Chapter 13 : Making a plan

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Anawin listened intently as Liora spoke, her voice echoing with caution. "First, you need to find other souls who possess building expertise," she advised, her words carrying a weight of urgency. "In Limbo, there are certain places vulnerable to manipulation, places that can be transformed into portals."

Anawin nodded, absorbing Liora's utterance. He knew that finding souls with specific skills would be crucial for their escape plan to succeed. "Thank you, Liora," he said earnestly, grateful for her insight despite the risks involved.

Before Liora could say more, her presence seemed to flicker as she sensed a disturbance. "Dark energy approaches," she warned urgently, her voice fading as if pulled away by an unseen force. "Be cautious, Anawin."

Anawin's heart raced as Liora disappeared, leaving him alone with a heightened sense of vulnerability.

He quickly closed the diary and concealed it once more in its hiding place, his mind racing with thoughts of Damon's increasing suspicion and the urgency of their escape plans.

Just then, as if on cue, the door to his room burst open with a force that made him jump.

Anawin's initial tension eased as he realized it was All Might who had burst into the room, not Damon.

Relief flooded through him, and he managed a small, grateful smile as he met her concerned gaze.

"How are you doing?" All Might asked gently, her eyes scanning Anawin's bruised form on half covered body with worry etched on her face.

Anawin hesitated, unsure how to respond. He knew All Might cared, but revealing the truth about the bruises meant risking exposing their clandestine activities.

He chose to remain silent about the events of the previous night, his mind racing with excuses and deflections.

"I'm okay," Anawin finally managed, his voice barely above a whisper. "Just a bit tired."

All Might's expression softened, though concern still lingered in her eyes. "You shouldn't stay cooped up in here," she suggested, her tone gentle yet firm. "Let me take you to the Main Hall. It'll be good to get out."

Before she could reach out to him, Damon appeared abruptly, and All Might vanished without a trace.

Anawin's heart sank as he faced Damon's intense scrutiny. He knew Damon had noticed someone had been in his room, but he also knew better than to reveal anything voluntarily.

Damon didn't ask questions; instead, he narrowed his eyes thoughtfully. Anawin remained silent, his mind racing with excuses while Damon smirked and looked over him.

The eerie glow of Limbo cast strange shadows across Anawin's partially exposed form, revealing the remnants of bruises and bites.

Anawin, feeling exposed and vulnerable under Damon's gaze, instinctively tried to cover himself.

However, Damon was quicker, grabbing his hand and pulling Anawin closer. Anawin gasped audibly, startled by Damon's sudden closeness.

"Pai!" Anawin exclaimed in surprise and discomfort.

Damon shook his head, his smirk widening slightly. "You're a curious one, aren't you?" he remarked, his voice low and teasing.

Anawin swallowed nervously, unsure how to respond. Damon's unpredictable behavior always kept him on edge, especially now with his recent discoveries.

Anawin's heart raced as he tried to steady himself under Damon's intense gaze. Damon's closeness sent a shiver down his spine, a reminder of the precariousness of their relationship in Limbo.

"You should be more careful, Anawin," Damon murmured, his voice low yet somehow carrying a weight that made Anawin's breath catch. "People are watching, and curiosity can be dangerous."

Anawin nodded, unable to tear his gaze away from Damon's penetrating stare. He knew Damon's words held more than a mere warning-they were a veiled threat, a reminder of the power Damon wielded over him and everyone else in Limbo.

Damon's grip on Anawin's hand tightened slightly, his touch sending a jolt of apprehension through him. "You're mine, Anawin," Damon stated firmly, his voice devoid of any trace of warmth. "Remember that."

Anawin swallowed hard, his mind racing with a mixture of fear and defiance.

He knew Damon's control over their existence in Limbo was absolute, yet a stubborn spark within him refused to surrender completely.

Just as abruptly as Damon had appeared, he released Anawin's hand and straightened up.

His demeanor shifted, becoming aloof and distant once more. "Get dressed, I'll take you out for a walk" Damon ordered tersely, turning to leave the room without another word.

Anawin exhaled slowly, his body trembling with a mixture of relief and lingering unease.

He quickly dressed, his thoughts consumed by the encounter and the ever-present urgency of their escape plan.

As he prepared to leave his room, Anawin glanced once more at the cracked wall where his diary lay hidden.

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