Chapter 4 : Sins of an Innocent

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Nothing to Forgive,

Never Forget,

No remorse,

He was Damon.

Lived beyond,

Nor in Heaven

Or Hell

A limbo.

Cleansing of soul,

Yet, tainted an


Of Sin.

Of Sin

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Suddenly, without warning, Anawin and Damon found themselves in front of Min. The alley was dimly lit, shadows dancing hauntingly on the walls until he was cornered. Min froze, his eyes wide with fear as he saw the dark figures before him.

"Anawin?" Min's volce trembled, recognizing his classmate but unable to comprehend the presence of the sinister figure beside him.

Damon stepped forward, his eyes glowing with a menacing light. "It's time, Anawin," he said softly, his voice dripping with malevolence.

"Show him no mercy." Anawin's hand moved as if possessed, gripping a dagger that appeared from the shadows. He tried to resist, his mind screaming for him to stop, but Damon's influence was too strong.

Damon's hand guided Anawin's, and together, they advanced towards Min. The air was thick with tension, each step echoing ominously in the alley.

"Please, Anawin, don't do this!" Min pleaded, backing away until he was pressed against the cold, unforgiving wall.

Anawin's eyes were filled with tears, his body shaking uncontrollably. But he couldn't stop. Damon whispered dark promises into his ear, his breath hot against Anawin's skin. "You must," Damon insisted. There was no escape.

Damon's grip tightened around Anawin's hand, forcing him to raise the dagger, With a swift, brutal motion, Anawin plunged the blade into Min's side.

Min screamed in agony, the sound echoing through the empty alley.

"So Good," Damon purred, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "But we're not finished yet."

Anawin pulled the dagger out, blood dripping from the blade. Min staggered, clutching his wound, his face contorted in pain.

"You De-mon. There will be no pla-ce for you in Hea-ven!" In his struggled breathing Min let's out.

Damon moved with cold precision, his own blade flashing in the dim light as he slashed Min's arms, rendering him defenseless.

"Oh Boy, I will take him to my home. A place where is no Heaven or Hell" Damon utterance made Anawin's spine ran with painful electric shock.

"Plea—se, stop!" Min gasped, his voice choked with terror and pain, Blood flowed freely from his wounds, staining the ground beneath him.

"Help me! SOMEON—E"

Anawin's tears mingled with the blood, but he couldn't stop. Damon's influence was too strong. He felt a sick sense of power as he drove the dagger into Min's chest, the blade sinking deep into flesh carving it like an art.

"Please Damon Please don't do this!" Anawin's mind raced as he tried to convey.

Min's eyes rolled back, his body convulsing as he struggled to breathe. Damon's laughter echoed in Anawin's mind, filling him with dread. "Finish it", Damon commanded, his voice a cruel whisper.

with Damon's hands guiding his, Anawin drew the blade across Min's throat in a final, merciless act. Blood sprayed out, warm and sticky, covering Anawin and Damon in a gruesome testament to their dark deed.

Min's body slumped to the ground, lifeless eyes staring into nothingness. Anawin staggered back, the dagger slipping from his bloodied hands.

The weight of what he had done. crashed down on him, his mind reeling from the horror,
Damon stepped closer, a satisfied smile on his lips, "You did well, Anawin," he murmured, his voice a dark caress. "We are truly one now."

Anawin's vision blurred, his strength fading as the reality of his actions overwhelmed him.

The world spun, and with a final, desperate gasp, he fainted, collapsing into the blood-soaked alley.

The last thing he heard was Damon's triumphant laughter echoing in the darkness.
Anawin eyes shot open, he woke up in his room, drenched in sweat and confusion, The previous night's events replayed in his mind like a horrifying nightmare.

"Oh God, what have I done" He sat up, gasping for breath, the sensation of blood on his hands still engraved in his memory.

"This is real. Why the hell it is real!" He tried to pinch his body as if this was all dream and he would wake up from the reality. But he could feel the pain. His gazes moved toward the back.

The diary lay on his desk, its dark energy making Anawin's skin crawl, He knew it was real. Min was dead, and he had been the instrument of his death,

Anawin's heart raced as he stumbled out of bed, his legs weak and unsteady. He had to see for himself, Dressing quickly, he left his house and made his way to the alley.

The sun was barely rising, casting long shadows across the town. Anawin's steps were hurried and frantic, his mind a storm of guilt as terror within, he approached the alley.

he saw the flashing lights of police cars and the grim faces of officers.

Min's body was still there, covered now with a sheet, but the pool of blood around him was a stark reminder of the brutality that had taken place.

Anawin felt his stomach churn, bile rising in his throat. He couldn't bear to look, yet he couldn't turn away.

"Hey, you! What are you doing here?" an officer called out, noticing Anawin standing frozen at the entrance of the alley.

Anawin couldn't answer, His voice trapped the silent scream that had become his existence.
He turned and fled, tears streaming down his face.

He ran aimlessly, his heart pounding, trying to escape the horror that pursued him.

But as he ran, he sensed something behind him. Turning, he saw Damon walking leisurely, a sinister smirk on his face.

"You can't escape, Anawin," Damon called out, his voice carrying over the distance between them.

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