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Fred, George, and I skip breakfast. Umbridge has officially become headmistress, so school will be rough the rest of the year, but I'll get through it. We prepared everything the whole morning. Avoiding teachers and students.

We go over their escape route, and mine which is different from theirs because they're leaving the grounds afterward. We enchant the fireworks so she can't put them out. Then all we have to do is grab our brooms.

After grabbing our brooms we meet in the courtyard.

"Ready?" Fred asks, excited.

"Obviously," I smile.

"You're sure you want to help us?" George asks, "She can make your year hell now..."

"She already will. I can't get deeper than now, none of us can," I assure him.

"Alright. Let's go, mates!" Fred cheers.

We hop on our brooms, each of us has a couple small fireworks in our bags, and each of us has one large one.

We fly into the school, past students who don't have classes, we slow down when we reach the doors of the Great Hall, staying out of sight. Umbridge has taken over the study hall in the Great hall.

"Ready?" Fred whispers, holding out his wand.

We nod.

He gives us the signal and we start by making a firecracker noise. One after the other. We are hidden around the corner, but we see Umbridge come to the doors, and look around, very annoyed.

Fred casts a small sparkling firework out of his wand, and it flies right up to Umbridge, and singes her nose, she tries swatting it away, but it doesn't work; it just shoots past her.

I cast two more of the sparkling ones out of my wand followed by George. She realizes

they keep swarming her and she rushes inside, but we throw one of our small ones in after her, after it goes off we fly in, shouting and cheering.

We cast wind charms and spells, which send papers flying in the air. We light off our small fireworks, which probably don't seem small at all. The air is smokey and hot, but beautiful. There's glittering lights, sparklers and most wizarding fireworks.

Most students shout and cheer and high five us as we fly above them. I see Malfoy swatting away a small firework from his face. Blaise is laughing at him.

"Zabini!" I call out.

He sees me, winks, and I toss him an unlit firework, he sets it off when she isn't looking.

"No! Get down!" Umbridge is in a panic.

She tried dimming the fireworks, but all her spells are useless.

There's pure chaos ringing through the room and bouncing off the walls and ceiling.

I look at the twins, who wink.

"Get down! I will have order!" she shouts at us.

"That's likely!" they shout, and I throw my big firework.

The words Order is Dead line the room with shimmering sparks.

"I will expel all of you!" she shouts.

She knows the twins, I know she hasn't seen my face yet. I've had my hood up, covering it, and never facing toward her.

"Ready Fred?" George shouts.

"Ready George!" Fred chimes.

I watch them light their two fireworks. I watch from above them as a large dragon starts to form, and dance through the room. It roars, and out of its mouth are more fireworks, small ones, but a lot of them.I watch as it charges at Umbridge who is now running away from it screaming.

We start laughing following the dragon.

"Class is dismissed!" we all shout.

Students follow closely behind us.

The dragon chomps down on Umbridge, we enchanted it so it would only singe her clothes, but not her.

We laugh and cheer, flying out the doors and down the hall, most students following us and cheering.

We make it to the courtyard we started in.

"See you at Easter!" Fred calls to me.

"I love you," George shouts.

"I love you too, now go!" I call after them.

They fly straight into the air, and with a wave of both their wands fireworks worm two W's in the sky. I watch as students cheer and shout.

"Weasley! Weasley!" is chanted through the courtyard.

I see Harry, Ron, Hermione, and my friends. I quickly curve off into a corner in the courtyard. Hiding my broom and running in with the group of students.

"Viv! You could be expelled!" Hermione shouts.

"She didn't see my face, and I was too far away for her to see my house crest, now hush and enjoy the fireworks!" I tell her.

Umbridge has now reached us all outside in the courtyard, her clothes still intact but charred and singed in places.

"Where are they?" she yells.

"Long gone!" Harry calls, but she can't see him answer.

She lets out a yell, and scolds all of us to get back inside.


After the prank, I went to the rest of my classes, then dinner, and I sit at the Slytherin table.

Blaise has an awfully large grin on his face when he sees me.

"How were your classes?" he asks, sarcastically, but only in a way I can tell.

"Brilliant," I smirk back at him.

The rest of the day is rather boring after that, but everyone continues talking about it for the rest of the day, and even the rest of the days up until Easter holiday.


I go to Grimmauld Place with Ron and Ginny for Easter. This time I have my trunk packed and ready before we leave.

When we walk in I hear Mrs. Weasley scolding Fred and George, I get glimpses of words, which confirm it's about them dropping out.

She stops scolding when she notices us, and she hugs all of us and then goes back to doing whatever she was doing before scolding the twins.

"Hi there," I say to them, entering the living room.

"Hey! How was the rest of the week?" Fred asks.

"People are still talking about it, and she has no clue I was with you guys, so don't worry," I tell him.

"Hi there," George greets me, with a hug.

We spend a majority of this break practicing apparating. The twins have gotten good at it throughout the year, and have shown me how to apparate and what not to do and how to do it safely.

I've gotten the hang of it, enough to go short distances, but it's an odd feeling even with shorter distances.

It feels like the whole world is spinning, but standing still all at the sametime, it also feels like you don't exist for a moment. It's odd to say the least.

Besides practicing apparition it's a relaxing time. We all just talk and play some mock quidditch in a field down the ways. It goes by too quickly.

"I'll write to you, alright? Be safe," George tells me.

"I will, and you both behave," I look between them.

"As always," Fred winks, "Oh and don't forget to give those to Mcgonagall!"

I nod, "I won't. Bye!"

I wave to the before getting on the train. They have tasked me with giving Mcgonagall their forms to officially quit school.

A Harry Potter Fanfiction: History RepeatsWhere stories live. Discover now