go get help chapter.19

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When Roc woke up he  was about to kiss you but he ended up kissing a pillow, then he looked down and found a note:

You took my girl so I'll jus take yours and I got her friend to unless you got that 50k you owe me

I want it by friday!!!--- yo boy dontaye

Roc's POV:

When I woke up this mornin I was about to kiss my bae, but she wasnt there!! Then there was a note I thought It was jus a joke until I read the name then shit got real.

Then I called Y/N's number and some nigga answered it.

"Wheres Y/N!!!!"I yelled Into the phone getting mad pissed.

"Ohhh she kept tryin to get away so we had to make her go to sleep if you know what I mean!!!!!" the guy said then I realized that It was taye(one of dontaye's boys).

"If you fuckin touch her I'll find yo ass and kill you!!!"I said tryin to stay as hard and hood as I could be at this time, but on the inside I wanted to fuckin cry like a lil bitch.

"What the fuck eva!!"He said then I heard a click and the phone hung up I know this bitch didn't hang up on me!!

Y/N's POV:

I woke up In a room full of niggas smokin  and I only had on Roc's sweater I was naked under I was hoping that I didn't cheat on Roc the first day we were together and that's when I started to worry I felt jalia wake up as well and she started to cry.

I've never seen jalia cry she was the real deel on the hood shit.

"OWWW look who woke up!!!"This kinda cute guy said with a smirk.

"What am I doing here.... let me go!!!"I yelled at the guy.

"Hold the fuck up you anit jus gon come in my fuckin house and yell at me, you better calm yo shit down shawty real talk doe!!"He yelled back the smirk fading off his face.

"Who are you??!!"I said scared as hell.

"Ohh well I'm dontaye, and these my boys but you don't need to know there names"He said then looking at Y/F.

"Who's yo friend??"He said then one of his " boys" licked his lips.

"My name Is jalia!!!" Y/F said in a smart tone.

"Where's Roc!!"I said remembering everything that happened last night.


Y/N's POV:

I went down stairs to answer the door and it was Y/F.

"What are you doing here??" I asked her with a questioning face.

"Roc texted me me and told me that yall go out is that true!!!!"She said walking in with excitment on her face.

"Yesss"I said feelin all good inside.

"Awwwww I knew he liked you by the way he looks at you I and I knew you would catch on soon enough" She said going Into the kitchen.

"Is food all you thing about!!??"I said looking at her go threw Roc's frige.

"Mabe!!"she said then there was another knock on the door and when I opened the door It was two boys In all black and he grabed me and the other one grabed Y/F.

We tryed to fight them off but then everything went blank this motherfucker jus knocked me out!!!!



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