been friends and are you sure she is safe to be around?"

"Weeks ago and my instincts tell me it is safe, you know what, lets stop with the questions, i just thought of having a new friend to replace you, you are boring at times."

"You are never replacing me" Alex simply says "okay, will not question further but be careful and i am happy you are coming out of that comfort zone of yours but, don't let it get to your head." He finishes

"Hm" Jimin just hums as he watches Alex leave, he knew Alex would be surprised and interrogative once he finds out about Lauren and he can't help but feel the care from Alex and he appreciates it, he has always been by his side and always wants him safe, though Jimin cannot show it, he cares for the man as equally as he does. He never thought that meeting Alex on that day back then when he was crying in the corner of his room after having a nightmare and not ready to make friends would actually be beneficial to him because he found a brother in Mrs. Kang's late cousin's son, Alex.

With a small smile, Jimin taps on his phone and ends up calling Lauren back something he has never done or ever thought of doing in his entire being.

* * *

After ending the phone call with Jimin, Lauren can't help but feel warm inside because of the man she barely knows but is ready to know since the man looks like he is becoming comfortable enough each day. Wearing her apron with a smile on her face she tells herself "okay Lauren, this is weird, you should not be feeling like this, it is not acceptable." She stops smiling but it somehow comes back making her groan "stop it, he is just a friend" she continues to tell herself and soon her phone rings making her flinch and her smile fades, picking up the call she simply says "hello"

"Thank you for the arrangement" the person from the other end says and Lauren sighs before answering "no problem" and just like that the call end.

"Okay Lauren, back to work" she tells herself.


Ara shuts down her laptop before she strides to the bathroom for her morning shower, just then Josh enters the room with slow steps and walks towards Ara's bed.

"I have to find out what you are up to" he takes Ara's phone in his hand but he curses under his breath "should have known it has a password but maybe i can guess it from the information i gathered back then for Jimin" as he was to type in what was in his mind, his phone rings making him flinch and quickly disconnect the call, Josh puts Ara's phone back on the bed after Ara shouts from the bathroom "who is there?!" Josh quickly makes his way out of the room while mumbling "why would he call me now?"


Alex stops the car in front of a house, both Jimin and himself observe the surrounding still inside "you sure this is the place?" Jimin breaks the silence "i cannot find wrong info my guy" Alex boasts making Jimin roll his eyes "lets go in then" Jimin adds "but, no killing unless we find out the truth, okay?" Alex says and Jimin nods before they step out of the car and head to the house.

Reaching there, They both wait patiently after ringing the doorbell and soon a young lady steps out with curious eyes she observes the two before speaking, voice horsey "are you from my dad's work?" The two share a knowing look before nodding "yes and we are here to see him" Alex adds.

"That..... Won't be possible" she lets out softly

"And why is that?" Jimin can't help but question

"He..... He is not here"

"Where is he then?" Alex asks

"Hospital.... My brother took him to the hospital after we found him unconscious with....... With blood everywhere...... He was shot" the young lady hardly lets out with tears rolling down her cheeks. Jimin and Alex just stood there frozen, trying to make sense of the situation before Jimin speaks "which hospital? We need to make sure he is alive" the girl looks at him with her teary eyes, the two men wait for her to say the name.

"He is dead"



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