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I actually managed to clear up my name, I was less of the insane tourist now, but more of the tourist, who could sing.

Which, was a significant improvement if you ask me.

It was an eventful day today as well, I don't think I have ever walked so much before coming here. But I'm not really complaining.

I decided to hike up a mountain, which took me ages, and as soon as I finished and climbed back down, all I yearned for was to sit down on my bed and do literally nothing.

So that's what I did.

I bought instant noodles, a few snacks then and there, laid on my bed while eating and watching whatever was on the tv.

The days here really uplifted my mood, and I know that probably back home Heeseung was panicking, out of his mind as to where his sister could possibly be, or rather, if she's alive.

But maybe it'll teach him that he should let me be happy, because you never know when life can be cut short.

I shrugged, I'd justify my disappearance somehow.

It was late at night, and tomorrow was my last day here, so I had to make the most of it certainly, no matter what, I had to do everything I wanted to do, and everything I didn't want to do.

I checked my phone, many messages and calls from Heeseung, and more messages and calls from Jake, along with the other messages from other people.

jake: ji-eun i want to see you

jake: you're breaking my heart here

jake: where am i even supposed to look for you when you could be anywhere?

jake: i just miss you

I sat up, my heart feeling this kind of ache that I haven't ever felt before. I tried swallowing this horrid heaviness away, but reflecting on the memories we had together, I really must have been distracted so much to forget all about them.

I opened our messages, he must've sent like a dozen texts, and scrolling through looking at all of them, including pictures of macarons he bought from the bakery, really shattered my heart even more.

ji-eun: jake im safe, you don't need to look for me anywhere

ji-eun: i just needed a break

It didn't take long for him to reply, the guy was pretty much nocturnal anyways, so even if it was super late in the night, he'd probably reply in seconds regardless.

jake: fuck where are you

jake: holy shit ji-eun you had me stressing so hard

jake: im coming idc where you are just tell me and im there

I didn't actually expect him to pull up when I told him my location. It was a good two hour drive, maybe even more, I wasn't exactly sure.

But it was around 11pm when I told him, so he'd probably be here around 1am, which was late. So I didn't have high hopes for him to come here, maybe in the morning, or something like that.

Oh but how I was wrong, clearly I had no idea how far someone would go for love.

The last thing I expected was a text saying that he's waiting for me in the lobby of the hotel, and best believe, as quiet as I could, I rushed out of my room and head straight down.

He was holding his motorcycle helmet in one hand, running his fingers through his hair in the other, clearly stressed out of his mind. But as he looked over at me, and noticed me here, he seemed to ease, and the sigh of relief that left his lips was huge.

Jake spared no time, heading straight over to me, encasing me in a huge hug. His arms were around my head, giving me a tight, long squeeze as if he hasn't seen me in years.

He left small kisses on my head, then my forehead, and then proceeded to put his hands on my face, gazing into my eyes as he lift my chin up slightly to look at him.

"You scared me more than a motorcycle could ever." His voice still shook barely, and I just gave a chuckle at seeing how worried he was over me.

"I just had to have a break from everything." I softly spoke, the older woman looking over at us with a light smile.

"I know, I know, I just hated how I didn't even know if you were safe." Jake grabbed ahold of my hand, for once, his hand was cold, and mine was warm.

I led him over to my room, welcoming him into my cute little humble abode for half the week. The first thing he did after I shut the door, was throw himself on my bed, giving the largest exhale on earth, I lay beside him, staring at his face as he stared at the ceiling.

He turned his head to look at me, and there it was, that familiar smile of his, the one that lit up a room more than any light bulb could.

"I missed you Jake." I softly told him, and with one hand, he combed his fingers delicately through my hair.

"I'm pretty sure I've missed you more, I didn't even know I could do that, but I guess here we are." Jake threw out a small chuckle, pulling my face closer to his and giving me a kiss.


ok so like im killing myself now thanks

im going to make a truck crash into her and make her die so she cant be happy because if i cant be happy then a fictional character cant be either



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