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"if there's a point to being good, then where's my reward? the good die young and poor, i gave it all i could."

march 19th, 2022.

SHE WAKES UP TO THE FAINT SOUND OF BEEPING. It bothers her. She slowly opens her eyes to reveal the extremely bright lights above her of a hospital bedroom that her head is screaming at her for looking directly towards. She squeezes her eyes shut again so she doesn't have to look at it. At some point, the light goes dim, so he opens her eyes again. A soft voice is asking her questions but she doesn't know who it is because things are a little muffled at the moment. She looks around and tries to sit up, but someone tells her not to, so she stays put.

"We thought you died. Straight up." It's Bek to her left, she's standing over her with her arms crossed and a worried but not too worried facial expression. "The doctor says you were playing for weeks with your head all fucked up and the puck to the head was the breaking point for you. She says you're not likely to play again."

Cameron is a little confused as to what's happening at the moment, she has no recollection of what actually happened. "What?"

"Yeah." Bek says sympathetically, reaching out to put a gentle hand to her arm. "Do you remember what happened?"

"No. Not really."

"Jamie turned the puck over. One thing led to another and you ended up blocking an 80 mile per hour slap shot with your head. You went down pretty hard, none of us could skate to you in time to make sure your head didn't hit the ice. It happened pretty fast. You weren't moving. Your head bounced on the ice probably two times before you went completely still."

Oh okay. That's cool.

"Oh. So I have another concussion?"

"Worse than that. You can't play hockey ever again. It's not likely, like I said."

"Are you serious?"

"It's too much of a risk is what Coach and the doctor said. When you're out of here they're gonna make you do a press conference and all when we get back to Boston." Cameron was so sick of people making choices for her, but this was probably for the best. She probably— definitely would've been fine if she didn't take that puck to the head. But it was also her choice to play like that, but she didn't think it was serious, she thought it was all stress related and that it'd go away once the season was over. "I tried to tell them to wait for you to wake up but then your dad showed up and it was out of my control."

That makes a lot more sense. Cameron couldn't even make her own decisions at 20 years old. "Thanks for trying." Are the only words that come out of her mouth as she tries to process everything all at once.

"Do you want me to go get your parents?"

"No. That's the last thing I need right now. I don't want to hear from them."

"They're worried."

"I don't care. I don't want to see them right now."

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