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Kim seokjin,Hyun-jin and Jisoo watch as the one they have been waiting for enters the room and gives them a bright smile and makes herself comfortable in one of the chairs in the room after being gestured to do so by Mr. Kim.

"What's the case?" Her honey like voice echoes in the room as she speaks

Seokjin slides a file in her direction which reaches her delicate fingers as she proceeds to inspect what is contained inside.

"Park Jimin, he is our number one suspect in the murder cases we have been failing to solve recently,he has become a suspect because of the message chief received yesterday from an anonymous of course" Hyun-jin informs the young lady who listens attentively.

"And we need more evidence which can only be gathered if we do not stay idle" Jisoo adds

"What's the plan then?" The young lady asks as she continues to gain knowledge on Park Jimin through the file in her hand.

Seokjin sighs as he speaks "This will be perilous and arduous but it needs to be done....... Everyone has a way of keeping something related to their wrong doings,they can keep it anywhere,at home or in the office, i believe same goes for Mr. Park....."

"So,we need  access to his house or office, am i on the right track in this?" She asks

"You are" Seokjin answers before he  proceeds

"Are you ready and willing to do that?" He looks at her with a serious gaze and she looks back at him with her gaze holding the same intensity.

"Will do my best" she says with her head held up high, confidence overflowing together with determination.

This is why she is part of the police,she wants to serve her country,help swipe out injustice and she is willing to do whatever it takes to make her country a better place and bring those in the wrong behind bars and now, Park Jimin is one of them.

"All the best,we will be here keeping an eye on you just incase, people like him can be unpredictable" Jisoo says as she gives her friend an encouraging hug.

"Thank you, well with that being cleared, i will take my leave" she bows before finding her way out with the file held tightly in her hand.

* * *

Jimin enters his house in a hurry after receiving a phone call from Josh saying one of his men was found dead outside the gate to his house.

"How did it happen?" He inquires

"We found him already dead and it clearly looks like he has been murdered and how it happened, we have no idea" Josh answers

Jimin sits down on one of his couches as he rubs his forehead "who could it be?" The room fall silent as everyone fails to give him an answer just then his phone dings due to the notification he just received.

Unlocking his phone, he can't help but feel his heart beat faster than normal and his eyes widen as he reads the typed words......

'How have you been little Park? I used to think you were dead but it looks like i was wrong....... How do you like my gift? That will be you anytime soon because you have chosen to follow in your father's footsteps'

Jimin lets out a shaky breath as he processes what he has read, he has been looking for this man all his life and this is how he makes his presence known? His blood begins to slowly boil as memories flash back in his mind.

"Alex,find out from whom this is coming from and the location too" he gives his phone to Alex.

"Sure thing" Alex takes the phone

"And for the man,he should be buried properly and his family should receive my condolences,make sure they lack nothing" with that being said, he makes his way to his room.

His mind goes wild,he had always,always wanted to find this man and avenge his father but he does not know how to feel right now should he be scared of what this will lead to if things go South? Will the people he has grown fond of in the past few years be safe? Or should he be happy that he will be able to eliminate his nightmare and be at peace as he believes?

* * *

Mrs Kang (Jimin's current mom) finds herself seated in one of bench at the Seoul park reading a novel, this is one of the things she does when she wants to just sit down and relax, she does this  either at the park or her garden. She loves to admire mother nature.

Her peace is disturbed as she hears sobs, looking to her left,she sees a young lady sitting on the bench beside hers sobbing. Trying her best to mute her cries and concentrate fully on her novel, Mrs. Kang stops looking in her direction but her motherly instinct seem to have other plans as she closes her novel and goes to sit next to the sobbing girl.

"Why are you crying?" She asks in her gentle voice

"You don't have to know" the young lady answers in her low soft voice

"Tsk,why cry here where people like myself would want to know what is making you cry? Seeking attention perhaps?"

"I found it relaxing here,that's why i came to cry here"

"I see, well i will leave you alone because you look like the type to not share your problems even if someone like myself is willing to listen and give a helping hand" Mrs. Kang stands back up to leave but the young lady holds her hand, stopping her.

"Wel.... Well, if you are willing to listen then, i will tell you but please.... Don't judge"

"Will depend" Mrs. Kang shrugs before sitting back down.

"The thing is..... I have been fired from my job.... That is because i was falsely accused of stealing a huge sum of money...... But trust me, i didn't, i am not the type to risk their job with the way my life is...."

"You live a difficult life?" Mrs. Kang asks and the girl nods

"I fail to believe you, if your life is difficult, stealing that money would be the only way out of that kind of life don't you think?"

"I shouldn't have told you...... It was a mistake"

"Okay, i apologize... So, what's your plan after losing your job and your only source of income? Because it looks like you relied on this job only"

"I will find another job quickly, i have to...... For my sister to stay in that hospital and continue being treated, i need money"

"You can come work for me while you search  for a proper job that is to your liking, if you don't mind that is"

"Why ..... Why helping me?"

Mrs. Kang sighs before she speaks " I don't know, maybe i want to show that some people still want to keep humanity alive and it is in my nature i guess,what is your name?"

"Ara..... The name is Ara"


Thank you for reading 💜

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