YEAR 4: Chapter 1: The Quidditch World Cup

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"Here you go," I said to my owl, Sofia, feeding her owl food that I had bought. She was just back from delivering a letter to my father. She and Hedwig knew how to find him. I stroked Sofia while she was eating and smiled. She was a beautiful brown, long-eared owl.
Mum wasn't happy when she discovered Sirius Black was on the loose again, and we hadn't told her anything about how he was innocent.
Jynx Aria. Before he had left, Sirius had told me that name. I wondered if Neville had a middle name too.
"One second," I said to Sofia, while jumping to the other side of my room, where a little cauldron was with a liquid was simmering. It was time to stir again. I was making healing potions out of my potions book. They were technically meant for sixth year's, but I didn't mind. I had vials in a large box under my bed, and planned on putting different healing potions and other helpful potions in them, and labeling them. You never knew when they could be useful.

"Children!" I suddenly heard my mother say. I almost jumped, hearing my mother coming upstairs. I didn't want her to see what I was doing. As fast as I could I stopped the fire, waved my wand to hid the cauldron with the unready potion in the box under my bed, along with the ingredients that were lying around. Then I plopped down on my bed and continued stroking Sofia.

The Ministry couldn't detect if we were using magic, because mum had put a certain magical barrier on the house that prevented that. That's probably the only good thing she'd ever done.

Mum opened the door and I breathed normally as my heart was still pounding.
"There's a letter for the two of you," she said. "From your friend... Ron."
I had to struggle to hide my grin. This could very possibly be about the Quidditch World Cup.
Mum handed me the letter and went downstairs again. Smiling, I sprinted to Neville's room.
"Look, Nev, a letter from Ron!"
"Let's open it!" Neville said excitedly.

"Hello Jynx and Neville,
I already told you that I'd ask my father to get tickets to the Quidditch World Cup for you two, and he got them! If this letter arrives on Sunday, then Harry's here already. Hermione too. They're sleeping over, but my oldest brothers Bill and Charlie are here too, so there wouldn't be enough room for the two of you, sorry.
Anyway, if this letter is here on time, then tomorrow, Monday, someone will come to get you two. Probably by Floo, that's the easiest way. Make sure you get plenty of sleep, because my mum will expect you as early as possible (we have to be at the Portkey right on time). Alright, see you tomorrow!

"This might just turn out to be the best summer yet!" Neville said happily.
"Yeah, if mum allows us," I said.
Neville looked at me.
"Alright, I'll go ask," I sighed. "But she'd better turn off the magical barrier then, otherwise they won't even find us on the Floo-network."

I left the letter on Neville's bed and went downstairs. If she read it and found out that Harry was there, there was no way she'd let us go.
"Mum," I said kindly, my heart pounding in my throat.
"Yes, dear?"
"Ron asked if we could go with him... and see the Quidditch World Cup. You won't have to buy us tickets, Ron's father already did that for us."
Mum raised an eyebrow.
"Did he really? I thought they were quite poor."
"Yeah, I don't know either," I said. "But... are Neville and I allowed to go? If so, they'll pick us up here tomorrow."
"Well, if I don't have to buy you tickets, or a way to there, I don't see why not. Will they come by car?"
I grinned shortly, and then put back my serious face.
"No, through Floo."
"Right, well, I'll shut down the barrier then, or they will get stuck between fireplaces," she said, while standing up.
Yikes, that didn't seem really fun.
"Thanks, mum," I smiled, and darted back to Neville's.

"We can go!" I whispered as loudly as possible.
We both jumped up and down like we were not fourteen at all, but this was the best thing to ever happen. Away from mum, seeing the Weasleys and my friends, and going to the World Cup!

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