Chapter 10 : My Salvation ( 16+ )

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Truth should be told,

The one you trust,

Shouldn't be trusted,

For the string behold.

For the string behold

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Later, as All Might arrived at the Main Hall, she was greeted by a sight. Horrifying. Interesting.
Hall was in disarray, scattered souls that once stood guard were now gone, almost as if someone had absorbed them.

The eerie glow still pulsed rhythmically, casting long shadows, but the sense of protection had vanished. All Might knew exactly who was responsible for this devastation.

As she surveyed the hall, one of the Keepers emerged, glowing with protective energy. They approached her cautiously, their ethereal forms flickering with distress.

All Might smiled, but it was a smile devoid of warmth or emotion. "I am not the one you should be afraid of," she said, her voice calm yet heavy with meaning

The Keeper looked at her, understanding dawning in their ancient eyes. "We know," they responded solemnly. "But we also know that our time to act is drawing near."

All Might nodded, her gaze fixed on the pulsing energy at the center of the hall. "Stay vigilant, she advised. "Damon's ambitions grow stronger, and his reach extends further than you realize. We must be prepared for what comes next."

With that, she turned and left the hall, her mind already focused with a dark smile. The battle for control over the realm was intensifying, and every moment counted.


Damon had seen Anawin bare several times before. Each time, he marveled at the ethereal beauty, but this time, something was different.

As Anawin lay exposed before him, his body trembling under Damon's intense gaze even though he was in no position to see the man behind him, an unfamiliar sensation surged through Damon.

His breath hitched, and a primal urge took hold of him--a desire to mark Anawin, to paint his symbols all over that untouched unclothed body

Damon's eyes roved hungrily over Anawin's smooth, unblemished skin. The sight of the innocence and vulnerability ignited a wisted pleasure within him.

One thing for sure, He loved hearing Anawin beg, his voice trembling with desperation. But Damon always stopped short of causing real harm. He was careful, his actions calculated to instill fear without breaking Anawin's spirit entirely.

Anawin's soul was pure, innocent, and Damon could see it in his eyes, that couldn't hide anything And In Fact Anawin was naïve, gullible, who doesn't knew how to control the power within him and utterly captivating in his helplessness.

That naivety was what drove Damon to bring him to Limbo. A mortal in this realm was unheard of, a isk that could incite chaos. But Anawin's power was something Damon needed, something he craved to acquire or tame.

From the moment he saw Anawin with that diary, Damon knew its potential. He sensed the untapped energy within Anawin, a force that, if harnessed, could make Damon unstoppable.

"My beautiful creator, I want to be real for you~" Damon murmured as he kissed Anawin's neck a little too harshly, drawing a groan from his delicate form.

"I am not your creation, I am not your imagination, but a mere soul who is lucky to be named in a world of the unnamed," Damon continued, his voice filled with a mix of yearning and desperation.

Anawin's mind went blank. What is happening? he wondered, struggling to process Damon's words and actions.

His thoughts were a whirlwind of confusion and fear. He had always known Damon to be powerful, but this sudden vulnerability and intensity were unlike anything he had ever experienced Anawin's heart pounded in his chest as he tried to make sense of the situation.

"Damon, please," Anawin whispered, his voice trembling. "I don't understand. Why are you saying these things?"

Damon's grip on Anawin's shoulders tightened, his eyes dark and intense. "Because you, Anawin, are the key to everything. You have no idea how special you are, how much power you hold within you. And I... I need that power."

Anawin's breath hitched, his fear growing. "But I don't have any power," he protested weakly. "I'm"

Damon's expression softened for a moment, a flicker of something almost like affection crossing his features. "You are so much more than you realize," he said softly. "And I will do whatever it takes to make you see that."

Anawin's eyes filled with tears. "Why, Damon? Why do you care so much?"

Damon leaned in, his lips brushing against Anawin's ear. "Because you are my salvation," he whispered. "And I am your destiny."

The boy underneath shivered, his mind reeling from the intensity of Damon's words and the conflicting emotions they stirred within him.

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