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🎧 Everybody's got a $ecret ★ Billlie

Seungmin arrived at Jooyeon's house in a matter of minutes. He didn't live far so that was a good thing. The younger boy was waiting for him at the door so he didn't even have to knock or ring the bell.

"You don't look well, are you ill?" He said before greeting him. He realised that afterwards and welcomed him in. Seungmin shook his head, it was a lie though. What just happened earlier had shaken him up completely. He was unsure of what to say to him.

He took off his shoes once he entered the house and followed Jooyeon to his room. He sat down on the floor and looked around, it was the first time he was in his room; even in his room. He noticed a cute picture of Jooyeon and Jiseok together, from a photobooth in town. With even a quick glance at his room, you could tell that he loved his boyfriend a lot.

There were tons of pictures of them together all over the walls, the desk, the shelves — just the entire room. Seungmin stood up from his place and went to Jooyeon's desk to see a framed picture of Jiseok and him.

"Aw this one's cute!" He exclaimed, Jooyeon came behind to check which one he was talking about. A slight blush appeared on his face when seeing it, remembering the back story of the picture.

Seungmin knew that there was something that happened during the picture due to Jooyeon's reaction, and he wanted to hear the full story.

"That was on our first date" He said with a dreamy smile. Seungmin picked up on this and had to stop himself from (nicely) making fun of him. He knew something like that was extremely important to him, and making fun of something like that could possibly hurt him.

A huge wave of guilt overcame Seungmin, he realised that he kissed Jiseok. Well technically it was the other way round, but he still felt extremely bad about it.

Obviously, there would be something wrong if he did.

"What's wrong? You look sad?" Jooyeon asked, falling down on his bed. Seungmin stood up from the desk chair and laid next to his friend.

He didn't want to be truthful, there was no way he would be the one to hurt Jooyeon so badly. he'd just keep it as a secret.

After a couple of seconds, Jooyeon realised that he was nowhere near comfortable answering that. Or maybe, he wasn't even sad, and he was just making assumptions. He decided to ask another question to diffuse the tensions.

"You really like Hyeongjun, don't you?" Seungmin turned bright red, he made sure he just heard him correctly. He had no memory of ever telling him of his crush, as far as he could remember (a/n: "he" is code for Jude 😖), he only told Jungsu.

Jooyeon chuckled, that reaction basically just gave him confirmation for what he just asked.

"W-what?" He asked, confused, he thought that he was pretty secretive about his crush, but that seemed to prove him wrong. If Jooyeon had figured it out, then his whole friend group would eventually find out about it.

"Gay guy falls for guy who says he's straight when he's having struggles with his sexuality currently, fun trope" He said, Seungmin knew the first part was obviously talking about him, but he didn't understand why Jooyeon said that for Hyeongjun.

"He said he's straight though?" Seungmin said without really thinking, Jooyeon shook his head. Him and Hyeongjun spent a bit more time together than Seungmin and Hyeongjun, especially at the start, during their project.

"He's really struggling" He started, a soft smile resting on his lips. Seungmin furrowed his eyebrows, he was in need of an explanation.

"Saying he's straight gives him some comfort, some control with his internal struggles" Seungmin felt a huge wave of relied wash over him. He felt quite good because of that. If Hyeongjun wasn't straight, as he kept on saying, he still had a chance with him.


-Jude out!


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