Year 5 Chapter 1

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Getting on a train going to a different school is not what I'd be imagining for myself this year.

It's different from the Beauxbatons carriages that are pulled by a multitude of pegasuses. This is relatively normal. It's quite literally just a train. I mean obviously I had to run in between two pillars at the station to get onto the platform, but besides that it is relatively normal.

I continue to walk throughout the platform and manage to find where I stow away my luggage. I keep my satchel across my body since it's enchanted and has much more room than it seems on the outside. It has enough space to keep my small, gray mouse comfortable... It probably has ample space to keep her comfortable though. I did have to hand off my owl since he and the cage would take up too much room in the compartments.

After stowing my luggage I start walking to the front to board and when I get on it's bustling with students, it's a large train, but with this many people aging from 11 years old to 17 it feels a little...cozy.

I managed to scoot by some of the other kids, to look for a compartment. I try to search for one with a student or two that look about 15 or like they've experienced their fifth year at Hogwarts so I can ask some questions, but the compartments that I asked said they were full or waiting on their friends.

I do eventually find an empty compartment further in the back of the train to finally sit down in.

I set down my satchel and then sit next to it. I take out my mouse, who had acquired the name Clover when I found her over the summer. I place her on my shoulder so she can stretch her tiny legs out for a little and then I lean my head against the window as the train whistles and pulls away from the station, beginning my first journey to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

I snap my eyes open quickly when I hear the compartment door open quickly. I hear it hit the other side so it slid open quite quickly.

When I open my eyes I see three boys all of which have fiery ginger hair. Two have about the same haircut, short but a little messy. The third has thicker hair, but still a little short. As I look at the other two I realize they are the same height and look to be the same stature and build. The third is shorter only by a little, and just a little less skinny, but still a similar build to the other boys.

Are they all related?

I'm shocked when they don't notice me, until I realize they are yelling at each other.

The younger looking one, who actually looks like he might be in his fifth year, is the main one yelling about what I think was a prank, and the older two are just laughing at him, but the one on the right starts to apologize through a couple laughs.

"Oh c'mon, Ron, take a joke," the one on the left chimes in.

"No! You gits gave me a boil! A nasty one!" the younger one shouts.

At this point others are watching.

"Alright, alright, Ron, we're sorry we should've tested it on someone else. It'll go away by the time we get to Hogwarts," the one on the right says, almost genuinely.

"You're bloody right, you should've tested it on someone else! Test it on Malfoy next time!" the younger one starts to walk away, "both of you are gits."

The two look at each and say to everyone else, "C'mon, on with it! Shows over!"

They finally turn around and notice me.

"Oh!" they both say.

That's when I can finally see that they look exactly the same. They have to be twins.

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