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Fred, George, and I eventually quit running and switched to walking and talking. They showed me a majority of the castle, how to get to my classes, and some shortcuts that doubled as good ditching spots, according to them.

When we were just walking the halls I would pry and ask about them and their family. I did find out that they have five siblings including Ron. They have three older brothers, Bill, Charlie, and Percy, and then Ron and Ginny were the youngest ones. Ron is in my year and Ginny a year below. They told me Harry Potter was practically a part of their family at this point so they tell people they have six siblings, but one is a family secret.

They told me that Harry, Ron, and Hermione (who was the girl on the train) would be good people to talk to. They're all in Gryffindor, but George said he'd talk to them, and only he would, since Ron was extra mad at Fred, since the boil was Fred's idea.

Eventually, though, we started to get to the end of my tour, and that's where we are now. I'm standing with them at the top of the final staircase that leads to the Slytherin common room in the dungeon. They can't go with me. They aren't allowed.

"You were a beater, we know that means you can throw a punch," Fred says, "so if he gives you a problem, do that.... Or use a French girl spell."

I force a laugh. There are some hexes, curses, and jinxes that Beauxbatons has taught before Hogwarts, and some that are just taught at Beauxbatons, but I think I'd rather punch the kid. He seems like he can't fight well without magic, or even with.

"You get into trouble, there's a passage in the Slytherin common room. It's by the small snake statue on the table in the corner. Pull the left fang and a crawl space will open," Fred informs me.

I give him a look, "How'd you figure that one out?"

"He had a thing with a girl two years ago," George scoffs.

I look back at Fred and he gives an exaggerated wink.

I roll my eyes, "Well, at least that helps me. Thanks."

"Oh it was my pleasure," Fred smiles.

"Not needed, but alright," I chuckle, "Thank you, guys. I'll see you around."

"Anytime," Fred nods and walks up the stairs.

George hangs back for a second.

"You'll be fine, and if you're not, that passage goes right inside the Gryffindor common room. If anyone is in there they won't notice it's typically pretty noisy," He whispers.

"Our dorm room is us, Lee Jordan, and another guy who minds his business. Just knock. No one knocks so we'll know it's you."

I don't know why my ears feel hot. Can he tell?

"Thank you, George," I whisper back.

"As Fred said, my pleasure," he pulls back, "sleep well, Vivi."


I watch him meet up with Fred. They both give me a final wave and then they are down the hall and walking up the stairs. I turn and say the Slytherin password, which is 'pure-blood.' I find it stupid.

The giant snakes twist around each other unlocking the door, and then the doors open. I walk through the doors and am met with a short but wide staircase. It's a dark marble. It's flattering. The lighting is a mix of green lanterns and candle light. It's dim, but, same as the stairs, elegant. It's light enough to do work and see, but I'm sure the Gryffindor common room is brighter.

As I get down the stairs, I am in the common room. It has a large fireplace with green flames. It's enchanting. The common room is large for being in the dungeon. The ceiling is tall, there's a lot of bookshelves, a couple couches. It's really nice, better than what I was expecting.

I look around as I walk through the common room. I want to avoid Malfoy until tomorrow, at the very least. I don't see him, good. I walk up to my dorm room and see my owl, Marceline, sitting on a post by the window. She blends into the darkness in the room. If it weren't for her yellow eyes I might have missed her. I pet her slick, black feather and she nuzzles my hand. Having an owl and mouse never seemed like it would work, but the two like each other. I take my satchel off after I take Clover out. I place her on the post with Marceline, and she crawls under her feather to warm up.

I look at the silk, forest green covers on my bed. They're soft. They seem comfortable. I sit down and look around the room. There's a girl asleep across from me and two other beds that are made nicely still. I know it's late because I was with Fred and George for a while and it was dark outside, but down here the windows are to the black lake, so it's hard to tell time, luckily there's a small clock on each night stand.

I pull out some parchment and grab the quill and ink from the nightstand table. I want to write to someone at home, but I don't have anyone to write to.

I pull out a letter next. It's not signed, but I know who it's from. I've almost memorized it, but I can't help but read it. The familiar handwriting is too comforting.

I love you, my dear. It's going to be hard to come home to this. I have tried keeping you far from this... Since he rose back, though, I have been unsuccessful. I tried to run and leave. You fit so well at Beauxbatons, I'm sorry you can't stay anymore. Please...Please be safe. Look for friends in the people you feel are good. Trust your instincts. If I were to tell you to talk to anyone, any teacher, Severus Snape is your best bet. He is a cold man, but was in a similar situation as me. I'm sorry you had to find out this way, but I chose the wrong life out of selfishness. I endangered you. I'm sorry. Forgive your father. This is how your mother died. This is how I will die. Please don't think less of me. When you read this don't look for me. There is no way to say it nicely, but I was killed. I know how they'll do it since I did it to so many. I wish we could talk one last time. I love you. Grab your stuff and leave. I've arranged everything.

I love you Vivi,

Your dear old father.

I wish I was numb to the words. I may have read it over and over, but it still cuts into me. I want to write back. I've written back, but never sent them. There's so many unsaid words. So many are unread. The name Vivi stings when I read it. I hadn't heard the name since last year. I never wanted to. I thought it would hurt, but reading it hurts, but when George said it... it was comforting. I don't know what it was. I don't want to know. I won't ever know.

I fold the letter and put it in my drawer under a notebook. I can't think anymore. I fall back on the bed and I watch the world go black.


I open my eyes. They're still heavy and tired. I hear talking, I look at the clock on my table. It's too late to be up. It's not even three in the morning yet.

I hear two girl voices talking back and forth.

"...I'm not kidding. I saw it!" the voice exclaims quietly.

I missed the first part.

"I guess it will have to happen again for me to believe you," the other laughs.

"Don't wish that on Draco! They could have broken his wrists with how hard they were grabbing!" the first voice snaps.

"It was a joke. Don't be like that Pansy," the second one remarks.

"You know those Weasley boys are trouble--" I think the girl named Pansy starts.

"Yeah, yeah I know, and the whole family is inferior, same with Harry Potter," that sounded like she rolled her eyes when she said that.

The second girl seems to be level headed. I know they're talking about the incident after I was sorted once they said the 'two boys' and 'Weasleys.'

Pansy must have been the one who was watching Malfoy earlier.

I don't think the other girl was around if she doesn't believe the Pansy girl.

"Yeah exactly, now go to bed Astoria," the first one says.

Their footsteps go to the bed on the right and left of me. I am facing the Pansy girl's bed so I turn and face the bed on the left instead. It feels safer to face the other way so she won't recognize my face.

I try to go back to sleep, but the rest of the night I toss and turn, and off and on sleeping.

A Harry Potter Fanfiction: History RepeatsWhere stories live. Discover now