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I watched as the two just drove off into the night, it was raining, and you could barely see the streets, especially since the streetlamps weren't working.

I gave a sigh, shutting my door and surrounding myself in a daunting ambiance of silence.

Well, there wasn't much to do now. I looked down to my hands, the towel that Jake dried himself with just lay in my grasp.

Oddly enough, I gave a light smile to myself. I usually wouldn't even dare want to even become closer to one of Heeseung's friends, but, when it comes to Jake.

That guy was really something.

I placed the towel on a door to dry, and afterwards, I head upstairs, about work on some more music drops and whatnot.

Like I said, it wasn't anything serious, just for fun.



It'd been a while, and honestly, I didn't even realise it until I checked my phone to see several messages from Heeseung.

I groaned, rolling my eyes and turning my phone over.

This guy was not about to tell me to come over to his house for something petty, it was literally four in the morning, and to add to that, it was still raining.

I stood up, stretching my back and opening my curtains to look through the window at Heeseung's place.

I stared at his balcony, his blinds were shut, and it seemed as if the house was asleep.

I gave a yawn, closing my blinds once more and heading to my desk to grab my phone, turn my computer off and sit down on my bed.

I was beyond tired, thankfully I wasn't in work today, so, that means I could sleep in for a little longer. Unless Heeseung were to bother me like he usually does.

I placed my phone on the side, placing my head on the pillow, the heavy fatigue settling down on me, and as soon as I almost dimmed out into a deep sleep, an array of frantic knocks made way on my door.

I ignored them at first, thinking that this was the lack of sleep I was hearing, but not even thirty seconds after, the panicked series of knocks came once more.

I gave a large groan sitting up, and then proceeding to storm out of my room.

I was in my pyjamas, tiredness written all over my face and posture itself, hair tied up. Come on, I was in no state to help Heeseung with anything. 

Taking my phone off the side, I head down, standing before the door and literally about to scold Heeseung on the spot. I swung the door open, and before I could even say anything, my eyes widened and body froze on the spot.

It wasn't Heeseung at all, not at all. Matter of fact, it's like the heaven's graced me today.

Jake stood before me, a graze on his cheekbone, panting, face slightly lost colour. His neck had a small cut, blood trickling down to his collarbone. The rain gently faded in with the blood.

I rapidly blinked at him, wondering what the hell happened here. This guy looked like he just got jumped, and the first place he comes is to my house?

He was breathing heavily, and at first, tried to think his words through.

".. Uh.. what happened to you..?" I began, a little confused and perplexed as to why he was exactly here.

"Do you not check your phone?" Jake snapped at me, and I looked at him, a little taken aback for that. I don't think I've ever seen him snap at someone before, but maybe that's only because I haven't known him for a long time.

"I was busy, why do you look like you've just been beaten up?" I looked behind him, his motorcycle had grazes on it too.

"Listen, it doesn't matter, you need to come with me." Jake suddenly switched the topic, and I just looked at him, utterly speechless.

All I could do was give a small, uncomfy laugh, looking him in the face.

He was serious, sure, you could tell from how his brows were slightly knit together, his lips gently pursed and his jaw clenching subtly from time to time.

It was no joking matter right now.

"Well, could you not tell me at least what the hell is going on?" A heavy feeling began pounding in my heart, Jake just swallowed hard.

I took this moment to check my phone, very briefly.

heeseung: ji-eun its jake from heeseung's phone

heeseung: dont be alarmed but something has happened to heeseung

"Ji-eun, could you not be difficult right now? Just come on." Jake's tone grew a hint of irritance, and with a large sigh, I complied with him, quickly grabbing a coat and following behind him.

He didn't spare another word, instead placed a helmet on me. I put my arms around him, feeling a little drowsy, but still pretty alert.

Jake didn't drive off yet, he sat up, his hands on my hands, and he ensured that my arms were tightly wrapped around his torso.

He turned his head to the side for a moment, just to speak.

"Keep it like that." Was all he said, before starting his motorcycle and speeding off into the rainy night.

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