Chapter 12: I'll Write You

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I blinked my tears away and got back to the reality.
"We have to get back," I said slowly.
"We need to hurry up," Hermione said, looking at her hourglass. "We have exactly ten minutes left."
"Okay," Harry said.
We quickly went down a spiral staircase, so we were back in the school again. Now running, because we were all the way upstairs, and had to be all the way downstairs, we made our way through the school. Luckily, it was night, so no one was walking around who could see us. We couldn't bump into our past selves either, because those were in the hospital wing.

We heard Snape and Fudge talking in the distance, who were probably on their way to check on Sirius. We kept cautiously on walking, until we heard Peeves.
"We have three minutes," Hermione said nervously. "Come on, in here!"
We hid in an empty classroom, and waited for Peeves to pass. When he was far away enough, we ran again.
"One minute!" Hermione said.
"What if we don't get back in time?" Harry panted.
"I don't want to think about it," Hermione said.
We finally reached the hospital, and could hear Dumbledore talking to past us. Then he walked out.
"We did it!" Harry said. "We rescued Sirius and Buckbeak!"
"Well done," Dumbledore smiled. "I think you've gone. Go inside now, I'll lock you in."

We hurried past him and closed the hospital door behind us. I sighed with relief. We did it! The three of us looked silently at each other for a second, and then rushed back to our beds. Madam Pomfrey came in, and she seemed to be in a bad mood.
"Is the Headmaster gone? Am I allowed to look after my patients now?"
I looked to the bed where Ron layed, who hadn't moved an inch since we left. Madam Pomfrey gave us chocolate, and I was grateful for it; I was starving anyway.

Suddenly, voices roared and came inside. It were Snape, Fudge and Dumbledore.
"You can't Apparate or Disapparate inside this castle!" I heard Snape saying. I chuckled to myself. I could.
"Potter, out with it! What did you do?" Snape roared. "And you, Black, you definitely had something to do with it! He is your father! Where has Sirius Black gone?"
"Professor Snape!" Madam Pomfrey said in shock. "Control yourself!"
I just looked up, very innocently, as if I was in surprise at the news that my father had escaped.
"Calm down," Fudge said. "You're talking nonsense!"
"They have something to do with it!" Snape yelled, pointing at Hermione, Harry and me. "I just know it!"
"Calm yourself, Severus," Dumbledore said. "This door has been locked since I left ten minutes ago. Have you seen them leave, Poppy?"
"Of course not!" Madam Pomfrey said. "I've been here with them the entire time."
"There you have it, Severus."

Snape left, and Fudge and Dumbledore followed soon after.
Madam Pomfrey left too, angrily muttering to herself. At the same moment that she stept out the hospital wing, someone came stumbling inside.
"Jynx! What happened? Are you okay?"
It was Neville.
"Please let him in?" I looked pleading at Madam Pomfrey. "He deserves explanation."
"Fine," she said against her will, and locked the door behind her.

There was a sound at the other end of the hospital wing. Ron was waking up.
I stept out of my bed.
"Neville, hey," I smiled.
Neville ran to me and hugged me.
"What on earth happened?"

I looked at Harry and Hermione. We had a lot of explaining to do. We made ourselves comfortable on Ron's bed, and explained to Neville and Ron everything that had happened.

"I'm so sorry you couldn't meet Sirius," I said sadly to Neville.
"It's alright," he sighed. "He said we would meet him again, right?"
Neville looked down.
"Hey," I said, putting my hand on his shoulder. "It'll be okay. He'll lay low now, but he said he would write us."


The last weekend everyone was allowed to go to Hogsmeade for the last time, but we didn't go. I had to talk to Luna and Cedric, and tell them some things. We had promised each other to not tell anyone what had happened, but I had been close to Luna and Cedric, and at least wanted to tell them the happy news.
I first found Luna, and she was really happy for me that I finally found my father again. She promised she wouldn't tell anyone.
Then I sought out Cedric, but he found me first. I had said earlier that we were just friends, but maybe I did like him a bit. I could see that he liked me, anyway. I told him about the same things I told Luna, and he also promised to keep his mouth shut.
Last were the Weasley twins, but they were in Hogsmeade, and I had heard Ron say he would tell them when they were back home.

Later, I heard from Harry that Lupin had resigned, because Snape had told the school that he was a werewolf, and a werewolf as teacher didn't seem such a great idea. That was sad, though, because Lupin had been our best Dark Arts teacher ever. And that would remain so.

Even though I was happy that my father was free, and safe, something still didn't sit right with me. Pettigrew was on the loose, and I didn't like it.

I had almost forgotten that we still had to get our exam results, but luckily, all of us passed, some with higher grades than others. Cedric, Fred and George had passed their O.W.L's, and Percy had passed his N.E.W.T's with flying colors.

Gryffindor had won the House Cup for the third time in a row, and already having won the Quidditch Cup, all of us were in happy spirits on the last day of school.

We were at the station, ready to get into the train, and we were discussing the summer.
"It's the Quidditch World Cup this summer," Ron said to me, Harry and Neville. "You should come. My dad can usually get tickets from his work."
"That'd be awesome!" I said.

"Hey, guess what?" Fred said, standing so suddenly behind me that I jumped.
"You're no longer the prisoner's daughter."
"I guess not," I chuckled.
"We'll have to think of a new nickname now," George said, dead serious.
"You've got the entire summer," I laughed. "I'm sure you can think of something."

We got into the train. Harry, Hermione and Ron took place somewhere, and I went not far from them, with Neville, Cedric and Luna.
"Are you going to the Quidditch World Cup this summer?" Cedric asked. "You could come with me and my dad, if you want."
"I already promised Ron, sorry," I said. "But maybe we'll see each other there. What about you, Luna? Are you going?"
"I don't know yet," she said. "I'll ask my father."

Later, Harry came happily to our cabin with a letter in his hand.
"Look!" he said. "Sirius has sent me and you two a letter."
"Really?" Neville said exitedly.
I opened the letter to me and Neville, Harry had already opened his.
He wrote that he didn't want to say where he was at the moment, in case the letter would fall in the wrong hands. The Dementors were apparently still searching for him, but they couldn't find him there. He told us to divide the gold from his vault between the three of us, since he now had three children at once. Hedwig and Sofia were able to find Sirius, so we could write him anytime. When he had cleared his name, he planned on taking the three of us in, since none of us liked the place we lived.

Harry told us that Sirius had now given him permission to go to Hogsmeade, and that the owl the letters came with, was for Ron, since he lost his rat.

Neville and I were happy now, even when we saw our mother standing a bit away on the platform.
Ron would let us know about the World Cup. I said goodbye to him, Harry and Hermione.
"Enjoy your holiday, Jynx," Luna smiled. "You're a really good friend." She gave me a hug, and then turned to her father.
"Luna!" I called her back. She stopped and turned.
"Thank you," I said. "And you were right, about everything."
She smiled.
"Sirius wasn't after any of us, and when Neville lost the passwords, it wasn't a bad thing. (I hope he's allowed to go to Hogsmeade again.) And like you said, everything fitted like a puzzle in the end."
"I'm always happy to help," Luna said, and then went away. I smiled. She was a really good friend, too.

"See you at the Quidditch World Cup?" Cedric said.
"Yes," I said. I gave him a hug, and he returned the embrace. Yeah, maybe I did really like him.

After one last look, Neville and I turned away to mum.
I smiled. I had a father. And he would write.

End of the third year! I will wait a week, and then I'll publish the fourth part, because I'm almost done writing that now, yaaay! Enjoy it!

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