Year 7 Chapter 47

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It's radio silence for the next week. July begins with static silence, which is far less calming than I thought it would be.

I sit on Draco's window sill thinking about what to do. How we are going to smooth things over when we get back to Hogwarts. The one thing I know for sure is that we have to remain morally gray until the end. We have to at least act it until the end.

The second thing I know is: the DA needs to be formed once again, only this time instead of a tyrannical professor, it's against one of the most powerful dark wizards in history.

I hear Draco starting to move around and wake up. I woke up earlier than him today. I didn't have the heart to wake him up when I did. He's barely slept since we returned to the manor.

"Viv?" he groggily mutters.

"Hey, you're up," I slide off my seat on the window.

I sit on the edge of his bed now, brushing his hair out of his face, he gives me a tired grin.

"How long have you been up?" he asks, glancing at the time.

"A couple hours. I've just been thinking, trying to figure out what to do," I explain.

He shakes his head as he sits up, "You never stop thinking, do you?"

I chuckle a little, "I guess not."

"Well then tell me what you've come up with then," Draco states, the tiredness still lingers in his voice as he rubs his eyes.

"Want to get up and walk around outside?" I offer.

He nods, "Yeah, I'll get dressed."

I watch as he gets dressed. I can't help but stare at him. We've been together for just a little over six months, you'd think I'd get used to him by now. You'd think I'd might have gotten used to staring at him, maybe even sick of it, with how often we've been together, but it's the far opposite. I find myself looking at him more lately, studying him. I try to memorize every scar on his skin. I find myself trying to memorize the way his hair naturally falls, and his demeanors in different situations. I try to memorize and take in every part of him, so I will be able to find him if we ever get separated. If I memorize him I can always find him and return to him. Also, Draco Malfoy is just a mesmerizing person to try and memorize. You can't help but want to continue looking at him, no matter what he's doing.

He has a new scar on his face. It's just under his cheek. It's small and barely noticeable, but I've found it. He got it when Lestrange blew out the windows to the Great Hall, a couple pieces of glass cut his face when he was standing there watching everything happen.

He turns to me, fully facing me and I can see the faint scar hiding behind his eyebrow from where I punched him two years ago. I think he forgets it's there.

He notices my eyes wandering over him, I'm sure he felt me staring for a while. He just gives me a grin as puts on his shirt.

He leans on the back of his bed frame, "You're staring again."

His voice is sly, knowing he caught me staring, but it's charming and calm at the sametime.

"Again?" I furrow my brows.

"Yes, again. I should start keeping track of all the times I catch you," he smirks.

"For what purpose? To inflate your ego?" I tease.

He snickers, "Maybe, but me just having you, Vivienne, has inflated it far beyond repair."

He leans over the bed frame and sneaks in a kiss, then pulls away, and heads toward the door.

A Harry Potter Fanfiction: History RepeatsWhere stories live. Discover now