Chapter 14 : Sea mirror

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If I took a step forward,

Will you come with me, toward?

If I took a step backward,

Will you hold my hand, secure?

Will you hold my hand, secure?

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Anawin took a deep breath and stepped out of his room, his eyes quickly finding Damon waiting just outside.

Damon’s expression was unreadable, but his intense gaze sent a shiver down Anawin’s spine.

Without a word, Damon extended his hand. Anawin hesitated for a moment before offering his own, feeling a mix of apprehension and resignation. He intertwined thier fingers together.

The light and shadow danced around them, Anawin clung to Damon’s hand. “Where are we going?” he asked, his voice tinged with both curiosity and fear.“You’ll see,” Damon replied, his tone surprisingly gentle.

Damon’s fingers closed around his with a firm grip, and with a flick of his finger, the world around them blurred into a swirling cylinder of light and shadow.

“Trust me.”Before Anawin could respond, the swirling cylinder dissolved, and they found themselves standing on the edge of the mirrored sea.

The sight took Anawin’s breath away, the surreal beauty of the place starkly contrasting with the chaos of Limbo.“Wow,” Anawin whispered, his eyes wide with awe. “This is... incredible.”

Before him stretched a vast expanse of water, its surface smooth and reflective like a mirror.

The sky above was a muted gray, casting an eerie, ethereal glow over the scene. There was no sign of life, only the serene, haunting beauty of the mirrored sea.

Damon released Anawin’s hand and took a few steps forward, the water rippling slightly under his feet but leaving no trace. Anawin followed, his reflection shimmering beneath him with every step.

"This place," Damon began, his voice carrying a rare note of calm, "is one of the few untouched by the chaos of Limbo. It's a place of reflection, both literally and figuratively."

Anawin nodded, The tranquility of the mirrored sea contrasted sharply with the turmoil he felt inside. "Why did you bring me here?" he asked, his voice barely more than a whisper.

He smiled softly, a rare expression for him. “I thought you might like it.”Anawin turned to Damon, his curiosity piqued.

Damon turned to face him, his expression unreadable once again. "And To remind you," he said slowly, "of the balance that exists even in chaos. And to show you that there are places where you can find peace, if you know where to look."

Anawin swallowed, feeling a strange mix of emotions. Damon’s words, though cryptic, carried a sense of truth that resonated with him.

He allowed himself a moment to take in the beauty of the place, feeling a fleeting sense of calm wash over him.

Damon's eyes softened slightly as he watched Anawin. "You should be aware of Darkness, Anawin. Trust is a luxury we can't afford in Limbo. But know that there are pockets of solace, even here."

They walked along the edge of the mirrored sea, their reflections shimmering beneath them.

Anawin felt a sense of peace he hadn’t experienced in a long time. “Do you come here often?” he asked.“Whenever I need to think,” Damon admitted. “It’s one of the few places where I can find some peace.”

Anawin glanced at Damon, surprised by the vulnerability in his voice. “I can see why,” he said softly. “It’s beautiful.”Damon nodded, his gaze distant. “It reminds me that there is more than just surviving. That there’s still something worth fighting for.”

Anawin looked at Damon, feeling a strange connection growing between them. “I never thought you saw things that way.”Damon’s eyes met his, and for a moment, Anawin saw a depth of emotion he hadn’t expected.

“You’d be surprised,” Damon said quietly. “There’s more to me than what you see on the surface.” They sat down by the water, the tranquility of the mirrored sea enveloping them.

Damon reached out and gently took Anawin’s hand, his touch warm and reassuring. “Tell me something about yourself, Anawin. Something you miss from the world outside Limbo.”

Anawin thought for a moment, a wistful look crossing his face. “I miss the stars,” he said softly. “I used to love looking up at the night sky and feeling so small but connected to everything. Here, it feels like the sky is always out of reach. But you took it away from me”

Damon squeezed Anawin’s hand gently. “ My beautiful boy, there are many things you don't understand, But maybe one day.” his utterance had an inner meaning.
At the same time, in the Main Hall, All Might was pacing around, her glow weakened even in the gray of Limbo.

The usual brightness that emanated from her seemed dimmed, not from concern, but from the dark plans she was contemplating.

She paused by the grand window, looking out at the bleak landscape, her mind racing with thoughts of control and power.

The lines of thought on her face were deep, and she couldn’t shake the feeling that Anawin’s recent actions were becoming a problem.

“He's too curious for his own good,” she murmured to herself, a mixture of irritation and cold calculation in her voice.

Just then, the door to the hall creaked open, and a spirit entered, her presence bringing a slight lift to the oppressive atmosphere. “All Might,” she called softly, noticing the intense look on her friend’s face. “Any updates on Anawin?”

All Might turned, her eyes narrowing slightly. “Damon has him under control. But I fear his influence isn’t as strong as we need it to be.”

When he realized, Anawin looked at Damon, surprised by the hope in his words. “Do you really think so?”

“I do.” Damon’s voice was steady and reassuring. “And until then, you have this place.”

Anawin smiled, feeling a sense of peace wash over him. “Thank you, Damon. For bringing me here.”Damon leaned closer, his voice a tender whisper. “You don’t have to thank me, Win. Just remember that you’re not alone And mine.”

A blush crept to his cheeks because of the nickname? Or the word mine? He didn’t even know he used to hate it however... He didn't budge but rather choose to remain silent. Damon smirked and moved his head to front away from Him.

They sat there for a while longer, in silence not the akward type but a beautiful one. As the light began to fade, casting a gentle glow over the mirrored sea, Damon stood up and offered his hand to Anawin.

“Come on,” he said with a smile. “Let’s head back. But remember, whenever you need a moment of peace, you can always find it here. With me.”

Anawin took Damon’s hand, feeling a warmth that had nothing to do with the physical touch. “I will,” he promised.

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