Chapter 19 : Feel the way, Its Burning (16+)

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Show me how you feel,

Fill me with your feel,

Let me fall For your feel,

Gosh, Engulf me in your feel.

Gosh, Engulf me in your feel

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As they entered the mansion, Anawin turned to Damon, "Damon~"

Anawin's cheeks were tinted a deep red, his eyes sparkling. His lips parted as he called out to Damon with the sweetest voice.

Damon tilted his head, his eyes widening at the sight of Anawin before him.

Slowly, Anawin approached, his hand reaching for Damon's head from behind. He looked at him with longing.

Damon mirrored Anawin's movement, their heads touching gently.

"Win," Damon breathed, closing his eyes.
Anawin had never felt this way before. The warmth was new to him, enveloping him in a comforting embrace

Suddenly, he kissed Damon, his heart racing with excitement. His hands cradled Damon's head, securing their position, while Damon's hands held him firmly by the waist.

Their kiss was urgent, every part of their mouths exploring each other.

Anawin opened his mouth wider, allowing Damon's tongue to delve deeper. It was hot inside, as Damon explored every inch.

Saliva started to drip from the side of Anawin's mouth, and all he could do was moan into Damon's mouth.
All Might stood before the portal, the ball of blue hue shimmering with an otherworldly energy just at the bottom.

She extended her hand, attempting to pass through, but the portal's energy surged and violently repelled her, sending a shockwave that made her stumble back.

Her face twisted in frustration and fury. "When will I bloody cross it?" she hissed, her voice cutting through the silence like a blade.

Pacing back and forth, she tried to compose herself, but her impatience grew with every passing second.

She stopped abruptly, her eyes narrowing as she summoned the spirit with a sharp command. "Spirit! Show yourself!"

In an instant, a wispy, ethereal figure materialized before her, bowing its head in submission. "Yes, All Might?" the spirit intoned, its voice trembling slightly.

"Why hasn't Anawin came here yet?" All Might demanded, her tone icy and authoritative. "I was promised he would be here by now."

The spirit flickered, its form wavering as if it could barely withstand the force of All Might's anger. "All Might, these things take time. Anawin is cautious, and Damon is always with him. We must proceed carefully to avoid suspicion."

All Might's eyes blazed with fury, and she took a menacing step toward the spirit, her presence towering and oppressive. "Time? I don't have time!" she snarled, her voice echoing with a dark, otherworldly resonance. "If you do not hurry this along, I will consume your soul myself!"

The spirit recoiled, its form shrinking and quivering with fear. "Please, All Might, I am doing everything I can. But Anawin is wary. He knows the danger of being discovered."

All Might's patience snapped like a frayed wire. She lunged forward, her hand outstretched as if to grasp the spirit's very essence. "Then make him less wary!" she roared, her voice filled with a primal, terrifying power. "Use whatever means necessary to get him here, or you will face my wrath!"

The spirit nodded frantically, its entire form shivering. "Yes, All Might. I will expedite the process. I swear it. Please, just grant me a little more time."

All Might's eyes narrowed to slits, her breath coming in harsh, ragged bursts as she fought to control her seething rage. "Fine," she spat, her voice a low, dangerous growl. "But this is your final warning. Fail me, and you will suffer a fate worse than death."

The spirit vanished in a flash, leaving All Might alone before the portal. Her fists clenched tightly, her nails digging into her palms as she stared at the shimmering barrier with burning hatred.

The balance of power was precarious, and she would not be denied her rightful dominion.

"I will crush any obstacles in thr path, and soon, the entirety of Limbo and all domains would bow to my will. Wait for me the king" she whispered to herself  and With a final, venomous glance at the portal, All Might turned and stormed away.
Anawin and Damon were inside of Anawins room. Anawin was sitting on Damon's Lap as he was kissing while. Damon's Hand roamed on his back and bottom. Slowly groping it as he earned a moan.

"Damon." He kissed

Anawin and Damon were inside Anawin's room. Anawin was sitting on Damon's lap as he kissed him, Damon's hand roaming over Anawin's back and bottom, slowly groping as he earned a moan

"Damon," Anawin murmured, kissing his jaw slowly.

"My creator, tell me, what do you need?" Damon asked, giving Anawin more space to kiss his neck and jaw.

Anawin's breath hitched as he felt Damon's Vibration of his voice. travel lower, to his spine.

He shifted slightly, pressing closer against Damon.

"I need you," Anawin whispered, his voice trembling with desire. "I need you more than ever." His buldge was tightening around the fabric. Damon felt it on his abdomen.

His eyes darkened with intensity. "You have me," he replied, his voice low and reassuring. "You always have me."

Anawin's fingers tangled in Damon's hair, pulling him closer. "Then show me," he breathed, his lips brushing against Damon's ear. "Show me how much I mean to you."

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