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October approaches more quickly than I thought it would, with how long September was dragging on. Draco and I have tried more methods of mending the cabinet, getting nowhere. He's told me he knows how to get the necklace to Dumbledore, we're hiding out in the Room of Requirement after another failed mending session.

"How then?" I ask.

He sighs, running his hands through his hair, "You're not going to like it. I don't even like it, but I think it's the only way, without me handing it to him directly."

I shift my sitting position on the ground turning to him, a concerned look on my face, "How, Draco?"

"I tried going through every other possibility, every single one wouldn't work. I just need you to know that," he starts, "The imperious curse, on a Gryffindor. Katie Bell, to be exact. She's on the Gryffindor quidditch team, she's friends with Potter, and I've found if Potter trusts them, so does Dumbledore, and I wasn't going to suggest someone you're close with, I wouldn't be able to do it, so she seemed like the best option."

He talks quickly, but not fast enough for me not to understand his words. I see hesitation in his eyes, like he really, truly doesn't want to do this, but we both know we have to try.

"Yeah, you're right I don't like that at all..." I try to keep my voice neutral, I don't want him thinking I'm mad at him.

He groans, his hands go over his face, dragging them down frustratedly, "I promise you, I've been through every other scenario in my head. I promise. I don't want to use any unforgivables, but nothing else would work..."

"I'm not mad at you, I'm not disappointed in you either. Just mad and disappointed at the situation. I know you don't want this," my hand goes on his shoulder.

"I am sorry, still," he turns his head looking at me.

"I know. It's alright, you're right it's the only way it would work. He's barely been out of his tower. The only person I've seen going up to it, besides professors, are Harry and sometimes his friends. I've seen a couple others try, no luck. He won't really talk with anyone else besides those in Gryffindor..." I tell him what I've learned.

I've been getting vague information on most everyone, except my former friends, they might hate me, but I'm not using it as an excuse to alter how I think.

"I just want this over with," Draco sighs.

"I know, me too. We'll be alright though, we can keep each other sane," I give him a small smile.

"Yeah, I think you're the only person willing to even try to keep me sane, now," he grumbles, under his breath.

"Blaise would."

He shakes his head, "Blaise won't talk to me about this stuff. Anything but my personal life is an okay topic. You know he doesn't agree with any of Voldemort's followers."

"I didn't know he wouldn't talk to you about it, I'm sorry," I'm just now realizing that Draco has been alone if I'm not around.

"It's understandable," he grabs my hand, "Thank you for staying with me."

I furrow my brows at him, confused, "Dray, I'm not leaving. I know you, and I know what you believe. I know you don't think like them. You're stuck with me."

"I can get used to that," he grins, leaning in kissing me, softly.

"Me too," I say after we pull away.


One quidditch practice a week has turned into three by October eighth, which has made it harder to find time to mend the cabinet and talk to Katie. Draco has told me we can try to get her to the three broomsticks this coming Saturday.

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