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 I wake up and change into my quidditch uniform right away, and make my way to the Great Hall.

Right away I see Malfoy and Blaise getting swarmed by girls from almost every year. I see girls try and swarm Fred, but he avoids them going right to Angelina's side. George I see right behind him, avoiding any attention at all. Ron is being teased by a couple Slytherins once again, but I watch as Harry handles it before I can.

I see Blaise looking at me for help from the Slytherin table, and I slowly make my way through the girls crowding him.

"Oi! Clear out! If you really think he's that attractive and not rubbish at quidditch, let him eat something!" I snap at them, standing in front of him.

I get nasty looks from just about every girl there, but they listen and move onto Malfoy.

"Thanks," Blaise runs his fingers through his hair.

"Quite popular I see," I tease.

"I enjoy it sometimes, people recognizing my excellence," he says, "I know you guys are irritated at each other, but can you help him?"

I follow his gaze to Malfoy. I groan.

"He's our seeker, please," he begs.

I grumble as I walk over to Malfoy. This time the girls don't listen to me, so I lightly push one over and sit down next to him.

"Hey!" a couple girls snap.

"Notice how he isn't talking to any of you?" I rest my chin on the back of my hand.

They are silent, and look to one another, "So?"

"So... Maybe that's him trying to be nice, and not telling you all to get lost," I taunt them.

They give me looks of disgust, as if the thought is that awful, as if the thought of not getting noticed by Draco Malfoy is that bad.

"Okay, so, he's being nicer than I will ever be," I continue, "Get lost or I'll have you barred from watching the match today."

A couple of girls argue, testing me on if I mean it, which I don't, I have no authority over them, not in that way.

"If you don't believe me then that's fine, but I'll be dragging all of you out before the match, that is only if you don't walk away and let him eat something!" I raise my voice, only slightly.

I watch them exchange glances, and then scatter away from Malfoy. They don't pester anyone else.

"You didn't need to do that. I've learned to tone them out," Malfoy finally looks at me.

"I did it because Blaise asked me to, not because I wanted to," I state, getting up.

"Whatever," he rolls his eyes.

I leave him to eat and I sit back down next to Blaise.


All of us make our way to the pitch right after breakfast. Each team is doing warm-ups on their half of the field. I'm expecting Flint to give some type of talk, but he doesn't. He said enough yesterday to last us through at least three games. He does guide us through warm-ups until Hooch blows her whistle to gather everyone around.

"Captains shake hands," Hooch orders.

I watch Angelina stick her hand out quickly, Flint reluctantly shakes hers.

"Mount your broom!" Hooch calls out.

Everyone does. Before anyone can think her whistle blows, and the ball case opens sending all four balls into the air. I hit one of the bludgers first, I hit it close to the quaffle, but targeting the side the Gryffindors are coming from, allowing Slytherin the get in possession of it first.

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