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After dinner the next night, Draco and I hangout in the common room until it's cleared out and Draco has to start patrolling the school one final time before lights out.

He doesn't leave right away, he stands guard while I enter the passage, before I shut the door he tells me something.

"Stay in Gryffindor until ten. I'll be back then."

"Alright, thank you," I reply, and shut the door and begin crawling my way to the Gryffindor common room, a place I haven't been in forever.

I knock on the passage door, instead of just going in. I'm still playing it safe with them. I figured it's best if Neville opens it, or Ginny, rather than just barging in.

Sure enough I am met with Neville on the other side.

"Hey, glad you made it," Neville says, helping me off the ground.

I smile, "Thanks for being open to it."

Neville smiles back then turns around facing the others.

The current group he has are most people who were in the DA: Lavender, Dean, Ginny, Colin, Padma and Pavarti, Kaite Bell, and surprisingly Seamus is there.

"Before any of you say anything," Neville starts, his voice firm, "Ginny and I have already talked with Vivienne. I've told you all that. Gin and I think she can help... and maybe... Malf-- Draco."

I hear a couple people whisper and protest to Neville.

"I said don't say anything!" Neville states, and they stop.

I haven't seen Neville be a leader like this before. Normally I'd expect Ginny to take these things on, but Neville seems to have stepped up a lot lately.

"Alright, now, Viv, talk to 'em," Neville turns to me.

I hesitate, gathering my thoughts, trying to think of the right things to say to get through to them. I should've planned better.

Neville notices my hesitation and gives me a nod, "It's alright. Just be yourself. Be who they know."

"How can you be sure we knew the right side of her?" Seamus spits out.

Ginny stands up and barks at him, "Shut up Seamus! We told you she took veritaserum! Lay off and listen!"

It's encouraging having both of them on my side again, or at least on half of it.

"No, Gin, it's fine. He has a point," I tell Ginny, but turn to the rest of the lot, "Look, I get why you don't trust me anymore. I wouldn't trust me either. All I can do is tell you guys what happened and that I'm sorry and that I did what I thought would protect the most people."

I do just that. I tell them what happened over summer. I tell them everything I did and was told to do. I don't lie.

Most are silent when I finish.

"That's awful, Vivienne," Lavender speaks up.

"I'm fine. I mean, as fine as I can be after everything, but right now I just want to help you guys. I want to help Hogwarts be... Hogwarts again," I go on, "I told Ginny and Neville we should reform Dumbledore's Army, and that I... Draco and I would tell you everything we know or find out if anything happens. We regret everything. We can't take anything back, and I'm sorry, we both are. I just need you all to trust me at the very least, and trust my judgment with Draco."

"Vivienne," Padma begins, "We want to trust you, and I'm sure we can. We trust Ginny and Neville's judgment with you. I mean you've always stuck up for everyone, you're loyal. The only thing is, you can't expect us to trust Draco. Even if he wasn't a death eater, he was awful to most of us."

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