Chapter 3 : Guiding his Fingers with mine

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Changes For everyone.

But For us,

I will write it

With the precision of

My Dagger.

My Dagger

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He got ready for school, his movements mechanical as he tried to shake off the lingering sense of dread, It felt all vivid yet so transparent.

As he walked into the school building, he sensed the heightened tension in the air. Students were huddled in small groups, whispering anxiously

Anawin made his way to his first class, noticing the fearful glances and hushed conversations that seemed to follow him.

In the classroom, the atmosphere was thick with unease. The teacher stood at the front, trying to maintain a semblance of normalcy, but it was clear something was very wrong.

Anawin took his seat at the back, his heart pounding with a mix of fear and anticipation.

Just as the lesson began, the principal entered the room, his expression grave. He spoke quietly with the teacher before addressing the class.
"Students, I have some very unfortunate news," he said, his woice heavy with sorrow. "Last night, one of your classmates, Perm, was found dead. The circumstances are still under investigation, but it appears to be another tragic incident."

A gasp swept through the room. Chatter started amongst the students. Anawin felt his blood run cold, his mind reeling. Perm was dead? He couldn't believe it. He had written about Perm's fate, but he never thought it would come true.

The rest of the day passed in a blur. Anawin felt as if he was moving through a fog, his thoughts consumed by the chilling realization of what he had done.

He had written about Perm's death, and now Perm was actually dead, The connection was too strong to ignore.

At lunch, Anawin found a quiet corner in the school library. He opened his diary. staring at the words he had written the night before.

He hesitated, his pen hovering over the page. He didn't want to continue, but a part of him felt compelled, as if the diary had will of its own,

"Anawin," a voice interrupted his thoughts. He looked up to see Min standing before him, his expression a mix of anger and fear.

"You did this," Min accused, while his voice trembling with emotion. "First Jikarat, now Perm. What's going on, Anawin? How are you doling this?"

Anawin shook his head vigorously, his heart pounding. He tried to convey his innocence with his eyes, but Min was too agitated to notice.

"I don't know," Anawin thought desperately, but the words wouldn't come out. He felt tears welling up, his fear and guilt overwhelming him.

"Stay away from me," Min warned, his voice breaking. "If I find out you had anything to do with this, you'll regret it."

Min turned and left, leaving Anawin alone with his diary. The fear in Min's eyes was mirrored in his own heart. He knew he had to stop writing, but maybe, the power he felt was intoxicating.

Could his writing truly bring about death? Mind whirlpool with thoughts. He had to test it in a way that wouldn't harm another person.

Anawin saw a little sparrow on the branch of tree infront of the desk he was sitting on through the window. With shaking hands, he opened his diary and began to write:


Damon appeared silently, his eyes fixed on the unsuspecting bird. With swift, precise movements, he grabbed the bird, his grip firm and unyielding The bird struggled, but Damon was relentless. He drew a dagger and, with a single, swift motion, slaughtered the bird, its blood staining his hands.


Anawin closed the diary, his heart racing. He watched the bird for a few moments, expecting something to happen. But the bird continued to peck at the branch, oblivious to the dark fate Anawin had written for it. For the next few hours, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. He began to feel a sense of relief, hoping that perhaps his fears were unfounded.

School ended, and Anawin returned home, his mind still preoccupied with the events of the day.

As he entered his room, a chill ran down his spine. His eyes widened with Fearing Confusion. His body started to shake.

There, on his desk, lay the bird he had written about, its tiny body covered in blood, slaughtered just as he had described

Anawin's breath caught in his throat, and a wave of nausea wash over him.

The reality of his situation crashed down on him with full force. Damon was real. His writing had summoned a devil into this world, and now it was causing real harm.

Desperate and terrified, Anawin knew he had to destroy the diary. He grabbed it and ran to the kitchen, his heart pounding. He found a box of matches in a drawer and stepped outside to the backyard, where the night air was cool and still.

Glancing around to make sure no one was watching he knelt on the ground and opened the diary one last time.

"Damn it, This shouldn't be happened" he thoughts in desperation. He wanted to tell someone. anyone. This was a horror. And he was the one who caused it.

The pages fluttered in the breeze, revealing the chilling words he had written. He hesitated for a moment, feeling a strange attachment to the diary despite the horror it had caused. But he knew what he had to do.

Anawin struck a match, the small flame flickering to life. He brought it close to the diary, but just as he was about to set it on fire, a sudden gust of wind blew out the match.

Anawin frowned, frustration bubbling up inside him. He struck another match shielding it from the wind, and tried again.

This time, as the flame touched the edge of the diary, a strange force seemed to push it away. The pages glowed faintly, and Anawin felt a sharp pain n his hand, as if an invisible barrier was preventing him from burning the book. He dropped the match clutching his hand in pain.

A voice echoed in his mind, cold and relentless. "You cannot destroy me, Anawin. This is Hell Bounded, My beautiful Creator."

Anawin's heart pounded. He tried to scream, to release the terror trapped inside him, but his voice was silent.

Suddenly, the air around him grew colder, and Damon appeared before him, his eyes glowing with a sinister light.

"Anawin", Damon murmured, stepping closer,

"you cannot change what has already begun." Damon's hand moved smoothly, wrapping around Anawin and pulling him close.

His touch was cold, yet it sent a shiver of a different kind through Anawin's body. Damon leaned in, his lips brushing against Anawin's ear.

"You summoned me, and now we are bounded."
Anawin trembled, unable to resist as Damon guided him back to his room softly.

Damon's hands roamed over Anawin's body, tracing patterns of dominance and control leaving no placed untouched by his bandaged fingers.

Anawin felt trapped, his will slipping away as Damon whispered dark promises into his ear.
"You cannot change anything," Damon let's put in a velvety voice, Placing a pen in Anawin's trembling hand.

He kissed Anawin's nape lightly, his hands trailing over Anawin's, guiding him to write. "Now, let's write the fate of Min, Together"

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