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There was no denial that I was late to work, probably for the first time ever. I suppose it serves as a warning to never drink with someone the night before your morning shift, because this will happen.

Luckily, Yoonsik was on time, and had opened the bakery, set it up and what not.

I wasn't massively late, twenty-ish minutes around, but still, late is late.

I swung the door open, Jake following behind so relaxed. Yoonsik threw me a smile, but as soon as he saw Jake, his smile disappeared into thin air.

"You're late for the first time ever." Yoonsik gave a small laugh as I made my way around the counter, tying the apron on myself, "How come?"

"My fault, got a little caught up last night." Jake spoke for me, and I shot my head to look up at him.

Out of all the wordings in the world he could've picked, he decided to say something like this?

I gave an uneasy laughter as Yoonsik just had his mouth slightly parted, glancing at Jake, and then at me, as if he was honestly confronted with the worst news in the world.

"Well, yeah. I guess he's not wrong." I shrugged, still feeling a little flustered over the way he had said that.

Yoonsik cleared his throat, a bitter silence literally protruding from him.

"Come on then, you said you wanna be taught, why you being so scared now?" I gestured him to come over behind the counter.

He did as told, and Yoonsik simply watched. I know he was probably feeling bitter, truth be told, I never had feelings for Yoonsik - so he'd have to put his aside.

I grabbed an apron, placing it over Jake's head, and then spun him around gently, tying the back into a cute little bow.

I had such a proud smile on my face, seeing him in this apron despite his little 'bad boy' appearance he usually carried around with him.

He had that same exact smile too, so excited to just be here.

I began setting up the ingredients and telling him what's the reason for this certain ingredient and so on, and rather quickly, he began making the first batter for the shells.

It was going all well, til he completely gave up with measuring out everything and just began doing it as to what felt right.

One thing about macarons, was the fact that they were pretty specific. One wrong movement of the whisk, or some slight substitution of an ingredient, you're more likely to end up with cookies more than anything.

Finally, after a few moments of laughter and getting covered in batter and whatever else, we were onto the actual process of forming the macarons.

He couldn't seem to squeeze out the batter from the piping tube, so, being the helpful woman I am - I put my hands over his, giving a gentle yet forceful squeeze on the baking paper.

The first formation of a perfect little coloured circle emerged onto the sheet, I still had my hands on his, guiding him with this part.

We were close, very close, I mean, we kind of had to be, but still. It was a very cute moment.

Eventually, I left him to it, and he did surprisingly well with the rest of the mixture. Yoonsik watched mostly, as the two of us turned this place into a warm bakery of giggles and laughter.

Not to mention a mess too, Jake had spilled the first bowl of almond mixture onto the floor, so, that was there.

Jake clasped his hands together, finishing all of the batter and mixtures, they were all neatly lined on the baking trays, ready to be put into the ovens.

"You know what, I'll give it to you - they don't look as horrible as I expected." My cheeks were beginning to hurt from how often I smiled with this guy.

"Macarons were always easy for me." Yoonsik suddenly input his opinion, the two of us just looked over at him.

I gave a light, uneasy smile at his completely unnecessary comment.

"Good on you Yoonsik, I'm glad." Jake replied, in such a mature manner that I almost was swooned for the - seemingly - millionth time.

He turned back to his baking trays, and opened the oven, waiting for me to slide the trays in.

After they were all in the oven, all that was left was to wait. We should probably clean, but to be honest, I could care less about that right now.

A few guests came in, then and there, mostly paid attention to Jake, but then again - who wouldn't?

I stood at the cashier area, waiting for time to pass, when two customers came in. Jake was stood beside me, looking at his phone as the two girls walked up to the counter.

Their eyes were glued onto Jake, didn't even try to make it less obvious. They just stared, with enlightenment as this man existed.

".. Can we.. uh.. get..." One of the girls was clearly not thinking straight, til she snapped herself out of it, only because Jake looked at her stumble over her words.

"What would you recommend?" The other girl asked Jake, even though I was right here. But it was whatever, I suppose he just attracted more customers, which was better for us.

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