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The next day there's a knock on the door, and I follow behind Harry and Ron, who are practically fighting for who gets to answer. I already know it's Hermione, so I let them fight over it.

Hermione comes in with two trunks, her's and mine, thank Merlin. She greets the boys first then turns to me.

"You can imagine my surprise when Blaise Zabini greets me while boarding the train, politely mind you, and tells me that you never packed, and that he did it for you, and that I needed to get it the rest of the way... He also has a letter for you..." Hermione snarks, "You can imagine my surprise right?"

I chuckle and give her a hug, "Thank you 'Mione, and yes I can."

"Nice to see you," she greets me back, and hands me the letter.

"He could have sent it with my owl..." I complain.

"He told me you'd say that, and he also told me to tell you that he couldn't make it that easy..." she rolls her eyes, amused.

I follow them all into the main living room while I unfold the parchment.

Hey ma, you really thought I wasn't going to, didn't you? You can't even IMAGINE the trouble and stakes I went to for you. Sneaking into the girl's dorms, during the holiday season... Blimey. You owe me... I'll call in my favor later. Have fun with Georgie then.

-Blaise.... PS stop calling me Blaisey, makes the charming bloke ruse hard to keep up...

"What an ass," I mutter to myself, I fold it back up and join my friends.


Things stay calm until Christmas morning. Mrs. Weasley has woken everyone up with her warm but rather loud voice.

All of us walk downstairs. There's so many of us I'm surprised no one trips and causes a falling line of us, like dominos.

"Happy Christmas to all of you!" Mrs. Weasley cheers, brightly, and hugs each of us, "We'll open presents later in the evening! Your father will be able to come home today! So we can all go get him and come back home!"

She had been keeping that news secret for I don't know how long, but it seems to have made everyone very happy, including me.

Mrs. Weasley spends most of the day baking, and the whole manor smells fantastic throughout the whole day. George, Fred, and I just hang around talking and joking. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny join us and depart, and repeat that process, until Mrs. Weasley tells us it's time to go.

We take the floo network again and are in the same main hall we were in last time. This time though, there's a new face. One with the same complexion and hair as the Weasley's, only longer. He has a more structured face, and looks only a bit older.

"Bill!" Mrs. Weasley says happily, hugging the boy.

"That's your other older brother?" I ask George.

"Yeah! Bill!" Fred and George both say.

Everyone goes up to greet him. He's pleasant, he talks to everyone with a lot of respect in his voice, even me, even though he doesn't know me.

"Charlie couldn't make it then?' Bill asks, scanning through all of us.

"No, stuck in Romania, said there might be a new species of dragon to find, but he sends his best," Mrs. Weasley smiles.

"And Percy?" Bill asks.

Mrs. Weasley's face hardens, and she just shakes her head with pursed lips.

"Of course," I hear Bill murmur, disappointed but seemingly expecting it.

A Harry Potter Fanfiction: History RepeatsWhere stories live. Discover now