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I glanced at my phone and Yoonsik did the same, seeing the caller ID was my brother. He swallowed hard and I looked up at him.

"I'll.. get back to you, I'm sorry, I have to go." I explained and he gave an understanding nod, not actually too upset over the fact I had to leave mid confession.

The second I got out of sight of the bakery, I gave the largest exhale known to man. I don't know why, but that bakery seemed like it just caved in on me.

Yoonsik just had to confess to me? Damn, I don't even know what to tell him, because I've never thought of him anything more than a friend.

Regardless, I picked up the call from my brother, he was adamant on recalling me, so it must be something pretty serious, or he'll just wish me a happy birthday.

"What's up Heeseung?" I asked him, and at first, there was a small bit of silence on the other end.

"Ji-eun, where are you right now?" His tone was a little cold, and straightforward, which made me wonder, what the hell happened now?

"Uh, was just at the bakery, why?" I replied, and again, a moment of silence and honestly, I could feel my heart beat against my chest a bit too strongly.

Did I do something? Why the hell was he acting so weird right now?

"Come quick to my place, it's urgent." Heeseung said, and I didn't even get to ask what, or why, he simply ended the call after that.

I stared at my phone homescreen, wondering what the hell is this issue now.

But, left with no choice, I got myself over to Heeseung's place within a relatively quick pace, I don't know why I felt so nervous, he was literally my brother - and technically speaking now - we were the same age.

But still, that weird feeling hovered over me, especially when I reached his front door, and came to realisation that his door was partially open anyways.

I pushed it open fully, entering and shutting behind me. It was silent, and quite dark for it being midday, but whatever, I head past the corridor, into one of the main rooms, and out of nowhere, a shit ton of people just popped up, confetti came flying from nowhere, and Heeseung popped out of a room, entering holding a huge cake with candles on top.

I looked down with a huge smile, thinking that something devastatingly horrible had happened, but this was the complete opposite of horrible.

There were balloons everywhere, confetti cannons, music suddenly began playing.

"Happy birthday Ji-eun." Heeseung had such a grin on his face as he brought the cake up to me, so that I could blow the candles.

I looked around to see the people who were here, and of course, only one guy caught my eye. It was obviously Jake, he had such a smile on his face, looking over at me before talking to his friends.

I blew the candles, and it seemed like by doing that, time just flew past, because by the time I knew it, there was a full blown party hosted at Heeseung's place.

Within like an hour, the place was crowded, drinks already everywhere, people in the pool, people everywhere and doing whatever.

I wasn't crazy about parties, but obviously, it being mine, and since Heeseung went out of his way to do something like this - I couldn't just leave.

I sat outside with Heeseung on one of the loungers, we clinked glasses and talked a little.

"Out of everything, you picked a party for me?" I chuckled, not really seeing the logic in this, as of course, he knew that I didn't particularly enjoy them.

"Thought it was about time you experience a proper party, I guess you're old enough now." Heeseung pretended to wipe off fake tears, acting as if I just turned eighteen or something.

Come on now, I was literally old enough for parties for a good while already.

"Please, don't act like you're giving away your child, I've been old enough for too long." I rolled my eyes at his dramatic words and actions, taking a sip of my drink.

"You'll always be my little sister, I don't care if you're the same age as me now, always gonna see you as younger." Heeseung gave a sigh of relief, taking out his phone and checking his messages.

"Who is it?" I leant over slightly closer to his lounger, trying to peer over out of curiosity.

"Ah, fuck man, Yeju needs to be picked up cause her motorcycle is in the garage. I'll be back soon enough, don't you dare leave." He pointed his finger at me, warning, as I just gave a small laugh nodding and watching as he exit.

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