Chapter 28: Leo's Sacrifice

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The father and daughter got interrupted by heavy footsteps of the Krang leader who was walking towards them, Leo knew that Riley had to get Staten Island safely with his brothers as he made a portal for her.

Leo looked at her, then spoke. "Riley, you have to get to my brothers and stay there where it's safe. I don't want you to get hurt." He said gently as Riley nodded and spoke to him.

"Okay I promise I'll stay there this time." Riley said gently with a smile on her face and Leo ruffled her hair.

"Good." Leo said proudly as Riley went into the portal and got to her uncles safely, they were really glad that she's was okay. However, Leo took a deep breath and exhale, then he called Casey on his wrist comm.

"Casey? Casey, come in!" Leo said repeatedly.

Casey got up to the top, he lifted up his mask and spoke. "Sensei I'm here and I got eyes on the key, just tell me when your home free and I'll pull the plug." He said as he started running towards the key and Leo started to come up with an idea that's gonna be risky for him to do.

"Casey listen to me, when I get to the other side! Close that door!" Leo ordered as Casey moves his hand away from the key, he didn't like the idea at all.

"What? Sensei, no!" Casey replied.

April and splinter heard everything about Leo was gonna sacrifice himself to save the world, they both had worry looks on their faces. The blue mask turtle continues to talk to Casey and continued with the conversation.

"Casey, it's the only way. He's too strong, he's not gonna stay on the other side unless I keep him there." Leo said gently as Raph, Donnie, Mikey and Riley also had worry looks especially Riley because she didn't want her dad to sacrifice himself and leave everyone else that he loves.

"There's have to be another way." Casey said into the earpiece.

"We've tried everything case. This is the only way." Leo said gently as Raph started talking to his brother on the wrist comm.

"Leo, please don't do this! Leo?" Raph said in a worried tone as he heard him laughing for a few minutes.

"You're one to talk, big bro. Hero moves are totally your style." Leo said gently as they didn't want him to do this big sacrifice. Krang leader stood there and spoke directly to Leo with a evil smirk on his face.

"Outmatched and alone yet, you persist for what? Honor, redemption, sacrifice all just meaningless." Krang leader said as Leo took out his swords, ready to fight the krang leader on his own.

"We'll see about that." Leo said as they charged right at each other, then Leo slides past him, throwing his sword at the opening portal and getting grabbed, thrown to the ground by the Krang leader who stomped on him hard as Leo screamed in pain. He heard Casey's voice again on his wrist comm.

"Leo, please! I can't lose you again." Casey pleaded.

"Hey, future me would be real proud of you. I'm proud of you." Leo said gently as Riley started talking to her father on Raph's wrist comm.

"Dad, you don't have to do this! I don't want you to leave me! Please!" Riley said in sadness as tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Awww Riley, I'm never gonna leave you but I promise that I'll always love you no matter what." Leo said gently as Krang leader looked at him with glowing red eyes, stomping on him to the ground even harder.

"Weak words, weak actions! I have forever known what you've failed to understand! Strength always prevail!" Krang leader said in anger as Leo stabbed him in the leg with his sword.

"What you fail to understand is

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"What you fail to understand is....I missed on purpose!" Leo exclaimed as he started glowing blue and teleported them into the prison dimension that was all gray and black with rocks. Krang leader started beating him up like crazy as he didn't even know that Leo threw his other sword back at the portal.

"No! Enough of your little tricks!" Krang leader said in anger as he grabbed Leo by the neck.

"Casey, close the portal now!" Leo said over his wrist comm as Krang leader started to look confused with everything.

"What?" Krang leader asked as he looked down at the opening portal, Casey started to tear up and whimpered, he didn't want to but he knew that he had to do it. "No! Let go of me!" He said as Leo grabbed Krang leader by the corner of his face.

"Casey, please!" Leo pleaded, getting hit in the face a couple times by the Krang leader, Casey finally closed the portal and ran fast. After it was closed which caused the whole technodrome to explode, the clouds turned greenish and yellow, the wind blowing hard as Raph had a sad look on his face while Donnie holds his bo staff in his hands looking sad. Mikey had tears streaming down his cheeks and covered his mouth with his hands, Riley started crying and her eyes widen open as she sees her heart shaped locket coming towards her and she grabbed it with her hands.

"I miss you dad." Riley whisperered to herself. Joy and everyone else felt bad about Leo sacrificing himself like that.

"Oh no..." Disgust said gently.

Later inside of the prison dimension as Krang leader had a look on his face, like he was shocked about his evil plans gotten ruined by Leo who let go of his face and started floating around and spoke.

"You've been portal chopped!" Leo said jokingly. The explosion caused him to fall and gotten to the ground of black and grayish rocks, the Krang leader looked up and then he turned around slowly to look at Leo who wasn't saying anything.

"You.... you've ruined everything!" Krang leader exclaimed in anger as he walked towards closer to him. "Now, my wrath reserve for you alone! You've think you wretched little PEST!" He yelled as he started to beat Leo up even more, which caused them to fall to the ground, Leo looked at the photo in his hand and whimpered, a single tear streams down from his cheek and he grin. "WIPE THAT GRIN OFF YOUR FACE!!"

Leo got far away from the krang leader as he holds the picture closer to his chest and started crying again. He started to think that he was gonna be stuck here in the prison dimension forever.

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