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"Arresto Momentum!" Hermione casts on all of us before we hit a rocky floor.

We all just tap onto the ground. We a;ll stand looking around confused as to where we are. It's a large room, but its terrain is mildly rocky, in the middle of it there's a gateway, a stone gateway with a white, flowing, foggy center. I can hear it whispering, I realize Harry and Luna can, I assume so can Neville.

"Harry we need to leave--" Hermione's voice is cut off.

All of a sudden I feel hands grab me, and I have the feeling that I got when I was practicing apparition. The feeling stops and I'm in the same room with everyone as before, only I'm being held in the arms of a death eater, his wand pointed at my neck. I see everyone is stuck like I am, besides Harry.

Him and the man named Lucius stand in the middle of the room.

"I'll make this simple then, hand over the prophecy or they all die," Lucius snaps.

"No! Don't Harry!" Neville shouts.

We all watch as Harry glances at all of us, he's going to do it. I know he is, he looks desperate. I watch as he places it in the hands of Lucius Malfoy.

Right after Lucius has it there's a bright light, similar to the one Dumbledore casted, and before I can register what's happened, I watch as Sirius Black punches Lucius in the face, and the Prophecy falls and shatters on the floor.

More bright lights appear, They're people apparating. I look around seeing the Order members appear. They all take out each death eater that had been holding us all captive.

"You've all done brilliantly, but let us take it from here!" a taller, lankier man with scars across his face calls to us.

A couple Order members gather us and hide us away in safety. Harry is still with Sirius. We all sit and hide while spells are being shot off, and people are stunned.

A couple more Order members appear; they take us in groups of two moving us away from spells and protecting us.

I'm with Ron and we try to get Harry's attention, but he's fighting with Sirius. Some death eaters disappeared from the room during all of this, only a couple remain. Me and Ron are being dragged away, but I hear an unforgivable being shouted.

"Avada Kedavra!" I whip around, and see a green flash coming from LeStrange's wand. I watch as it hits Sirius.

Time stops as Sirius's body tenses up then relaxes completely. I watch Harry try to grab him as his body floats into the Veil. I thought Harry was going to follow him, but the man with scars across his face grabs him. I hear Harry scream. My heart aches. I watch as Harry breaks free from the man's grip and chases down LeStrange.

Me and everyone else are still being dragged out, we are dragged through to a doorway, and then hallways after hallway, up several stairs, each more confusing than when we came here.

It takes us forever to get to the main floor, but we do see Harry on the floor, shielding by a veil of white sand, and Dumbledore kneeling down beside him. Harry is rigid.

He's not dead. Something is not right. His body twitches, and then all of a sudden a black cloth like cloud appears, It's Voldemort. We all watch in horror, but just as quickly as he appears he's gone the moment the Minister walks in, and several groupings of ministry workers.

"He's back!" I hear Fudge shout.

Everything after that is a blur. I don't even remember getting back to school. I don't remember getting to the hospital wing, and I don't remember falling asleep, I wouldn't have known I did if I didn't wake up there.

When I do wake up I see the others besides Harry, Ron and Hermione in the Hospital Wing as well.

I rub my eyes, and feel the small bandages across cuts on my face. I also see Blaise standing at the edge of my bed, to my right.

"Bloody hell!" I jump.

"Glad to see you alive," Blaise states, "You alright? Scared me when you weren't in the History of Magic O.W.L even more so when you were nowhere to be found after."

"Yeah, ask Malfoy about that," I groan.

Blaise explains the prophet has already come out with everything, and that Fudge resigned, then he leaves to go start packing for summer holiday.

Myself and everyone else get cleared to leave that same day. We're all still exhausted, but still manage to say goodbye to everyone.

It feels weird packing, it feels weird, everything being calm after all that happened. I just know George is absolutely worried sick, but he'll see us all in a couple hours.

I fall asleep on the train to London, knowing everything is going to change, but not sure how, or even when, if it hasn't already.

A Harry Potter Fanfiction: History RepeatsWhere stories live. Discover now