Chapter 29 : Real Mastermind

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Damon sat on a rock beside the waterfall, his fingers lazily tracing patterns in the air as he watched the water cascade down. He had been angry for so long, but now, sitting here with Anawin, he felt… something else. He glanced at Anawin, who was perched beside him, staring out at the water.

“You quiet my storms,” Damon said suddenly, his voice breaking the serene silence between them.

Anawin tilted his head, his golden eyes gleaming in the soft light. “How so?”

Damon shrugged, struggling to find the words. “I’ve lived my entire life with rage burning inside me—against my father, against the world. But here, with you…” He paused, his brow furrowed. “It’s like that fire has died down. You make me feel… safe.”

Anawin reached out, his hand gently brushing against Damon’s. “It’s because you are safe, Damon. You’ve carried the burden of hate for so long. But love,” he said, squeezing Damon’s hand, “love has the power to free you from that.”

Damon turned to face him, his expression softer than it had ever been. “Do you really think it’s that simple? That love can erase years of pain?”

“Not erase,” Anawin replied, his tone thoughtful. “But it can heal. I’ve seen it happen. It can happen for you.”

For a long moment, Damon said nothing. His heart ached with the weight of everything he had been through, but somehow, Anawin’s words were like a balm. “You believe in me more than I believe in myself,” Damon whispered.

Anawin smiled, his gaze never leaving Damon’s. “I believe in you because I know who you are, deep inside.”

Damon’s lips twitched into a small, rare smile. “I don’t deserve you.”

Anawin shook his head gently. “You deserve love, Damon. Never think otherwise.”

They sat there for a long time, the rush of the waterfall surrounding them, as Damon let himself believe, just for a moment, that he could have a life beyond revenge. That with Anawin, he could finally be free.


The celestial council chamber was suffocating, the air thick with tension as Damon stormed inside, his eyes ablaze with fury.

“What do you mean banished?” His voice echoed through the room, filled with disbelief and rage. “For what crime? Loving me? Is that it?”

The head council elder, a towering figure cloaked in shimmering gold, raised his hand for silence, but Damon wasn’t done.

“You can’t take him from me!” Damon’s fists were clenched, his knuckles white. “He’s done nothing but love me. And you call that a crime?”

“Love,” the elder began, his voice calm yet detached, “is not the issue. It is the threat his attachment poses to the balance of the realms.”

Damon let out a bitter laugh. “Balance? What balance? You mean the balance of your power. Don’t fool yourselves into thinking this is about anything but control.”

Another council member, smaller and more frail-looking, spoke up. “Damon, this is not personal. Anawin’s influence—”

“It is personal!” Damon interrupted, his voice shaking. “You’re condemning him for something that should be celebrated. Where is the justice in that?”

Anawin stood in the back of the room, his face serene but his eyes filled with sorrow. “Damon,” he whispered softly, stepping forward. “Please. Don’t fight them.”

Damon turned to face him, his expression torn between fury and helplessness. “How can I not fight, Anawin? They’re taking you from me!”

Anawin closed the distance between them, resting a gentle hand on Damon’s cheek. “I will find my way back to you. This… this isn’t the end.”

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