Chapter 18 : Kiss

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Let agony guide,

Must fill the void.

Must fill the void

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Agony twisted into rage, and Damon's heart hardened into an unyielding fortress. His kindness withered, replaced by a burning desire for vengeance.

He despised his father, the ruler who had claimed his mother's devotion only to discard her, and who had torn Damon from the only true love he had known.

In the celestial courts, Damon's demeanor changed. No longer the quiet, obedient son, he became a force to be reckoned with.

His powers grew more formidable, his actions more ruthless. He showed no mercy, his cruelty becoming legendary.

One day, during a council meeting, Damon stood before the assembly of gods.

His eyes blazed with a fury that made even the bravest among them flinch. "You think you are superior," he spat, his voice dripping with contempt. "You think you can look down on me. But you are nothing compared to the pain I've endured."

The ruler of heaven watched his son, his face an inscrutable mask. "You must control your anger, Damon," he said sternly. "It will consume you."

Damon's laughter was cold and bitter. "You speak of control, Father? You, who abandoned my mother and me? You, who drowe her to her death?"

The ruler's expression faltered for a brief moment, a flicker of something like regret crossing his features.

But it was too late. Damon's heart was set on a path of vengeance, and nothing could deter him.

Damon gazed at Anawin, a mix of surprise and curiosity in his eyes. "The Mirror Sea?" he asked, his voice thoughtful. "Are you sure you want to go there?"

Anawin nodded firmly. "Yes, Damon. I feel like it would help clear my mind. And... I want to share that experience with you once again"

Damon smiled softly without hesitation. "Alright, Win. We'll go to the Mirror Sea tomorrow."

The next day, they set out for the Mirror Sea. As they walked, the landscape shifted from the eerie.

The ground beneath their feet transformed into a smooth, reflective surface that mirrored the sky above, creating an illusion of walking on water.

Anawin felt a sense of awe and peace wash over him. He glanced at Damon, who walked beside him with an air of quiet strength. "It's so beautiful," Anawin whispered.

Damon nodded. "It is." But Damon was looking at Anawin as his face was admiring the scene infront.

They continued walking, Anawin felt his emotions welling up inside him.

The tranquility of the Mirror Sea, combined with Damon's presence, brought feelings to the surface that he had been trying to suppress, forgetting the actual reason for why he first approached Damon for.

"Damon," Anawin said softly, stopping in his tracks. Damon turned to face him, his expression curious and concerned.

"What is it, Win?" Damon asked gently.

Anawin took a deep breath, gathering his courage. "I... I need to. I mean. I was trying to..."

Damon waited patiently, his eyes never leaving Anawin's face.

Before he could second-guess himself, Anawin stepped closer and pressed his lips against Damon's in a tender, heartfelt kiss.

For a moment, their heartbeats seemed to stand still. The mirrored surface beneath their feet reflected their intertwined forms, creating a surreal, dreamlike image.

Damon's initial surprise gave way to acceptance as he responded to the kiss, wrapping his arms around Anawin and pulling him closer.

He kissed him slowly, savoring the moment as if Anawin might vanish at any second. He gently sucked on Anawin's bottom lip, drawing a soft moan from his beautiful boy.

Damon's hands roamed up Anawin's back, feeling the warmth and tension in his muscles. Each touch seemed to deepen their connection, making the world around them fade away.

Anawin's fingers threaded through Damon's hair, tugging slightly, as if anchoring himself in this moment.

Their breaths mingled, creating a shared rhythm that was both comforting and exhilarating. Damon broke the kiss slightly, their foreheads resting together as they caught their breath.

The mirrored floor beneath them shimmered, reflecting their shared passion and vulnerability

"Anawin," Damon whispered, his voice filled with a mix of awe and tenderness, "I've never felt this way before."

Anawin smiled, his eyes shining with emotion. "Me neither, Damon. It feels...perfect."

They stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, letting the intensity of their feelings wash over them.

When they finally pulled apart, both were breathless, their hearts pounding.

"Win," Damon whispered, his voice filled with emotion. "I didn't expect this."

Anawin looked into Damon's eyes, feeling a mixture of fear and hope. "I couldn't keep it inside any longer," he admitted. "I care about you, Damon. More than I can put into words."

Damon's gaze softened, and he cupped Anawin's face in his hands. "I care about you too, Win. More than I ever thought possible."

They stood there, surrounded by the serene beauty of the Mirror Sea, their bond deepening with every passing moment.

After a while, Damon took Anawin's hand, and they continued their walk in comfortable silence.

When they returned to the mansion, Anawin felt a renewed sense of purpose. He knew he had to convince Damon to take him to the Main Hall, where the spirit Liora had mentioned awaited.

As they entered the mansion, Anawin turned to Damon, "Damon~"

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