Chapter 26: Father Vs Rebel Daughter

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Taking a breath as they were standing there without saying a word. Charging right at him, with orange light indulged around her and she started get even more stronger. Using the hockey stick to shoot laser beams at the blue mask turtle as he jumped and dodged out of the way really fast.

"Riley, I don't want to fight you!" Leo said in a serious tone as he started to get angry with his daughter's behavior, she wasn't gonna let him ruin her chances on anything.

"I wouldn't want to fight me neither!" Riley said in anger as she started to attack him again, Leo took out his sword, dodged her move as they were face to face with each other.

Leo looked into her eyes, then spoke. "Listen I know you're upset, but this isn't you and I know that the real Riley wouldn't do anything like this." He said gently as Riley groaned and attack him, but he dodged out of the way again. She struggled to hit him with the hockey stick because he kept dodging or making portals to get away from her.

"Ugh!!" Riley groaned in frustration.

Anxiety kept pressing buttons on the console fast. "Come on!" She said in frustrated anger in her voice.

Suddenly, Riley looked everywhere for Leo and just then, sneaking up behind her and grabbed her as he tried to calm her down a little bit. Technically, he wasn't gonna hurt her in any way but he just wanted to talk to his daughter.

"Riley stop this!" Leo said in less anger as she tried to get out of his hold. "You can't just attack your own father like that!"

Riley wasn't listening as she got even more angrier and stressed, it made her stronger than ever. "I don't care! Ahhhhh!" She yelled in anger as blasted her powers on Leo which caused him to let go and he was already covered in scratches. Using her powers to vanish for a few seconds as she jumped, ready to hit him this time. "I am not gonna let you stand there and remind me of everything I hate about myself!!"

Riley heard her inner voice again inside of her own head. "I'm not good enough, I'm not a good daughter." Voices echoed in her head as her new Sense of Self glow brighter orange.

She hit Leo with the hockey stick so hard which caused him to get thrown with a loud bang against his shell, slightly cracked formed a little bit. Technically, anxiety started to think that she was taking this way too far and caused this fight to happen, because she isn't thinking straight.

Envy gasps and spoke. "Oh no, Leo."

Anxiety started to feel bad about everything that she's done. "It all happened so fast, I didn't mean to hurt him like this." She said in sadness as tears leaked down and holding herself, not touching the console. "What have I done? I can fix this."

She went up to the Sense of Self and tried to pull it out with the help of sadness, embarrassment, envy and ennui as they've struggled to get the new Sense of Self out, but it wasn't gonna work. Because of the energetic hockey stick in Riley's hands, it was putting too much pressure on her.

Riley tried to let go of the hockey stick, it was too powerful for her to handle. She felt so guilty about the way she hurt her dad, because she didn't want to be the kind of person who's seeks for revenge. Tears stinged into her eyes as she tried to stop thinking about the bad memories, it was no use and there's no way for Riley to turn back to normal.

"Come on Riley, this isn't the person who you want to be!" She said to herself as Leo looked up and gasps, to see his daughter trying to put a stop to this nonsense.

"Oh no, Riley." Leo said in a worried tone.

Riley spoke to her father as the powers have gotten worse, it transformed into an orange tornado as she got lifted up and her eyes were glowing orange, tears were still in her eyes. "Dad, I'm so sorry for everything, i didn't mean for any of this to happen." She apologized to him as Leo looked worried about her.

"Riley, it's gonna be okay!" Leo said gently as he stepped towards closer to the orange spinning tornado that she's in right now.

Anxiety blamed herself for this mess, they couldn't get Riley back to normal. "If only joy was here, she would know what to do? I've never meant to hurt Riley like this. I'm sorry you guys." She apologized to them as envy spoke to her.

"Anxiety don't be so hard on yourself, none of this is your fault." Envy said gently.

"Yeah, I'm sure joy and the others will be back soon." Sadness said gently with a smile on her face as Embarrassment and Ennui just nodded in agreement. They've tried to pull the Sense of Self out as hard as they can, but it still wasn't working. Suddenly, joy came back to headquarters just in time to save Riley and they were really glad that she's here now especially anxiety.

"Sadness." Joy said, holding Riley's sense of self in her right arm as she noticed that anxiety was helping them. "Anxiety, what are you doing?" She asked as she was surprised about the hug that is given to her.

"Oh joy, thank goodness you're back!" Anxiety said as she looked at her with tears in her eyes. "I've made a terrible mistake and I don't know how to fix it."

Joy looked and sees that their girl was in danger, she realized that Riley went full teen rebel. Then she looked down at anxiety who was still hugging her tightly and she could tell that anxiety felt guilty about everything that she did. Taking over Riley's mind, changing her into a person who wanted to seek revenge, ruining the bonding of a father and daughter relationship.

"Don't worry anxiety, we've got this." Joy said gently as she came up with an idea that will save their kid in this disaster of a powerful orange tornado.

Rise Of The TMNT Movie: Hockey Girl For A Teenage Daughter 💙💙Where stories live. Discover now