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I separate from all my friends when they go up the stairs and go down. Classes start back up tomorrow, and we got back after dinner would have been served, so we all just went our separate ways.

I walk into the common room, dragging my trunk behind me. Malfoy and his friends are of course the first ones I come in contact with.

I ignore them besides Blaise who walks quickly up to me.

"Want help with your trunk?" he asks.

"Will I owe you another favor if I say yes?" I raise an eyebrow, mocking his letter.

"No, not this time," he smiles, grabbing my trunk from me.

I shake my head, but smile at him, and he follows me up the dorm stairs.

"How was your holiday?" he asks, "You and George have fun?"

"It was wonderful actually, and yes we did. Thank you for packing my things, there was an emergency, I had to leave early..." I tell him.

"I hope things are alright now," he says, a slight bit of concern twinges in his voice.

"Yeah, everything's good now. What about you? How was your holiday?" I answer.

"It was good, rather boring, though. Lots of sitting around with family, and serious talks of things I couldn't care less about, but fine," he tells me.

"Thanks for your help," I tell him as we reach the dorm doors.

"No problem. I'll cash in my favor at another date, by the way," he remarks.

"What kind of favor?" I ask nervously.

"Nothing bad, just help with something," he states.

"That's all I get?" I question further.

"For now. Draco might try and talk with you by the way..." he says, just before he starts going down the stairs.

I groan, but don't say anything, he's too far down the stairs for me to call after him. I just go into my dorm and unpack my things.

I find all my books for my classes, and put them in my bag, so it's ready for tomorrow.


The next morning I wake up and go to breakfast walking with Blaise, who still has not told me what favor he wanted. When we get into the Great Hall I reluctantly sit with the Slytherins since Umbridge is present today.

There's a lot going on so early when we sit down.

"What's going on?" Blaise grumbles, "Why are you guys so loud, this early?"

"Have you not heard?" Pansy snaps.

"Obviously not Parkinson, I wouldn't be asking if I did," Blaise groans, taking a seat across from Malfoy.

I notice Malfoy looks more irritated than normal.

"Look at this then!" Pansy tosses a Daily Prophet toward the both of us.

Blaise rolls his eyes and picks it up, holding it so I can read it as well.

The words I read make me freeze. It couldn't have happened? How, it's supposed to be secure...

"Ten death eaters! Ten! They escaped late last night!" Pansy barks, seeming to be enjoying the news, "Including Sirius Black's cousin Bellatrix LeStrange. They think he helped them!"

Blaise tosses the paper back to Pansy, "Whatever, it was bound to happen eventually."

I look toward the Gryffindor table, about the same amount of noise and chatter is going on over there. I assume they know.

A Harry Potter Fanfiction: History RepeatsWhere stories live. Discover now