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I always knew my brother was very different to me. I was the kind of shy girl, one who kept herself close to good people and feared even the smallest illegal things.

You couldn't pay me to do something like shoplift, or graffiti, or anything else like that. It didn't matter how minor the crime was, I would rather die than do something like that.

I suppose I've always been cautious, on the other hand, my brother, Heeseung, literally not.

He lives life as if the justice system doesn't exist, as if the job of a police officer is to allow crime to happen. He doesn't care, and the amount of times he's sat in a jail cell for the night is quite funny.

He caused our parents grief over the years, especially when we were both teenagers. He was the most reckless at that time, you know, the usual teenage boy stuff, parties, alcohol, maybe even drugs - I don't know.

Either way, he was always like this, and I don't think he wanted to change at all.

We didn't live together, matter of fact, we lived just across the road from each other, often when I sat on my balcony, I could see through his balcony doors as he invited his friends over.

I didn't interfere, there was no point of me doing so, I know it wouldn't do any good for me. So, I just continued with my little life, bakery, and then working on some more songs.

I wasn't a huge artist, not at all, more of a small underground one, with a decently sized following. I wasn't ready to reveal my actual face behind the music, so I just produced songs and that was it.

Despite that, people enjoyed them, often complimented my voice and shared my song around. It came to a shock one day when I heard my song on the mainstream radio once, on the way to work.

It was like a little side hustle, nothing too serious really. I don't think I'd make it out big, and if I did, it's a pretty overwhelming responsibility.

I stepped out onto my balcony, it was a fresh, crisp morning, and the smell of freshly trimmed grass infiltrated my nostrils.

I sipped my iced coffee, staring at our neighbourhood. Surprisingly, it was actually quiet within these few days, but I reckon that it'll only last another day.

Why you ask? Heeseung's hosting a party. And his friends are equally the same as him, loud motorcycles, lots of people, a careless way of living.

You get it, it's kind of like a frat party I suppose.

A hand waved frantically from opposite me, and I glanced over at Heeseung's balcony, he was stood there, waving his arms at me.

I furrowed my brows, man, what did this guy want from me.

"COME HERE!!" Heeseung yelled over, I tried to decipher what he was saying at first, did we just not have phones anymore?

"WHAT?" I yelled back, and he gave a small laugh, beckoning with his hand for me to come over.

"HERE, COME HERE!!" He yelled once more, and I just nodded, walking inside my house and placing my coffee on the side.

I didn't bother changing from my pyjamas, come on, I was literally going to my brother's house who was a thirty second walk away from me. That'd just be effort.

I dragged my feet over, wondering what the hell he could possibly need me for now.

He opened the door, and I walked in, his kitchen table was full of cartons of alcohol and food you'd typically see at parties.

Yup, it'll be hell tonight.

We walked up towards his room, and one thing I did not expect was for him to have guests over. I literally froze at the door, my eyes widening as I saw the company of people sat on his bed, who now just looked at me.

"Why are you stood like that, come on." Heeseung scoffed, and I just pressed my lips together, feeling the awkwardness inside me settle.

I walked into his room, and he sat down at his desk, searching something up and showing me on the screen.

Though, despite that, I could feel the burning gazes of his friends on my back. If I knew they were here, I would've definitely changed, but it's too late now.

"Which one do you prefer? I asked them over there, but they're giving me half-assed answers so." Heeseung pointed over to his friends who just gave a snicker.

He showed me two pictures of motorcycles. And I just gave a light groan to myself.

"None Heeseung." I simply told him, crossing my arms, and he looked up at me, dissatisfied with my answer.

"Ji-eun, come on. I get you hate when I go on my motorcycle, but you could at least pick one." Heeseung chuckled, looking up at me for another answer.

And with no other option, I picked one on his screen.

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