Chapter 20: You Feel Less Joy

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Anxiety: Previously on the story...

"Leo, we're not gonna make it, we have to turn back!" Donnie said.

"We push forward, get Raph and that's final!" Leo exclaimed in anger as he got covered in Krang goo all over his arms and body.

"Joy doesn't get it! Without our projections we won't be prepared!" Anxiety said gently.

In the brainstorm as joy, fear, disgust and anger were holding on to the huge idea that Riley have came up with in her head.

"If Riley takes one of these ideas, it could be a disaster." Joy exclaimed as her hair blowing through the wind of the breeze. Riley gripping onto the powerful hockey stick in her hands with her black fingerless gloves on.

"I'M GONNA BE AN AWKWARD TEENAGER FOREVER!!" Riley yelled as she started change into a new rebel look, that anxiety actually loved already.

"It finally worked." Anxiety said gently with a smirk on her face as she looks back at Riley's new Sense of Self that started to glow bright orange, her inner voice started calling out to her.

"I'm not gonna ruin my chance of becoming a full teen rebel." Voice echoed over and over again.

In the back of Riley's mind as joy gasps and looked up at the tube from headquarters started to fall apart and crashing down, but they've moved out of the way and not getting hit. Technically, going to the tube was their only way back home and now they have no way to get back to headquarters and get Riley's Sense of Self back to her.

"That was our only way back." Anger said gently. They've could see headquarters from all the way to there as they were standing for a few minutes and looked at joy who was holding on to the sense of self in her hands.

"Joy, how are we gonna get back?" Disgust asked as they've looked at her, but joy didn't say anything. She slowly walked away from them to have some time to herself. "Joy, where are you going?"

Thinking to herself that she felt like giving up on everything. Basically, joy just wanted to get back to headquarters, she looked really exhausted right now and her hair is all messy a little bit. Picking up a core memory as she sighed sadly, then she picked up another core memory and looked at it. Until, tears stinged into her eyes and she spoke to herself.

"Come on! Please!" Joy pleaded, looking up with tears in her eyes. "What am I missing?" She asked herself as she let out a sigh and heard footsteps that came towards her.

Disgust's hair looked messy as well, she spoke to joy in a gentle voice. "Joy, what do we do now?"

Joy looked at them as they can barely see the tears in the corner of her eyes, she slowly stands up on her feet. "I don't know. I don't know how to stop anxiety." Her voice broke down in less sadness tone as she continued. "Maybe we can't. Maybe this is what happens when you grow up, you'll feel less joy."

Hearing those last words caused fear to cry for the first time, except for anger and disgust who only had sad expression looks on their faces. Joy wasn't ready to give up that easily, besides she knew that Riley needed them.

"But I do know this.... Riley won't be herself if we don't get this back to headquarters fast." Joy said as they've nodded in agreement with her.

Back with Leo and Casey in the trapped tunnel as the future boy is moving a lot of rocks and rubble to see if their was an exit somewhere. However, Leo looked at the picture of his family and then he started looking at the heart shaped locket as Leo is having second thoughts about Riley and he started to feel bad for the way he yelled at her back at the lair and he broke her hockey stick in half, all because of his stupid outburst and anger.

Leo went over to Casey and started helping him with moving the huge rubble out of the way as Casey glared at him, while Leo just gives him a sheepish smile.

"Look, I know that I'm not the Leo that you've knew in the future and maybe I'll never will be. This whole time I thought for sure my family needed me, but the truth is I need them." Leo admitted as he started to think about his future human daughter Riley and then he sighed. "I feel bad for the way I treated Riley back at the lair, even though she can make mistakes sometime, she's still my daughter and I love her with all my heart."

Leo looked at the locket in his hand, then continued with the conversation. "But if we're gonna survive this, we have to do it together." He said as they both pushed through the rubble hard enough to find an exit and they started climbing the rope.

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