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🎧 Crossroads ★ Gfriend

Ever since the other day between Jiseok and Seungmin, things have been awkward between them.

For the first time ever, the six boys were together in a place outside of school. They were in Gunil's basement, for their first official band practice.

Seungmin had to drag Hyeongjun over, to watch. He mostly brought him along not only since he wanted another friend with him, but also cause he wanted to talk to one of the guitarists.

Now the tensions between Jiseok and Seungmin were immediately picked up by Jungsu. It only took a couple more minutes for Gunil to realise as well. Jooyeon was way too busy admiring his boyfriend to realise anything wrong.

That was until the two had to face them, now everyone could tell that something was most definitely wrong.

Jooyeon couldn't help but ask about what was happening. Now that, it was a huge mistake. In the future, he'd come to regret it.

"What did you do Seungmin?" Another reason for his huge regret would be the way he formulated the question. The boy looked almost offended hearing his name.

"Why is it always my fault!" He exclaimed angrily, Jooyeon looked at him and bit his lip. The boys knew that there would be a long rant incoming soon enough.

"What did you do Seungmin, why are you here Seungmin, why are you gay Seungmin" He continued, mocking the people who have already asked him questions like that.

"Well I dunno, ask Jiseok, my parents and Hyeongjun!" He said, the last boy mentioned looked confused, he didn't understand why his name was called. Jungsu and Gunil looked at each other.

Seungmin pushed past those in front of him, just as he was about to leave. He turned around to say one last thing.

"Jiseok kissed me without my consent by the way" He slammed the door behind him. He started walking away, he could hear two distinct voices calling his name.

They ran after Seungmin and finally caught up to him. Gunil wrapped his arms around his shoulders to make him stop. Hyeongjun walked in front of him to make him stop.

He simply slid down to break away from Gunil's hug and went to the left of Hyeongjun to avoid him. His name was called again.

Hyeongjun stopped him, he put his hands on his shoulder and torso. Seungmin felt his heart starting to beat faster, a blush appeared on his face, slowly but it was very present.

Gunil watched the two, quietly snickering at them. Now obviously, Seungmin's feelings were very visible at this moment. But Hyeongjun didn't quite feel like his normal self. He felt some butterflies in his stomach flying around. He hated this quite a lot and just wanted it to stop. On the other hand, Seungmin never wanted it to end.

"Where's Jungsu-hyung?" Seungmin asked, he felt slightly heartbroken that his best friend wasn't there when he needed him.

"He said you were way too immature, so he's staying there" Gunil explained, knowing that Seungmin would've loved having him here.

Seungmin rolled his eyes when hearing the lame excuse his friend had come up with. He continued walking after realising that Jungsu wouldn't go to see him. Yet Gunil and Hyeongjun stayed with him, trying to reason with him. Well, it was mostly the elder, Hyeongjun just nodded from time to time to add to his point.

After around fifteen minutes of trying to get him to come back, they knew it was useless. Gunil bid him goodbye and walked away. Hyeongjun stayed with him a while longer, just talking. Not about what happened or his outburst. Just about unrelated things.

"Here you go." He put the keys in the palm of the older boy's hand before leaving him alone. A soft smile rested on Seungmin's lips for a couple of seconds. He stared at the keys for a short while,

"T-thank you" He replied although Hyeongjun was already out of earshot. He didn't know why this simple interaction made him so flustered. It was just a key. Some basic physical contact. But that's it. When replaying the scene in his head, he realised that it was the smile that Hyeongjun had on his face that made him so... In love..?



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-Jude out!


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