Chapter 15 : When two realms meet

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They walked through the peace,

Soon it will cease.

Chaos will befall,

May the conquerors stand tall.

May the conquerors stand tall

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The Mortal Realm

The first light of dawn broke through the canopy of trees, casting a golden hue over the village Elara stood at the edge of the forest, her eyes lifted to the sky as she whispered her morning prayers.

Her heart, filled with devotion and love, reached out to the divine ruler of heaven, a being she had never seen but worshipped with unwavering faith.

One fateful morning, a figure descended from the neavens, bathed in ethereal light. Elara's breath caught in her throat as she beheld him radiant, and majestic.

The ruler of heaven himself stood before her. His voice was like a melody soothing and commanding all at once.

"Elara," he spoke, her name sounding like a sacred chant. "I have heard your prayers, felt your devotion. Your faith has touched my heart.

Elara's eyes brimmed with tears of joy. "My Lord," she whispered, falling to her knees. "You honor me with your presence."

Days turned into weeks, and the ruler of heaven visited Elara often. Their love blossomed in the secrecy of the forest, a bond forged by genuine affection and mutual admiration. Elara believed their love would transcend the boundaries of their worlds.

"I will always be with you, Elara, he promised one night under a sky full of stars. "Our love is eternal."

But soon after Elara conceived their child, the visits ceased. She waited for him, day after day, her heart heavy with hope and fear.

The villagers whispered about her condition, but Elara paid them no mind. She believed he would return, that he would honor his promise

Months later, Damon Cillian was born. Elara cradled him, tears streaming down her face. "You are a gift, My Chil born after a long war of cruelty of judgments", she whispered to her newborn son. "A testament to our love."



ears passed, and Damon grew into a curious and kind-hearted boy. His eyes, a piercing blue like his father's, shone with an otherworldly light.

He was different from the other children, though Elara never explained why. She kept the truth of his lineage a secret, hoping to protect him from the burden of his heritage

One stormy night, when Damon was eight, a group of bullies cornered him near the village square. "You're not like us," one of them sneered "You're a freak."

Fear and anger surged within Damon. The sky darkened, and thunder rumbled ominously Lightning crackled, striking the ground near the bullies, sending them fleeing in terror. Damon stood there, trembling, unsure of what he had done.

Elara found him and took him in her arms. "My son," she said gently, her voice steady despite the fear in her eyes. This is what she never wanted. 
"You have a gift. A power that few possess. But you must be careful. Promise me you'll never use it in anger."

"Mother, what is this. I am scared" Damon replied, his voice small and shaky. But the incident couldn't be hidden.

Rumors of the boy with extraordinary powers spread, reaching the ears of the celestial beings in heaven.

In the Limbo

The surreal tranquility of the mirrored sea faded into the familiar shadows of Limbo, Anawin's mind lingered on the rare moments of peace he had just experienced.

Damon, holding his hand tightly, led him back through the labyrinthine corridors, their footsteps echoing in the silence.

Damon’s grip was firm, almost possessive, as if he feared Anawin might slip away. Anawin felt a mix of emotions—gratitude for the brief respite, confusion at Damon’s sudden tenderness, and a lingering unease about what awaited him back in the confines of Limbo.

Finally, they reached Anawin’s room. Damon pushed the door open and guided Anawin inside, his hand never leaving Anawin’s.

The room, dimly lit by the faint, eerie glow of Limbo, felt colder and more oppressive after the ethereal beauty of the mirrored sea.

Damon released Anawin’s hand but stayed close, his intense gaze fixed on him. Anawin, feeling the weight of Damon’s scrutiny, took a hesitant step back.

“Thank you for taking me there,” Anawin said softly, breaking the silence. “It was... beautiful.”

Damon’s expression softened slightly, a rare hint of vulnerability flickering in his eyes. “I thought you needed a reminder that there’s still beauty, even here.”

Anawin nodded, appreciating the gesture. “It meant a lot to me.”

Damon took a step closer, his demeanor shifting from gentle to intense. “You must understand, Anawin,” he said, his voice low and serious. “You’re mine. No one else can protect you like I can.”

Anawin swallowed hard, feeling the weight of Damon’s words. “I..i,” he replied, his voice trembling slightly. “But why do you care so much?”

Damon’s eyes darkened, and for a moment, Anawin saw a flicker of something deeper, something almost like fear. “Because you remind me of what I used to be. Before all of this.”

Anawin’s heart raced, his mind struggling to comprehend Damon’s admission. “What do you mean?”

Damon’s gaze turned distant, as if he were looking through Anawin rather than at him. “I wasn’t always like this,” he said softly. “There was a time when I believed in something more. But that’s a story for another time.”

He shook his head, as if shaking off unwanted memories, and focused on Anawin again. “Right now, you need to stay safe. Stay close to me, and don’t trust anyone else.”

Anawin nodded, feeling a strange fear for Damon. “ Uh oh.. I will”

Damon’s grip on Anawin’s hand tightened briefly before he released it completely. “Good. Now rest. You’ll need your strength for what’s to come.”

Damon turned to leave, Anawin called out, “Damon, wait.”

Damon paused, looking back at him with a raised eyebrow. “What is it?”

Anawin took a deep breath, gathering his courage. “I... I don’t know what’s happening here, or why I’m so important to you. But I want to understand. I want to know the truth.”

Damon’s expression softened again, a mixture of sadness and resolve in his eyes. “In time, Anawin. For now, just trust me.”

With that, Damon turned and left the room, closing the door behind him. Anawin stood there for a moment, his mind racing with questions and doubts. He somehow felt guilty. But he wasn't the one being held without his wish.

But despite the uncertainty, a small spark of hope flickered within him—a hope that maybe, just maybe, there was more to Damon than the darkness that surrounded them.

As he lay down to rest, Anawin clung to the memory of the mirrored sea and the rare moments of connection he had.

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