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Draco and I stay at Hogwarts for Christmas. His mother wrote to him telling us it's safer if we stay here instead of returning to the manor. She warned us that a meeting would be happening and she wanted us as far from it as possible.

I can't help but trust Narcissa more than Snape and Dumbledore. She's proved to me that she cares about her son and myself as well. So we listen.

Holidays are dull at Hogwarts now. There's no decorations or chatter anymore. It looks the same as it looked the first of September. It's upsetting.

Draco and I sit in the common room by the fire two days before Christmas when I get an idea.

"Merlin, what have you thought up now?" Draco grumbles, seeing the look on my face.

"Nothing!" I start, "Well, I mean, obviously something. Don't you think it's rather quiet for Christmas?"

"Yeah, but I think it's fine, you know. No need for any pranks, or rule breaking, not while we've been on a good streak," Draco tries to steer my thoughts and ideas away.

He isn't successful though, "Come on! It's nothing harmful! I just think the school needs a bit of decoration!"

"And how do you suppose we'll do that?" he asks, playing into it, thinking I don't have a plan, forgetting I was friends with the twins.

"After curfew of course. Just a couple charms," I explain, "Like the ceiling in the Great Hall? Just get the charm back on there, and charm up a Christmas tree and some decorations throughout the school!"

Draco groans, his hands cover his face.

"Please?" I beg.

"No!" he groans through his hands.

"Dray, come on, the school's huge. I can't do it without you!" I whine.

A frustrated grumble comes from him as he drags his hands down from his face, "Fine, but only because you asked so nicely."

I laugh at his remark. I knew he'd give in eventually. He's been growing comfortable with breaking the rules and having fun now and again. So we come up with our plan and wait until an hour into curfew before leaving the common room.

We use the disillusionment charm and wander throughout the school. We start with the Great Hall.

The enchantment that was on the ceiling is a bigger one, it's a complex weather enchantment with another one on top of it to keep any precipitation from hitting the floor. It's doable, just takes a lot of magic.

Draco and I both work together on it. Charming the clouds back, charming a moon behind it, and putting back the day-night cycle. We finally get it to start snowing and put the candles back.

It's no longer a bland and plain ceiling, it's now back to the sky. How it was before, nice and charming and magical.

We move on to charming a Christmas tree which takes far less time and magic. Then we run through the halls transfiguring and summoning decorations and banners to make it seem more lively.

We complete our task and return to the common room by two in the morning.

When we get to the safety of the dorm room we take off the disillusionment charm, and I see a smile has worked its way onto Draco's face.

I smirk, "Enjoy yourself?"

"Yeah, yeah," he rolls his eyes, unable to stifle a chuckle.

We spend the rest of the night talking, similar to how we did last Christmas and New Years. Peaceful and at ease and content with just the two of us. We talk until we both fall asleep next to each other.

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