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I wake up to frantic knocking on my door. Astoria and Pansy are already gone, so I answer it. As George had said, it's Blaise.

"Happy Birthday!" he says.

"Thank you. Where are you taking me?" I ask right away.

"I can't say, because if I do, George might kill me," he explains, "Get dressed."

I close the door and change. I have no clue where we're going so I throw on some black skinny jeans, black boots, and a black and white sweater thick striped sweater. I also throw on a green Slytherin hat.

I open the door and Blaise smirks, "This way."

I follow him very reluctantly, and he laughs, "I can say I'm not leading you to certain death, if that helps!"

"Oh yeah loads," I state sarcastically.

He chuckles and we keep walking. He leads me out of the castle, but stops once we reach the last courtyard.

"Do you trust me?" he asks.

"With what?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"Ouch, ma, that hurts," he brings his hand up to his chest dramatically, "Guiding you... If you can't see?"

"Oh god, I have to say I trust you don't I?" I drop my arms.

"Yep!" he grins, "Close them, and don't peek," he says, he gives me his arm to grab onto.

Walking without being able to see, and with Blaise as my guide is anxiety inducing to say the least. He starts walking quicker and sometimes runs, I know it's to mess with me. I shout at him at least five times to knock it off. He of course never does knock it off and makes it even more terrifying when we walk down hill.

"Blaise are we almost there?" I ask when he slows down and eventually stops.

"Yeah, but you can't open your eyes until you're told to," I can hear the grin on his face when he talks.

Suddenly I hear footsteps walking away.

"You're absolutely horrible!" I yell after him.

"Ouch, darling, I am?" I hear George's voice.

I hear Blaise laughing from afar.

I open my eyes and see George, a smile beaming on his face.

"Happy birthday," he says happily.

"Thank you," I smile.

I look around at where I was dragged to. We're outside, by the Black Lake. It's completely frozen over, and there's snow lining all the trees.

"What did you plan?" I ask concerned.

"Remember when we had our first date, and you told me you used to ice skate with your parents when you were little?" he asks slyly.

I look at him and back at the Black Lake. I see two sets of ice skates sitting at the edge of the grass.

"George! What?" I ask, a smile on my face.

"I have no clue how to ice skate, but I figured you're worth learning for," he smiles, his hands on my hips.

"Where did you get the skates?" I ask.

"Hermione. She took them from her house over break," George let's me in on his secret.

I smile at him, "You're amazing, you know that?"

"Only a little," he grins, "Shall we?"

I nod.

I put on one of the pairs of ice skates and have to help George lace his.

A Harry Potter Fanfiction: History RepeatsWhere stories live. Discover now