Chapter 27: Listen To Your Inner Voices

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Joy put on the headphones, going up to the console and for the first time in her life, Riley can actually hear her own emotions inside of her head as joy spoke into the microphone of the headphones. "Riley, it's your emotion joy." She said gently.

Riley gasps and spoke to her emotion for the first time. "Joy, I'm so glad that I can hear you in my head. I know that you and the others are probably disappointed in me for the terrible mistakes that I've done, I'm so sorry." She apologized as joy gentle moved the microphone to her mouth and spoke to her.

"Hey, it's okay. Mistakes happen all the time, but we're not disappointed in you Riley. It's our job to take care of you and make sure you do the right thing." Joy said gently as she sighed and continued the conversation with Riley. "I bet Leo wouldn't be disappointed in you for this either, it's not your fault and we're here for you kiddo."

Riley's eyes were still orange as the tornado kept spinning around her. "But how am I supposed to get out of this mess?" She asked in a worried tone as she looked down at the energetic hockey stick in her hands, struggling to let go of it. "This hockey stick is too powerful for me to destroy it." She said as joy thought of an idea just now.

"I have an idea." Joy said to herself as she started to talking to Riley again. "Listen Riley, you gotta think of the good thoughts that you had with Leo in the future. Remember the time when he washed your dirty hockey jerseys completely clean in the washing machine?" She asked as the projector showed the core memory to her mind.

Riley sniffled and spoke. "Yeah, I was actually sitting in front of the dryer and waiting patiently for it to be done. I definitely started smiling and listening to my music on my headphones that day." She said gently with a smile on her face.


Waiting patiently for her jersey to dry as Riley is sitting on the ground and watching the dryer spinning her favorite jersey around in circles. Future Leo walked by and noticed that his 13 year old daughter was sitting there, he couldn't help but chuckle.

"How long are you gonna sit there, kiddo?" Future Leo asked with a smile on his face as Riley looked up at her father.

"Just as long as my jersey drys enough, but I'll take it out of the dryer when gets done." Riley said gently with a smile, turning back to watch the dryer again as future Leo smiled and then puts her headphones on, that way she can listen to her music and not get bored of waiting. "Thanks for my headphones dad."

"Anytime kiddo!" Future Leo said gently as he left the kitchen and she started listening to music, her own emotions were enjoying the song as well.

Riley started dancing, and smiling to herself as she snapping her fingers. "I definitely love this kind of music." She said to herself as joy, anger, fear, disgust and sadness were enjoying themselves.

"Our girl's got some moves." Joy said in a happy tone.

"Most definitely." Fear said with a smile. They've nodded in agreement with them as joy was really glad that Riley is happy with her new life. Riley had a smile on her face as she did the moonwalk dance style and her emotions leaned in together and spoke.

"AWooga!" They've said in unison

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"AWooga!" They've said in unison. Riley happily did a lot of good dance moves and she was literally having fun, even her own emotions were having fun too. It was their job to make Riley happy and make the best memories that she deserves to remember.

Flashback ended

Riley started giggling and spoke. "That was actually my favorite memory. I'll never forget it either." She said gently as joy smiled and spoke to her again.

"That was my favorite memory too." Joy said gently as Riley started to feel a little bit calmed, after her eyes turned back to blue and when the core memory turned yellow. Joy gasps and sees that it was their chance to pull the new Sense of Self out. Lowering the headphones from her neck as joy spoke to the other emotions. "Guys, now!"

They've all pulled harder as the new Sense of Self is finally out. Just then, joy took the other one and ran up to put it back in where it belongs. Once Riley's Sense of Self started to glow bright light blue.

"I'm a good person

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"I'm a good person." Voice echoed in Riley's head as soon as she heard it, the teen blonde girl started to settle down and back on the ground. Riley noticed that Leo was slowly walking towards her and she couldn't bare to look at the reaction on his face.

"Joy, I don't know how my dad is gonna react to my stupid behavior earlier." Riley said gently as joy calmed her down even more and she came up with an amazing speech to make her feel better.

"It's gonna be fine Riley, besides he loves you as a daughter and I'm sure that he'll forgive you if you just listen to your inner voices and tell him everything." Joy said gently as the rest of the emotions started looking at the Sense of Self in front of them and it started to glow different colors. Riley took a deep breath and listened to her inner voices in her head.

"I'm selfish, I'm kind, I'm not good enough, I'm not a good daughter, I need to do better, but I wanna make him proud of me, I'm brave but I get scared, I'm nice, I'm mean, I make mistakes, I need help sometimes." Inner voices echoed in her head and changed colors as joy started to have a sad frown on her face and she hugged Riley's Sense of Self tightly, the rest of the emotions did the same thing to help Riley overcome her fear of telling Leo how she'd felt about everything.

Riley finally calmed down, she ran up to Leo and hugged him tightly. "Dad, I'm so sorry for everything and I didn't mean to act like that it's just I was upset about the argument that we had back at the Lair, I was really frustrated with myself about being an awkward teenager." She said gently as Leo slowly lifted up her chin and wiped her tears away.

"Oh Riley, none of this is your fault and I don't blame you. I shouldn't have never overreacted like that with you. But I'll never be disappointed in you for this, I'm very lucky to have the best daughter ever in my life. you're definitely one of a kind." Leo said gently with a smile as Riley was touched to hear those heartwarming words from her father.

"I love you dad." Riley said in a happy tone.

"I love you too kiddo. It's good to have you back." Leo said gently as he hugged her tightly in his arms. Riley's emotions smiled at the father and daughter moment and they were glad that Riley is back to normal. After she let go of the hug, she picked up the hockey stick and broke it in half.

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