Chapter 5 : Beyond the abyss

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Naive, You are

Obscure, I am

We are bounded

For this Oblivion

Creating reality into Mayhem.

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"You can't escape, Anawin," Damon called out, his voice carrying over the distance between them.

Panic surged through Anawin. He sprinted harder, his feet pounding against the pavement, but his fear made him clumsy.

He stumbled, his legs giving out beneath him. Gasping for breath, he looked back to see Damon still following, unhurried, his eyes gleaming with malevolent amusement.

"Where do you think you're going?" Damon taunted, his voice a dark whisper that seemed to echo in Anawin's mind

Anawin scrambled to his feet, desperation giving him a burst of energy. He bolted down another alley, his breaths ragged and shallow. But no matter how fast he ran, Damon was always just a few steps behind, his smirk never fading.

"You summoned me, Anawin," Damon said, his voice closer now. "You can't run from what you've created.

Anawin's heart raced, his lungs burning as he tried to push himself further. He rounded a corner and collided with a wall, the impact sending him sprawling to the ground. He lay there, dazed and terrified, as Damon approached.

"You belong to me," Damon whispered, crouching down beside Anawin. "You cannot change what has begun."

Anawin's eyes filled with tears. He tried to scream, but his voice was silent. Damon reached out, his cold hand caressing Anawin's cheek.

"Don't fight it," Damon murmured, his touch both soothing and suffocating. "Embrace our bond. Accept your fate."

Anawin shook his head weakly, his body trembling with exhaustion and fear. Damon stood, his presence looming over Anawin.

"Now," Damon said, offering his hand to help Anawin up.

Anawin's mind reeled, but he knew he had no choice. He took Damon's hand, feeling the cold, unylelding gip: as hẹ was pulled to his feet. Together, they walked back to Anawin's room, the weight of their bond heavy in the air.

Anawin lays on the floor, exhaustion weighing him down like lead. The diary, that cursed book, lay within reach. He knew what he had to do.

Summoning every ounce of courage, he grabbed the pen with trembling fingers and opened the diary.

"Write," Damon had said. And now, Anawin would write.

He scrawled Damon's name across the page, the letters jagged and forceful. He poured all his fear, anger, and desperation into each stroke of the pen. As he wrote, he could feel a shift in the air, a change in the very fabric of reality.

Damon's eyes narrowed as he realized what Anawin was doing. "You think you can defy me?" he sneered, his voice dripping with disdain

The diary began to glow, a sinister red light emanating from its pages. The room grew colder, shadows deepening and twisting. A door, crimson and foreboding, appeared on the page, its outline pulsating with dark energy.

Damon's smirk widened into a predatory grin. "You've just sealed your fate, Anawin", he said, grabbing Anawin's hand with a grip like iron.

Anawin tried to pull away, but Damon's strength was overwhelming. With a swift motion, Damon yanked Anawin towards the glowing diary. The world around them blurred and twisted, colors and shapes melding into a chaotic swirl.

Then, everything became still.

Anawin and Damon stood in a vast, desolate landscape. The sky was a sickly gray, and the ground beneath them was a barren wasteland, stretching endlessly in all directions. This was Limbo, Damon's home.

"Welcome to my domain," Damon said, his voice echoing ominously. "Here, I am truly in control."

Anawin looked around, his heart pounding in his chest. The oppressive silence was broken only by the distant whispers of unseen entities The air was thick with a sense of dread and despair.

" huh, You thought writing my name would banish me?" Damon laughed, a cold, mirthless sound. "You only succeeded in bringing us here, where my power is absolute."

Damon moved closer, his eyes glowing with a malevolent light. He caressed Anawin's face with a touch that sent shivers down his spine. "You belong to me now, Anawin," he whispered.

"There is no escape." Anawin tried to speak, to plead for mercy, but his voice was still trapped in the silence that had haunted him since his mother's death, He felt tears streaming down his face, his body trembling with fear and helplessness.

Damon's hand roamed over Anawin's body, his touch both soothing and suffocating. "You cannot fight me," he murmured, his breath hot against Anawin's ear. "Accept your fate, Anawin. Embrace our bond."

Anawin's mind raced, searching for any way to escape this nightmare. But in Limbo, Damon's will was law. Every thought of resistance was met with overwhelming force, every spark of defiance snuffed out by Damon's iron grip.

Damon guided Anawin to a dark, foreboding structure that loomed in the distance. It was. a fortress, its walls lined with the tormented souls of those who had crossed Damon. Anawin could hear their anguished cries, feel their suffering like a physical weight.

"You will stay here, with me," Damon said, his voice a dark caress. "Together, we will create a new reality. One where your pain and anger give me strength, where your dreams and fears are mine to command."

As they walked, the desolation around them seemed to close in, the air heavy with the scent of decay. Anawin could see figures in the distance, twisted and distorted, their forms barely recognizable as human. Their eyes were hollow, their mouths open in silent screams.

Anawin's heart sank as he realized the full extent of his predicament. He was trapped in Limbo a void, an oblivion, bound to Damon by the dark magic of the diary. Every step he took felt heavy, each breath a struggle.

"Look at them," Damon said, gesturing to the tormented souls. "These are the ones who dared to defy me. Do you see now, Anawin? Do you understand the futility of resistance?"

Anawin's eyes filled with tears. He tried to scream, but his voice was silent. Damon reached out, his cold hand caressing Anawin's check.

"Don't fight it," Damon murmured as he creased him "We are one"

Anawin's mind raced, searching for any way to escape this nightmare. But in Limbo, Damon's will was law. Every thought. of resistance was met with overwhelming force, every spark of defiance snuffed out by Damon's iron grip.

Damon guided Anawin to a dark, foreboding structure that loomed in the distance. It was a fortress, Its walls lined with the tormented souls of those who had crossed Damon. Anawin could hear their anguished cries, feel their suffering like a physical weight.

"You will stay here, with me," Damon said, his voice a dark caress. Together, we will create a new reality. One where your pain and anger give me strength, where your dreams and fears are mine to command,"

Anawin's heart sank as he realized the full extent of his predicament. He was trapped in here, bound to Damon in this harrowing of hell.

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