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Mrs. Kang is in her room having a chat with Ara and playing cards when Jimin comes in looking lost with eyes red and breathing as if his lungs are deprived of air both women look his way catching them off guard but especially Ara because she has never seen him like this.

"Sweetie?" Mrs. Kang whispers as her eyes begin to water "Ara, leave us please" Ara nods before going out and closing the door behind her.

"What happened sweetie?"

Without answering the woman, Jimin hugs her which she reciprocate and they stay like that for a while until Jimin calms down "i am failing Ma" he finally lets out "i am unable to find him, i am failing and it hurts, i know i have not done much but still, it hurts." He finishes with a soft broken voice.

"Jimin sweetie, you should not lose hope, everything will work out, have patience" Mrs. Kang says while gently patting his back. She does not like seeing her son hurt not at all, she once tried convincing the younger to let it go and stop trying to find the man because she saw how worked up he was which was bad news for his health but Jimin being too determined, he refused making Mrs. Kang have no other choice but to support her son if that is what will make him happy of course.

"Can i sleep here Ma?" Jimin softly lets out "yes sweetie you can, no need to ask" Jimin looks up at her and take her hand in his "wait for me to fall asleep please" Mrs. Kang smiles at him and kisses his forehead.

Whenever he is stressed, sad or seeing himself as a failure, he tends to come to his mother because she is his safe place, her hugs make him feel better and he appreciates that. Laying down on her bed, Jimin looks at his mom who sits beside him and starts playing with his soft hair "thanks Ma" he sends her a small smile and closes his eyes trying to fall asleep, that is if he will.


Ara walks downstairs and finds Alex helping himself with a glass of cold juice in the kitchen, going closer to him she asks "what happened with Jimin?" Alex looks back at her surprised, he did not expect to have company but he answers anyways "i am afraid i can't let you know, it is confidential" he says before fully turning to her "how confidential?" Ara inquiries "confidential to the max" Alex simply says making Ara nod in understanding.

"How have you been by the way?" Alex suddenly asks and he winces because he was not planning on asking, it just came out "well, i have been okay and you?" Ara says "i have been okay if we exclude the confidential part" he says while rubbing the back of his neck and all of a sudden awkwardness envelopes them.



They both let out and they share a chuckle at the coincidence and it feels like the awkwardness will slowly disappear.

"Ladies first" Alex says with a small playful bow making Ara giggle "well aren't you a gentleman" they both don't know why they are acting like this all of a sudden but they are not complaining not at all as they find a different topic to talk about while they sit down on the stools by the kitchen counter.

"To be honest, you are much better that Jimin" Ara says after laughing at a flirtatious joke Alex said.

"Oh am i? No lie though, i mean, look at me, handsome and fun to be with" he boasts making her chuckle "how are you friends with him though? The guy looks like the type to not want friends" Alex sighs before looking at her, keeping eye contact for a while, he speaks "don't judge the guy, he is like that for a reason but once you get to know the guy, you will know why i am friends with him" Ara looks at Alex who goes back to drinking the juice in his glass with a gaze as if she is contemplating on something but she pushes it back.

"I see but, my opinion still stays the same" Ara shrugs "of course it does" they both laugh feeling comfortable with each other than before, sharing few glances here and there with a smile.

* * *

"Okay, i will let you know" Lauren says to the person on the other end "okay bye" with that being said, she  ends the call before sitting down on her study table.

Logging in to her computer and start typing in some words but then Jimin comes to her mind all of a sudden making her jump up straight " what was that? What the hell was that?" Lauren panics, why did he flash in her mind like that? They have nothing going on, gulping down the water in her glass which is on the bedside table, Lauren calms down her breathing "maybe i thought of him because we did not meet today and we barely talked...... Because it does not make sense i cannot be attracted to him that too so soon and unexpected."

"Lets get back to work Lauren" she sits back down and tries to concentrate but it looks like fate has other plans because right then her phone starts ringing and the one calling being no one else but Jimin, her heartbeat escalates "should i answer? Of course you should idiot" calming herself down again she answers the call and there is silence from both sides for seconds before Jimin decides to break it.


"H... Hey"

"I hope i did not disturbed you, the thing is i couldn't sleep"

"You did not, i was not that busy anyways"

"But you were busy right?"


"I should not have called then"

"No! I mean no.... It is okay, my work can wait"


"You said you could not sleep? Why is that?"

"Something personal"

"I see"

"And what were you working on?"

Lauren looks at her laptop and bites her bottom lip before choking out a "something confidential"

"Well....." Before Jimin could say what is in his mind another voice interrupts "why are you not in bed sweetie, i just got out to make juice for myself and you are already standing here?"

Lauren could swear she felt a sting as she starts to question in her mind 'who is that? And why calling him sweetie?'

"Good night i guess, i don't want to anger someone" Jimin says with a low chuckle bringing Lauren back from her thoughts "ye... Yeah, good night" the call ends but it leaves Lauren feeling quite uncomfortable and uncertain of the sudden sting in her heart or the lump forming on her throat, with a sigh she shuts down her laptop and goes to her bed, her working mood long gone. She does not understand this change, not at all.

Taking her phone again she opens the chat with one person whom she trusts will make her feel better after a conversation, someone other than Jimin.


She waits for the person to reply and when they do, a smile makes its way to her lips.


"I miss you" Lauren writes back and waits for a reply.

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